Max - The postman delivered a parcel to our house! It had come from Ireland and we were sure we could smell traces of Labradoodle on it!! We saw our names on it so JD decided to pose with it and then we thought we'd enjoy opening it....
JD - ....but then FH said that the parcel was for HER?! Eh?! What?! We were convinced Clive and his NSLM had sent this parcel to US!!
Max - Yeah! Whatchu talkin' 'bout FH?! We definately saw OUR names on the envelope!
JD - But apparently the parcel was addressed to 'JD and Max's MOM'!! Well!!!
Max - So we begrudgingly - er, we mean - delightedly let her open it!
JD - And there were lots of squeals from FH whilst she took out LOADS of goodies! It had indeed come from Cive, Murray and Sorcha! There was a really cool card of Clive and his NSLM - we loved having our photo taken with the two of them!
Max - Then FH pulled out this really cool pink t-shirt - FH tried it on immediately and we were more than happy to pose for a photo with her!
JD - The t-shirt is really funny - here's a close up of the picture on it! Thank you so much Clive, Murray and Sorcha - FH loves it and it's a perfect fit!
Max - Of course, Murray and Sorcha insisted that we get sent a pressie each too! We both got a cool rope bone each....
Max - "Me too bro', me too!"
JD - [Muttering through gritted teeth!] "Oh brother!"
JD - There was also a pair of pink 'Irish' flip-flops. As FH has what she calls 'runners feet' she said that she wouldn't take of photo of her feet in them - trust me, it's not a sight you'd want to see, he he he!
Max - We know that FH needed a new pair of flip-flops for the gym (changing room and sauna - not to train in, he he he!) so she's thrilled with these - how did you know?!
JD - There was also something in the package that we were mesmerised by!
Max - "I am ready to do the human's bidding!"
Max - It's something that is called a 'lanyard' and it's for mobile phones and keys, the kind of stuff that FH is always mislaying first thing in the morning before she dashes off to work.
JD - GREAT choice of gift Clive, Murray and Sorcha - perhaps FH can get herself slightly organised now!!
JD - Thank you SO much Clive, Murray and Sorcha for all our gifts - we love our new toys and FH loves her goodies!
FH - Yes indeed - thank you! I was quite taken aback by this wonderful surprise, it was so unexpected! I loved it - you are such wonderful and generous friends!
Are you having a Christmas in July?
Lots of cool stuff.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
You are very very welcome!
Thank you so much for all the wonderful pressies you have sent over to us in the recent months! Murray's yellow t-shirts are all packed for his hols! Sorcha and Murray have really enjoyed all the great gifts that you have sent over so it was a total pleasure to post over a few goodies to you! We are so delighted the t-shirt was a good fit and of course, we couldn't forget something for you both JD and Max!
Thank your Mom for a great post! Murray loved seeing you both with his card!
take care
Clive and Murray
That is one awesome shirt. Amazing weather they have there, huh.
What an awesome pakhkage of pressies fur all!
We love the shirt!
Thanks fur sharing those special stuffs from some furry special furiends!
hey ya'll!!
thanks for the 4th of july well wishes! :)
what a grrreat surprise pressie from clive, murray, and sorcha! me and asa and mama think the ireland shirt is cute 'n funny, and lookit! even the flip flops and the lanyard match it, too! your FH is gonna be stylin' and profilin'. teehee. the rope toys look so most wonderful as well! my mama hasn't let me 'n asa have a rope toy in like 50 gazillion years cuz she says we pull them apart and make a hooge mess. what a pawty pooper!!
the booker man
What wonderful pressies! My Mom is just amazed how generous bloggie Moms are!
You 2 guys are just so darn cute!
Hugs to both of you boys, Tessa
The seasons of Ireland look a lot like the seaons of upstate New York!
Jd and Max
What a lovely giftses fwom clive and muwwey and sowcha dn theiw Mom..
I think they got it all just wight fow you and FH
I think the two of you awe so handsome and clevew and have the most photogenic pwofiles in the wowld
smoochie kisses
What a happy day for all of you!
your cat pal,
Gosh, what Most Awesome pressies those are! There's nothing better than a good rope bone, that's for sure! Oh, and your FH is super duper cute and she looked even more super duper cute in her new super duper cute tee-shirt!
Oh, and make sure your mom gets lotsa rest and extra tummy rubs cuz of all the hard works she's been doing lately!
Wiggles & Wags,
How lovely of Clive, Murray, and his Mom to send such nice pressies for your mom AND to include something for you two too!!! That t-shirt is very cute - we know it rains a lot in Ireland but we see lots of sunny days in Clive's posts.
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hey,, has you FH seen those shoes for runners that is supose to be like running barefoot? We know some runners that haves them and they swear they be betters fur hooman paws.
Now those are some fine and dandy pressies ya'll gots there. My muum's dream has always been to go to Ireland.
You boys look very handsome sitting next to that card!
It's nice for us to allow our humans to get presents too, as long as we dogs are not totally left out of the loop, BOL!
I hope you have a wonderful week!
What a wonderful surprise!! I love that t-shirt. You pups look so cute posing in your pictures. You are perfect doggie models. Mom complains that I'm always moving and most of my pics are fuzzy. I'll have to study your techniques ;)
Bonjour sweet friends!
wow what a cool surprise!How lucky you are boys!These gifts are super cool! :)
I've specially love that T-shirt, it's pink, just "my kind of colour"!
And FH is just ADORABLE, she is so cute, I love her smile!
You guys are also very handsome in these pictures!
Enjoy your gifts and your day!
BY THE WAY boys...that thing to put smell in those sandals, hmmmm I think I could help you, I'm really good in it! LOL
Love you all
Luna :)
Those were good presents you got!
Thank you for the kind words you left my mom. We miss Charlie too.
Hi there JD & Max,
What a wonderful package, we love the t-shirt. Those rope toys are such fun, we like checking each others toys out as well...hehe
Presents are such fun aren't they, especially when they are unexpected. :)
We are hoping this comment will go on okay, blogger has had some issues today.
Have a great week!
BTW - love the photo of you two with your mum! :)
COOL gifts from Clive, Murray and Sorcha! Mom giggled when she saw the details on your FH's new shirt...the lambs are too cute, and I believe we get about the same kind of weather in Malaysia too: rain all year! LOLL! Thanks for sharing the photos of your wonderful gifts...they are PAWSOME!
WOWZIE...I know what it's like to get the you are also so very generous!!!
Well..MY pkg. is in the makings for some day...(rolling eyes at my FH!) will be there on an unexpected day!
Love those pressies..ropes YEA!!!!
Paws UP!
What an awesome, awesome parcel! Your FH totally deserves it, though - she is a very special human! Hsin-Yi LOVES that shirt - and she says it could have been the same picture for the seasons in Auckland too - hee! hee!
Honey the Great Dane
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