Max - we apologise for the extra long 'teaser' on 'the third doggie!
JD - We've had a bit of trouble with our Internet connection again! But we're back on-line so without further ado we are delighted to introduce you to our feisty sister...
Max - This is Puddles! Er - we mean Pip! He he he!
JD - She's a Cairn Terrier and is 4 years old. She's a beautiful platinum blonde and as you saw from our last post FH loves her to bits. She's got FH wrapped round her little paw already - she's GOOD!
Max - But there is a twist to this tail - er, we mean tale!
JD - As some of you guessed there would be! Yes, Pip is our new sister but she doesn't live with us YET!
Max - You see, Pip currently lives with M, our lovely treat lady. As Pip is quite young M worries about who will look after her if/when the day comes that she's no longer around.
JD - We have a bond with Pip that we don't have with any other doggie apart from each other - the second we met her we KNEW she was special!
Max - We see Pip 2 or 3 times a week. We often visit each other too - we like to pick out toys for her that we think she'll like and she's always quick to remind us that she's in charge!
JD - But we don't mind - we adore her! And whilst we hope M is around of years and years we're delighted to have a sister - even if it is a sister-in-waiting!

Max - AND as an extra little treat for us FH gave us a big surprise a few days ago! She's sponsored a doggie on our behalf!
JD - So - we'd like to also introduce you to Kira - hasn't she got the greatest ears you've EVER seen?
Max - After a tough life poor Kira is too nervous to be re-homed so we're helping to keep her in a safe place where she'll feel settled. We're going to give updates on this little beauty from time to time.
JD - So there you go - these are the two new ladies in our lives! Sigh - we're probably now going to become doggies 'under the paw'.....
Max - .... and we think we're going to love every minute of it, he he he!!
Oh WOW!!!
Pip is just gorgeous! I can see why you love her to bits as she is cute as can be!!!But yes I do hope it will be years and years before she comes to live with you :)
And yes, I just love Miss Bunny Ears' ears! You two are such lovely gentlemen to be helping her out :) We look forward to her updates!
your pal,
Hello dear friends!
I'm so happy with these news, Pip is gorgeous, really cute!I would love to be there and play with you all together having lots of fun! wowwwww
Miss Bunny is beautiful, I'm sending her love and purrs!
Luna :)
That is so wonderful that Pip will have a good home just in case. I think for now, having her as a guest is a good thing. Like I said, bossy gals and all that.
Looking forward to hearing more about Pip on the blog. How nice that M knows that no matter what, Pip will be well taken care of. And Miss Bunny Ears, it's sad that she can't go to a forever home; but it is fantastic that you can give the next best thing! Hope to see her on the blog sometimes.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Hi boys!
It's just as well it will be years and years before Pip comes to live with you - your FH will need all that time to practice her Treat Lady duties - I'm sure you will all assist her!
Puppy kisses
that was an excellent post! 2 new sisters--sorta! we think Kira is really sweet, i hope she will have the life she deserves now. and Pip os lucky to have you as stand by brothers!
hello schnauzers its dennis the vizsla dog hay its cool that yoo ar being their for pip and kira way to step up!!! gud dogs!!! ok bye
We thing that two are the most wonderful doggies to let these two special ladies into your life!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
That is SOOOO cool!
JD and Max, you new sister is gorgeous - and yes, you are right about those sisters - they sure can be bossy. We hope M has a lot more years with her but it is nice to have a sister-in-waiting too. We hope things work out for Kira - what a beauty she is!!!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a pawesome and special post!
Thanks SOOOOO much fur all woo are doing fur the girls!
Of khourse, I'm khrossing my paws BIG TIME fur Kira! I wonder why that is!?!
Well, boys - you certainly surprised me! That wasn't what I was expecting at all about the "3rd doggie" but what a wonderful, kind, generous thing for your humans (and you) to do! Pip will be - and is - a great sister and I can see the wonderful bond between you guys already! :-)
My humans also worry about me and what happens if something happens to both of them - it's hard to find someone who understands Great Danes and can give me the lifestyle they'd like for me. Of course, they would like someone to love me - but they would really like someone like your FH would also be strict when necessary and treat me like a dog with dignity, as I deserve, rather But of course, it's also hard to find someone who would be willing to take a Great Dane with our big size & extra cost and slobber and stuff! Hsin-Yi says she wishes there was someone like FH near us - or that we lived near you! (Although I suppose you wouldn't really want another potential dog in your household - and a huge, slobbery one at that! Hee! Hee!)
Honey the Great Dane
Whew, I'm glad it's all such great news. You are two special chaps to welcome these ladies into your lives & hearts.
I believe you over there might say "Good show"!
SO what breed is Pip?
Wooooohehehehehe...I'ves been trying to gets everybuddy to name their new siblings afters me but nobuddy wiil. I'm starting to think they don't wants to be associated withs TRUBLE...hehehe.
Well your new sissy is just adorable and I'm hoping hers will show ya'll da ropes...she is a girl you know and we know lots that boys don't know.
Bless your mom's little heart fur da sponsorship of Kira. Her does haves some beautiful ears.
hi pip :D
welcome to the blogworld
she so pretty
El'bow & Hauwii
hihi JD and max!
i don't know how i missed this post, but somehow i did.
that miss pip is just adorable! and even if she is a teensy tiny bit bossy, it still looks like ya'll have tons of funsies playing together. i sure hope that your treat lady will be around for many many more years, but it's good to know that miss pip will have a good home if somethingie were to happen.
now that miss kira -- yes, her stick up ears are totally fab! i looove them. you and your mama are so good to help take care of her. thank you! :)
the booker man
Oh JD and Max! I missed this postie! But what a happy, smiley thing for my Friday. Pippa is a gorgeous girlie and it most definitely seems like she's got you wrapped around her cute little paw! Please give her a little kiss from me the next time you see her!
And Miss Kira - well, I didn't think that there could possibly be a doggie with More Magnificent ears than me but I thinks she wins the Most Magnificent Ear Award. Thank you for helping her. You boys have the biggest, hugest hearts ever. I just luvs you oodles!
Wiggles & Wags,
Waitaminute, waitaminute, waitaminute! You have a sistah that lives some place else?!?! Oh Nellie....
Puddles *ahem* pip is beautiful, she looks like the Toto dog from the Wizard of Oz! We certainly home Miss M is with us for a super long time and you have tons of play dates with Pip.
We love you Kira and those bunny ears are the best, Santa might have some competition with you.
Very wonderful of your FH to do this, ours sponsors Whales, we don't know what those are but know they are her third favorite animals after us and Pelicans.
Belly rubs to both of you!
Nellie & Calvert
That's lovely about Kira.
awww I think that is awesome that you two love Pip so much already...
just like Mya and Maggie LOVE me... I know Pip must adore you two! She has a lot to look forward day. So nice that M can find comfort in knowing this.
Kira is have such a super FH!!
Paws UP!
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