JD - Zzzzzzz.....
Max - JD! JD! Wake UP!
JD - Eh, whassat Max - *yawn!*
Max - You're jet-lagged again bro' - you been jetting off over that pond again?
JD - Well, you know how it is Max. Now that I'm a member of Cesar Millan's pack I need to split my time between here and the US....
Max - Wow!
JD - He he - not really! Our humans went gadding off to the O2 again last night....
Max - ....but this time we didn't mind as they were off to attend a seminar given by our hero - the amazing Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. In the programme was a great photo with the family and some of their pack members, one of them being a JD look-alike!
JD - We 'heart' Cesar Millan! After all, he trains humans and not dogs - quite right too, some of you humans could use a bit more training if you don't me saying, he he he!
Max - Yeah - we know you're simple creatures but really, with a bit of application and reinforcement we're sure that some of you could learn a few simple tricks in time - snigger!
JD - The humans really loved the seminar and said that they learned a lot.
Max - Sadly, Cesar's lovely right-hand-dog, Daddy, went to the Rainbow Bridge on 19th February and Cesar did get quite emotional about this at one point, meaning the show had to cut to a video section.
JD - Anyway, the human's enjoyed the show BUT not so much their journey home from London.
Max - They got to Stratford station - where everything will be happening in 2012 for the Olympics! - to find that 10 minutes earlier someone had flung themselves under a train meaning that, because it was so late at night, ALL remaining trains for the night were cancelled!
JD - They were stranded, with a 70 mile journey to make back home - yikes! We'd had a lovely puppy-sitter earlier in the evening but were now waiting for them home-alone so they knew they had to get back to us. It cost them a £120 taxi fares to get home - there was no other option for them. Wow - that was an expensive evening!
Max - FH bought herself a nice t-shirt from the show.....
JD - ....and she also bought a lovely 'pack-leader' t-shirt for me! Look, isn't it lovely...
FH - Er - JD.....
JD - Yes FH?
FH - Uh - oh, nothing......
JD - Thought not, he he he!
Max - Before we sign-off we just want to mention - you remember the cheese sprinkles that our good pals Fatty and Ally got for us....
JD - Well, they are SUPER nummy! Here are a few snapshots of us eating a kibble snack with cheese sprinkles!
Max - Thank you Fatty and Ally - we love the cheese sprinkles!
Please sign our guest book - (insert your blog address in your message so that we can contact you!)
Thursday, 4 March 2010
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That must be interesting, attending the Cesar Millan seminar. You two are lucky, now your humans are better trained and it should be easier for you two to handle them...hehe...
Ooh - Hsin-Yi is very jealous - she would have loved to attend the seminar too! But she is not jealous about the London traffic & public transport - that is one thing my humans don't miss about the UK at all!!!!!
Hsin-Yi thinks Cesar Millan talks a lot of common sense and is good for being blunt with humans who are being silly and humanising their dogs and making excuses for them - although she does not always agree with all this methods (well, they work very well for him coz he is such a great trainer and a natural with dogs but can be a bit dangerous if tried by a less experienced member of the public!)
If your humans haven't got his books "Cesar's Way" and "Leader of the Pack" yet, Hsin-Yi recommends them as interesting reads - although again, she doesn't agree with everything in them but overall, they are good, common sense book. Mainly, she does not believe that giving more and more exercise solves everything - unless that "exercise" is given in the form of training & interactive games with humans. Just jogging and stuff just builds stamina and us doggies always build it faster than our humans!
But she does agree with him about discipline & boundaries being important and that it shouldn't be a "dirty word" like it has become with the 'purely positive trainers' who think you can't ever say "No" to your dog because it might damage them emotionally!! (roll eyes!) Hsin-Yi says either extremes are not good! Real, everyday life dog training is about using practical methods, finding a balance and using common sense - not emotional, anthropomorphism! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Nice to see woo two...
We dont't think much of CM but then again, I am a Siberian!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
That is so cool that your humans got to go catch a Cesar Millan seminar! Mom watched the first season of The Dog Whisperer too and she found it very interesting indeed...I wonder if he will be making a pitstop in Asia too. Mom could use some tips on the human training too, in my opinion...heh!
Oh my Dog!!!! Your parents are soooo lucky to go and see Cesar Milan, our mum totally idolises him.
We were so sad to hear about Daddy, he must have been the nicest pit bull ever.
Enjoy your nom noms.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
That Ceasar dude has a magic touch, no doubt. I agree with Honey that it is nice to see him being firm with the humans who just don't get it.
Our Daddy and Mummy are so excited too that your humans got to meet Cesar!!!
Ohh.. another wow!
We just realized how tall u two are.. ur food bowls have to be ELEVATED from the ground... NICE!
Well we have to admit that we have never heard of this man Caesar Milan but it sounds like your humans enjoyed him very much.
That taxi trip home though was not very nice!! A very expensive end to the evening!
Love the photos of you two!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Oh how I wish he would come here & train my people, they still need it.
We were very sad about Daddy when we heard. He spent so much time helping other dogs learn how to behave when they were struggling.
I'm so glad your people got home to you & I'm quite jealous of your raised double food bowls & of course those cheese nibbles.
Hehehe...those shirts are cute!
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