Max - We've had a little trouble with our Internet again today so we only just managed to get our mirror image Monday posted in time! He's another photo of me being extremely handsome.....
JD - Ahem - whilst my rather big-headed little brother is busy admiring his reflection I decided to do an arty and atmospheric post for Mirror Image Monday - what do you think....
JD - Sunset over Clacton pier - me and my bro' had had an excellent romp on the beach and in this shot we were winding our way home, tired and happy - perfect end to a perfect day!
Perfect pictures!
We particularly love that last shot!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
That is a good mirror image post. Great reflection of a handsome boy...hehehe...and the sunset scene is just beautiful.
awwwww u two looks so good...
Great photos!!!
Ooh, those photos are just gorgeous! I especially liked the sunset one at the could go on a postcard! *grins*
Ahhh are handsome indeed, and I LOVED your poem! :) JD, your picture was WONDERFUL too....the light and the reflections were amazing!
We dont likethe beach ( water 0 but it is so ncie to see you guys enjoying your walk.
Jasper & Lily
Just found out you were in KL recently missed out the party :( Were Max and JD here as well?
hello jd and max its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar both verry handsum!!! just watch owt for that dog in the water i think he is planning sumthing!!! ok bye
that is so beautiful! we loved the puddle puddle chant to--hehehe
Pawsome pics!
Hugs, Tessa
Ooh - that "Mirror Image Max" is a very cool picture! :-)
BUt I do like that beautiful, arty shot too - love the colours! Hsin-Yi says that's the kind of thing you could frame and put on the wall!
Honey the Great Dane
What GREAT pikhs!
Thanks so much fur sharing!
WONDERFUL reflections shots :-)
Or its also a mirror !!!
Nice to see you walk by the water
looks really cool .....
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Wonderful shot of Clacton pier.
HANDSOME is the word of the day boys! You got it...from head to tail..hee hee
Nice shot with the mom/person is going to have to do that one..does one reflect in the bathtub! hee hee mom/person is always making those AWWW OOOH sounds whenever she sees your pics.
Paws UP!
GUS (mom needs your home address)
You are 2 stunning boys. Of course it can't be helped being that you're schnauzers!!
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