The humans have been quite good we suppose - FH is getting up extra early to take us on long walks just as the sun comes up so that we can get a good romp in before the real heat of the day hits. And MH has been preparing us our own 'doggie smoothies' by mixing up crushed ice with fresh pineapple - oooh, they're scrummy and really help to cool a pup down!
Max is really milking it at the moment, theatrically falling on the floor in various places around the house - he's such a drama queen!
However, being a more laid-back doggie I have taken the time to think this heat situation through and I have devised a rather splendid cooling nap-time-strategy. At the moment Max pays me no heed but I'm sure he'll realise what he's missing, given time.
You see, I realise that one of the coolest places to nap is on the tiled floor of the kitchen - right in front of the fridge! This also kills two birds with one stone - I remain cool whilst also being close at paw whenever the humans need to take any foodables out of the fridge!

But that's not all! The other week I found myself a wonderfully dark and cool new hidey-hole! Oooh, it's marvellous and it's quickly becoming my favourite place in the whole house! Here it is....
When I first found this great new spot I caused a bit of a panic as it took the humans nearly half an hour to find me, he he he! It's a corner of our house where FH stores the towels and sheets - it's situated on our first floor landing and I have to crawl under the hanging towels to snuggle into the small, cool space that's behind them.
Well, the first time I discovered this fabulous new snoozing spot it was MH who spotted me peeping out over the banisters when he was coming down the stairs - FH was already searching up and down the street for me as she was convinced I had escaped. As if I would!!
Well, we hope all our doggie pals out there are managing to keep cool. I'm off for another snooze now - I wonder where Max has collapsed this time......!
Gosh, I just luvs your hidey hole. It looks like the most comfy, cozy and cool place in the house. Are you gonna tell Max abouts it? Of course, he may be way to hot to actually climbs the stairs. Poor thing.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh the heat is such a killer here too. I feel your pain boys.
Is that really your fridge you're laying in front of. The fridges here in America are bigger...
Sounds like two great front of the fridge. It's a wonder Kendra hasn't discovered that! Usually she's draped around the bottom of the toilet on the tiles when it gets too hot. We're like Max, we just stretch out so if there's any cool air, it reaches maximum body parts.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We just love laying like froggy puppies and cooling our tummies on the kitchen tile!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Thanks for the tips on staying cool. It is so hot. Oh dear.
Glad you found a solution to warm summer months! That towel hide away looks cozy and private! Must be nice to be able to hide away from humans and siblings sometimes.
JD, dude, i think your hidey hole is grrreat!! does max know about it yet? and how do you manage to stay cool under all of those towels 'n sheets? is there an AC vent there or somethingie like that?
i need to get my mama to make me one of those pineapple smoothies. that sounds very cool 'n refreshing like!
hope max is a-okay...maybe you should get out the hose and spray him down? heehee.
the booker man
OMD you 2 are just so very cute! Looks like you each have really great sleepie spots. I have my snuggle spot on Mommy's old robe!
Your beach looks lovely!
I want you 2 big boys to know how much I appreciate your concern about my Mom, you 2 are just GREAT!!!
Hugs, Tessa
It's nice and cool here cos it's raining almost everyday.....heard from pawrents that there is a flood in Orchard area.......we never had flood for a long long time.
When it gets too hot here, I would also snooze on the cool tiles :) I'm going to ask Mummy to make me the pineapple smoothie too :P
Do yo uthink Max will ever wake up that the carpet is the hottest place? And why isn't he trying out the old strategy of lying upside down to cool his belly?
we keep it coool
El'bow & Hauwii
Ahhh, you boys are too funny! Silly Max, never could quite make it to his bed. Those pineapple smoothies sound great!! I love your new hiding place too...hope you didn't scare your mom too bad. :)
Hello my sweet Princes JD & Max!
wow I wish I can visit a beach someday in my CATlife! :)
Wonderful post, and it gave me a feeling that I need to take a good nap...Here is hot and I'm lazy! LOL
Love you boys
I am SO envious of beach time!!!!
It's always good to have some hidey holes. You're quite right about toile floors. They're excellent!
JD, you had better hope that Max doesn't read this post or you will surely have company in your two new cool spots:) We love to lie on the cool floor too. We have to admit that we all look a lot like Max after we go for a walk in the horrible heat we have here now. We are really wooing for winter.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
awwww both of u are just so cute to be playing hide n seek...
mmm ice + pineapple? Thats something new. How much pineapple to put in? My daddy says too much pineapple makes us sick cos its too acidic.
Oh, JD, you have found the bestest place to hide. I don't have that many options, but I still manage to confuse my human when she can't find me!
I hope poor Max finds a cooler place to lie on, soon!
It's lovely and cold here, and my human's taken to trying to put coats on me - arg!
Puppy kisses
I jsut noticed that you guys are fortunate to still have your tails! I only noticed that now! WOW, the tails are beautiful!!!
I with they didnt' twist the tail off over here!!!! A few months back a random person praised me for keeping Betsy's ears as they usually crop them. I said that she was lucky to have kept them but unfortunately she didn't get to keep her tail. The woman then said "if you have ever seen how they crop a tail you would never buy a dog without a tail" Needless to say, I went home and searched Youtube...
MAX and JD, I totally dig your tails!!!!
Oh boys - I'm SO sorry I haven't been visiting for ages. My wretched human has been spending all her time making Dead Lines and not helping me at all with blogging or visiting friends! Humph! Anyway, I hope I can catch up now.
That is so funny reading about your "hotness" coz we're in mid-winter Down Under now and it is awfully chilly! Especially in our stupid rented house which is very old and rickety and full of holes and has no "insulation" and sits in a little dip, shaded by other houses - so that even if it is sunny outside, it is still dark and cold in the house! So I'm even in my fleece pyjamas during the day sometimes!
I must say, JD - that idea on the kitchen tiles by the fridge is a flash of genius!!
Honey the Great Dane
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