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JD - Hello everyone - happy Pet Pride!Max - Pet Pride is our favourite meme and is wonderfully hosted by Bozo - please go over and check out all the fun!JD - For our Pet Pride entry this week we want to share with you one of our favourite games - it would appear to also be a pass time that our first love, the beautiful Sasha, also enjoys.Max - We love playing in the long grass - sure, it means we have to have our paws checked out and have a thorough brush after each walk, but we feel it is well worth it!JD - Look - here is a photo that the gorgeous Sasha posted last week of her making her way through the grasses....
Max - ....and here is a photo of JD doing the same! It could almost be the same field couldn't it? We like to imagine that when we're playing Sasha will suddenly appear out of the grasses and the three of us will have so much fun romping around together!JD - We so love to play chase - and our humans really enjoy watching us having fun too, so it's 'win-win' all round!Max - Often we'll start our game with a 'face-off'!!JD - And then the chasing begins!!
Max - Can't catch me, can't catch me!JD - Wheeeee!JD - Hmm, where's Max gone, I can't see him....JD - Hey - where did the long grass go?!JD - Ah, here it is - that's better.....wheeeeee!!
Max - He he he - I've broken cover, gotta find the long grass again....
Max - Hey - neat! I've found a stick! Hope female human doesn't see me or she'll take it off me.....*chew, chew!*
JD - I'm rather proud of this next photo! Unfortunately we haven't been able to edit it so it's a bit small, but I love how I appear to have just levitated out of the grass, he he he!
JD - Phew, that was an exhausting game of chase, time for a pit-stop I feel!
Max - *Slurp, slurp, slurp!!* Join in the fun at Pet Pride....
JD - Hi everyone! Yesterday was SUCH a great day!
Max - For today's 'Tummy Tickle Tuesday' post I'm sending a plea out to all my bloggie pals out there for advice and guidance!! As the weather here is changing and it's getting colder we're starting to snuggle under warm blankies. But what's a pup to do when he's snug under a blanket AND he wants a tummy tickle? As you can see below I have 'assumed he position' but as my tummy is covered no tickle is forthcoming from female human - gasp!Exhibit A - a tickle-less tummy lies beneath the blanket.... Max - If any pup out there has any suggestions of how to overcome this serious dilemma it would be most appreciated.JD - *Rolls eyes!* Oh brother!!!!
JD - We wanted to do a happy post where we could share with our bloggie pals something that we're thankful for.
Max - Yup! We know that 'Thankful Thursday' is something that a few other blog pawticipants do - we thought it was a very nice idea so we thought we'd take a break from our busy schedule and give it a try too!
JD - "Leggo of the tug toy Max - we need to concentrate on Thankful Thursday!"
JD - So - we want to dedicate this post to our good blog pals - Fatty and Ally! Oh yes, and their humans too, he he he!
Max - Fatty and Ally are two very pretty little Schnauzer sisters who have a really stylish and fun blog.
Ally and Fatty show off their new car!
JD - They have a wicked sense of humour - their blog postings always make us giggle!
Max - But the reason that we're singling them out for our "Thankful Thursday" is because of what great friends they are! About a year ago our humans booked a holiday to Kuala Lumpur for February 2010 - it was because their local airport had just started doing trips to this part of the World and were offering really good value flights.
JD - Our humans tell us that flying from a local airport 'makes all the difference' - we can't comment as hadn't realised that our humans could fly! Wow - they kept that quiet!
Max - We're kind of in shock about that news! Anyway, they booked this flight - and the reason it was booked so far into the future was because female human had just taken redundancy from her old job so didn't want to travel until she had sorted a few things out - like getting a new (and better!) local job and getting us, which she has now done!
JD - Anyway, earlier on this year we all got to know Fatty and Ally through their wonderful blog. And - wow! - Fatty and Ally also live in Kuala Lumpur!
Ally looks a bit fed up with the flashy box, whilst Fatty hams it up!!
Max - We let Fatty and Ally know that our humans were going to be visiting and that they would love to meet up if the chance arose!
JD - And do you know what Fatty and Ally did when they heard this? They went out and took loads of amazing photographs and started to produce several tailor-made travel guides, just for our humans! For example - our humans told Fatty and Ally what hotel they had booked and Fatty took her daddy out to the actual hotel and took pictures of it so that they could get a feel for it!!
Max - Isn't that simply amazing?! Our humans have been blown away by their kindness - and are now even MORE excited about visiting! So far these gorgeous girls have published not one, not two, but THREE travel guides, JUST for our humans!
Ally and Fatty and their wonderful humans. Hey - we've just noticed - is Ally always on the left and Fatty always on the right in their group photos....?!
JD - Fatty has been so busy! She's been mentioning places to visit that our humans weren't even aware of! They're so excited!
Max - We wish our humans could visit ALL our bloggie pals, but they tell us that unless their local airport starts doing bargain flights to all the local towns of our pals it's basically not going to happen.....sigh!
JD - We wanted to say thank you Fatty and Ally - we're very thankful we found your blog and we're very thankful that you're our friends - we think you and your humans are wonderful!
Max - If you haven't visited Fatty and Ally yet you're missing a real treat - please do pay them a visit and let them know that JD and Max think they're brilliant!
JD - Hey, we like this 'Thankful Thursday' malarkey - we think we might do it again soon!
JD - The gorgeous Sasha posted a 'Tummy Tickle Tuesday' earlier today - and we were so taken with this idea that we thought we'd join in....Max - So - here's a picture of me me asking - "Hey - I'm here! I've assumed the position! So come on - where's my tummy tickle?!"Max - Ahhh, that's better - there it is!!JD - Great idea for a post Sasha! We'd like to apologise for not leaving messages on everyone's blogs for a while. As you know we've been without Internet access but when we got it back female human was a bit unwell.Max - Something called a migraine - she's had to be in a dark room as lights hurt her eyes, so obviously looking at a PC screen obviously wasn't the best idea.JD - Hey, did you know - when humans throw up they don't try to eat it? Aren't they weird?!Max - Anyway - now she's getting better we're going to visit all your blogs today as we've been simply dying to know what all our pals have been getting up to!!JD - Bye everyone - we'll be dropping by soon!!
JD - Hi everyone! Happy Pet Pride Sunday! We're so pleased that a little earlier today we discovered our broadband connection had suddenly lurched back into life...Max - We kept checking to see if it was working....JD -"Hey - human! Is the 'pooter connected yet?"
JD - ....and finally, today, it did!Max - So, without further ado, we'd like to wish a belated happy birthday to the gorgeous, the wonderful, the intelligent and beautiful Sasha...JD - Sasha - wistful sigh!!Max - We're sorry we couldn't do this post on your actual birthday Sasha - stoopid Internet! - but we hope you were spoiled to within an inch of your life and received piles and piles of pressies!Happy Birthday Sasha - we hope you had fun! JD - We're so mifffed that our little gifts to you (and Oskar and Ruby and Penny) are STILL in transit - bloomin' post!Max - So we decided to give you a small 'sneak peak' of one of the items that will - eventually and hopefully! - arrive with you very soon! JD - Here is a snapshot of us modelling it for you! The photo is a bit dark we're afraid, but at least you can see ONE of the things you'll be getting - it's a comfy, schnauzer-specific pillow!All this plump comfiness will soon be yours - he he he! - at least we darn well hope so, if those snails and fishes EVER get a shift on and deliver your parcel!!
Max - We thought a beautiful, fragile little puppy such as yourself could never have enough soft cushions around to sink her delicate little head into!JD - We're now off to check on all your blogs - oooh, we've missed you all!Max - We really have - and we hope you've all had a great weekend! Join in the fun at Pet Pride....