JD - Hi everyone - we're currently working on a new project and we'd like your help!Max - A while back we mentioned to Frankie and The Slimmer Pugs that we were thinking of setting up a site dedicated to hosting auctions for pups or kitties in need and we're now ready to start doing it!JD - We're gonna set it up in
WordPress as
FH found a neat little app that should allow us to host the auctions more professionally and more easily than we have been doing in Blogger (well, it will do once
FH figures out how to use
WordPress and the app - he he he!)
We need to give FH a chance to get used to WordPress - humans aren't the brightest species after all, he he he! Max - But before we set everything up we'd like everyone to help us choose a name for the site - we can't set it up without a good and appropriate name! JD - We also want to use this site for raffles, for uplifting stories (such as Shelby!) and possibly even to request help for transport runs and to help find lost dogs/kitties and foster homes - we need to see how it all comes together.
Max - So please consider these things when thinking about a name for this site. Our FH is not very imaginative and could only think of 'Power of Paw Auctions' or POPA for short, so this is where you come in!
We'd love this project to become a 'coast to coast' thing with pups and kits from all around the world coming together to help those who need it! So here's us on one coast waiting for other coasts to gear up for it!JD - What we need all you good pups and kits of
Blogville to do is to suggest a name for the site in the comments section of this post by 21st January and we will then put your suggestions up for everyone to vote on over the weekend of 22/23rd January - the popular vote gets it!
Max - We plan to have the site up and running by end February (this will give FH a few weeks to work on it) and our current plan is to host a fun 'launch' for it over the last weekend in February with a competition, a raffle and a few guest bloggers providing us with some inspirational stories.
JD - We aim for our first auction to be an Easter one - who the auctions will be for will be
deccided upon by all you pups and kits of
Blogville - this really will be a community effort!
We're very excited about this - we hope you are too! Max - So get your thinking caps on everyone and start leaving those name suggestions now!