The family in the flat below are burning incense on their doorstep and along the small village streets children are running around and shouting happily as they play football - this is the Egypt I love so much.
The Egypt I DON'T love so much hasn't surfaced yet - although it's hotter than usual for the time of year I've managed to stay out of the uncomfortable heat and amazingly I've only got one mozzie bite so far - I've usually got over 30 by day 2 so those ankle and wrist straps I'm using this time round actually seem to be working for a change! It's good to be back and I'm very, very relaxed!
I first came to Egypt in 1999 - it was a birthday present from my husband for turning 30. Like most people I was fascinated by the history and wanted to witness some of its splendour first hand - I didn't realise I'd fall so hard for the people and - well, let's face it - the FOOD too!! We've been back almost every year since and in 2005 finally got ourselves a little flat overlooking the Nile in the middle of an Egyptian village. We have made many good friends here - the family below look after our flat when we're not here and when we are here the meals they cook for us are truly spectacular! Egyptian hospitality really is amazing - when they say 'pop in anytime' they actually mean it - when I say it I'm usually just being polite, he he he.....!!!
We really miss the boys - in the evenings what I wouldn't give for a schnauzer snuggle! But they ran into the kennels without so much as a backwards glance - they really seem to enjoy it there which is really good. They'll be very pleased to see so much interest in their 'bootie-licious' competition - thank you so much to everyone who has either entered or posted a link to it, I can't wait to go through all the entries with the boys and then show them to Santa & Minnie and Nellie & Calvert! And - isn't this wonderful - Groucho (the inspiration behind it all!) has sent everyone a good luck message which we're posting below....(click to biggify!!!)
Right, well, I'm off now as me and hubby are off to go quad biking in the desert - woo-woo! We'll post photos of Bertie at some landmarks soon and if I get a chance I'll visit some blogs, but I might not get a chance as I'm finding out that relaxing is quite a time-consuming pass time, he he!
Wow, what a nice surprise! Have fun and enjoy this magical place!
your pal,
i can't believe this post. going to go read it again--specially the part about owning a flat in Egypt
On a wet miserable and very cold day in Dublin, that was a real tonic to read! The photos are fab - Luxor is a place I have always wanted to experience.
Can't wait for your next update and more photos.
Enjoy every second!
take care
Murray's Mom
what a pretty place :3
El'bow and Hauwii
We have missed you and have been waiting for this post. Can't wait for your next post with more pictures.
Have fun and enjoy!!
The view from your roof is amazing!
Thanks so much for the beautiful post!
What a view my dear friend!
Egypt!!! So far away!Magnificent trip!
Enjoy it and thanks for sharing these pictures so beautiful!
Mommy Léia and little Luna
Dear Female Human
It is animal cruelty to inflict such wonderful scenes on our poor selves sitting here listening to the rain, BOL!
Those photos are wonderful and it sounds incredible in Egypt, we are glad the boys enjoy their visit to the kennels, the people must be really nice there.
Wags and kisses, Dinah, Bridget and Elliot xx
ps, we will enter the contest when mother finally gets her bootie into gear!
What lovely views! Sounds like you're having a great time. We're really enjoying your post coz Paul had a great holiday in Egypt with his brother when he was younger - really bringing back the memories. I've never been and would really like to one day! :-)
The view is great....maybe we should consider going to Egypt for our next holiday destination :)
Adeline aka Cobi mummy
Thanks for sharing your fun trip. The photos are so beautiful, especially the sunsets.
Woos, the OP Pack
I wish I was there.....
Have fun and enjoy
Anya :)
Tank woo fur sharing!
Wow, a flat in Egypt. My mom person has always dreamed of being able to go there. Enjoy!
What a wonderful holiday. Please keep showing us these great pictures and telling us about the lovely friendly people. It's the only way to break down barriers of prejudice, I think.
What a lovley holiday destination. Please, please keep showing us photos and telling us about the friendly people. I never hear positive things about Egypt (only bad news gets into the media).
By the way, could you explain a bit more about the anti-mozzie wristbands?
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