Max - We've had no Internet connection since Sunday evening so we haven't been able to visit our pals AND we've both been poorly sick!
Max - Poor JD has been suffering a little bit more than me. He started throwing up on Monday morning and it has - erm - well, now moved through to his other end! I have a sturdier constitution than my brother and although I threw up this morning that was about it for me.
JD - I feel dreadful - groan!
Max - I hate to see JD suffer alone so I've been keeping him company. We're doing a great dual 'woe is me' routine for the humans!
JD - Bleurgh!!
Max - I even persuaded FH to let him have a special teddy to cuddle to make him feel better! We think it worked as he had a real good sleep on the bear!
JD - We're sorry we haven't visited you for a while - what with the Internet and the ickies we haven't had a chance!
Max - Before we leave today we'd like to alert you to three things! Firstly, please do go over to visit our pal Scottie as his little brother Kenji is ill and they're not too sure what's wrong, so please do visit him to send some positive vibes as we know this will help him to feel better.
JD - On a happier note our blog sweetheart Sasha - sigh, beautiful Sasha! - has a new little brother called Rupert! He's a rescue doggie and is really handsome - well, he IS a Schnauzer cross so it's hardly surprising! We know he'd love it if you could swing by to say hi and welcome him to the blogosphere!
Max - And finally our bestest bloggie pal in the whole World, Oskar, will be holding a fun game over the weekend called 'blog about your people day!' It's going to be great - you can get details by clicking on the icon below, but we've also copied a little narrative from Oskar's blog......
"Starting next Friday, July 16th, my mom person will put a Mr. Linky on my blog for everyone to hook up their people posts. We will leave it up for the weekend for people to link up whatever day is most convenient for them. Will you play along? Please spread the word to all of your bloggie friends by including the button in your post & you can even put it on your sidebar now if you want for people to come learn about "People Day". I hope you all join me!"

JD - What a great idea Oskar - we can't wait to play!
Max - We hope to catch up with your blogs over the next few days but please bear with us as FH is still having to look after us! She was up most of last night with JD and has spent a good part of today mopping and cleaning....
JD - Bleurgh!!!!!
Oh, my poor, poor boys! I am so very much sorry for your recent tummy woes. That's no fun. No fun at ALL! I'm sending you lotsa snuffles and snuggles and I hopes you get feeling betters soon.
We're headed over to meet Oskar! Sounds like loads of fun.
Wiggles & Wags,
I hope your tummys are better.
Oh, poor boys - we know exactly how you feel... at least, poor Rupert does. We've been having middle-of-the-night walks because his tummy is not doing so well at the moment.
And because he's only new, and doesn't like to bother anyone, he doesn't ask to go out, he just goes to a corner to quietly sort himself out.
So our human has been doing a lot of carpet cleaning. She thinks all the newly-cleaned spots might soon join up!
The vet initially suggested that Rupey was having difficulty adjusting to his new food, but he's even sick on chicken and rice, so we're going to go back to the vet today.
I do hope you boys get better soon, and that your female human gets some sleep - ours would quite like to sleep through a whole night, by now!
Puppy kisses
Sasha & Rupert
Oh my dears! Tummy ickies are terrible. I hope you're feeling better soon. Can I send some chicken soup?
Oh how dreadful. I do hope it wasn't the sea water!
Thanks so much for mentioning my contest & we're sending you extra schnauzer snuggles, like you always send to us!
What have you boys been eating....seaweed on your private beach? We had some trouble with the pork trotters we got the other day. Chucked up some little bones, but that's all. Hope you are feeling better soon.
And that the internet works!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Oh you poor sweet darling boys! I am so very sorry that you are both sick. I so wish I lived closer to you because I am a good nurse and would have been happy to help your Mom.
I really hope that you boys get better real soon, I am so worried. Call me if you need me and I shall come right over!
Snuggles and Huggies My Sweet Boys, Tessa
oh noes! JD and max, this is icky news. i'm sorry ya'll have been havin' tummy troubles and the pukies. :( mama says to ask for some plain white rice cuz it might help your tummies feel better and, um, help "firm up" the back end of thingies. feel the betterment really really soon, okie dokie?
my mama and daddy are gonna be part of oskar's people day!!
the booker man
Oh no - you poor boys! - How awful! I'm so sorry to hear about your sickies!! They sound terrible - I really hope you start to feel better and more like your usual fiesty selves soon.
And I'm sorry to hear about your computer too! No wonder - I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around for a while! Well, hope you're back now! :-)
Am popping over to Scottie's now. And yes, I'd heard about Oskar's great idea!
Sending lots of healing slobbers and thinking of you from far away -
Honey the Great Dane
Oh, I am most sorry that you are feeling so poorly! I hope you're better soon. It's just no fun to be sick, especially with no internet connection!
Gentle Nose Kisses,
get well soon boys! =)
Fatty & ally
Oh no...that virus has moved over to your house??? Dory says to hang in there...she knows just how you feel.
We hope you feel better soon!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Pals, what's going on!!!! We hope you feel better soon. Its no fun being sick. We're sending aire-zen for you maties.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
I am so sorry you are not feeling well!
I hope you two get better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I bet my phloof would help heal woo!
Bonjour my Charming Princes JD & Max!
wow JD I'm enchanted by that sweet red bear, she is lovely and for sure she can help in this delicate moment.
Glad to know the INTERNET is okay now.
I have a suggestion to help the time run fast, take a long nap in this comfortable sofa!
Love you guys
Oh noes! Our dear little schnauzer pals are poorly.
We hope you both feel better very soon and Miss Scarlet helps.
Sometimes, when Dinah gets her colitis, she has some medicine called Kaogel and it makes her feel better in about an hour, we always have some in for tummy upsets.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Ooooh dis not good! I hopes ya'll feels all betters real soon, it is no fun having da ickies.
Oh Dear! Sorry about the sickies. Did you eat something you shouldn't have? We hope you're all better very soon.
Oh no. We hope you two are feeling better and back to your playful selfs.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh dear, JD and Max,we go away for a few days and look what happens. We sure hope you two are doing much better soon. We are off to visit your friends and see what is happening.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh dear, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Get better soon! Thanks so much for the kind link for guys are the coolest, even when you're not feeling well!
I'm guessing it could be the weather or something...quite a few of our friends have been 'under the weather' lately!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you are not well! What is it about tonight?? Everywhere I go, dogs are ill or having terrible problems! I'd say it must be something in the air, except that we are scattered all around the planet.
Get well soon!
Hope you are feeling better now!
Oh NO!!! RICE AND BOILED CHICKEN boys!!! yummy for the tummy when not doing well. My mom/person rescued my tummy with this!
If only you had my pressies to keep you comfy and happy...SIGH.
Paws Up boys!!
poor guys!!!
hope you feel better soon :)
El'bow & Hauwii
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