Max - Unfortunately though, she didn't start training early enough, so she had to content herself with waving her pals off whilst she stayed home with us.
JD - We admit we were secretly pleased she didn't go. BUT we still want to report that she IS nevertheless in training for a local half marathon in May....
Max - ....AND she's even mentioned the possibility of a full marathon at the end of the year! Although she says she'll wait and see how she feels after the half in May before fully committing, he he he!
JD - However, this state of affairs does mean that recently she OFTEN goes out of the house WITHOUT us now!!
Max - Yes - it's shocking - SHOCKING!!
JD - We know that she has to leave us to go to work (to ensure she can continue to afford doggie biscuits and treats to keep us in the manner to which we have become accustomed!!), but we REALLY didn't think she'd start to abandon us for other reasons.
Max - We TRY make her stay - we drape ourselves across her and put on our extra sad faces , but she must have a heart of STONE as she simply tells us to be good boys for male human - and then gads off anyway!

Max - "Good thinking bro! I'm also putting on my extra-sad face too....."
JD - What IS a puppy to do?!
Max - Oh, by the way - well done to all of you who guessed correctly on our 'guess the schnauzer' game that it was MY cute snooter poking through the blanket!
JD - I especially liked the wolfies recognising the fact that I'm just a few millimetres shorter than they are (*puffs up chest!*) by their comment that if it was ME wrapped up then the lump would be LOADS bigger....
Max - Hey - you're not THAT much bigger than me JD!
Don't worry about your female human leaving you to run JD & Max...that's why she got 2 of you cuz you're suppose to keep each other company while she's gone! Just like Oliver and Targa, you two are your own best friends!
love ya,
Bruce the cat:)
Maybe she should kharry woo two in a sakhk as she trains?
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hey, you guys are the best!! I hate it when mom leaves me and I'm all alone with Mojo who loves to tease me!!! But your FH is taking good care of herself so she can continue to take good care of you!! Hope you both have a fun week with lots of treats and toys and snuggles!
Sam and Mojo
Wow, your Mum must be really fit if she can run in marathons! Our mother is practically on her knees by the time she walks 10 feet to the car, hehe.
We are sure you don't get abandoned very often, you kidders.
Thank you very very much for Elliot's wonderful prize parcel, that was so nice of you, out of 276 photos there were about 9 that weren't blurred, he was so excited, bol.
We have told everyone about it on our blog, yippee.
Wags and kisses to you all, Dinah Bridget Elliot and Lynne xxx
This marathon disease seems to be doing the rounds. #1's nephew is training to run in the London marathon and a friend wants to do the New York marathon. Suckers for punishment all! And they're not even chasing frisbees or tennis balls!
lol... we like Khyra's idea! :-)
We also like the way you both are laying across your human to stop her leaving you, we will have to try that one...hehe
Hope you are having a great day!
Hi JD and Max
We love your attempts to try and keep female human at home but you know exercise is very important. We're trying to encourage the NSLM's dad to get more fit - it's not easy I can tell you!
We all think you will make wonderful PAT dogs - every doggie's job is important you know. We're looking forward to hearing more about what you're learning to do.
Hope you had a good weekend
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Wow - my Female Human is so impressed that your FH can even THINK of training for a marathon!! :-) I don't think Hsin-Yi could run a marathon is someone paid her! Hee! Hee! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Oh, boys! How could your human be so cruel!
Mine abandons me all the time - "work", "shopping", etc.
I'm starting to train her to take me to cafes with her now, so I can keep an eye on her. We went yesterday and I had to reprimand a number of dogs who went past without even saying hello - the manners of some puppies!
Just as well I was there, that's all I can say. Who knows how my human might have coped in the face of such rudeness without me there to look after her...
Maybe you boys should accompany your human on her training, just to make sure no other doggies are rude to her.
Puppy kisses
Maybe FH should take you with her on her training. What's the problem with exercising together?
That was a gallant effort to keep her there. I can keep my human in bed longer if I snuggle up next to her--it works every time! But then, I'm a cat. I think it's different for dogs. They are just not as soft and cuddly as we are.
Jd and Max
I think the schnauzer blanket and pout approach may work. You are lucky though.. my mom runs with me. I have to endure some of here training antics. Good luck with your training!
That is most exciting about your human's race....we wish her luck in her training. Think of it this way too boys...the more she exercises the better she will feel and she will have more energy for playing with you.
when my Mommy was younger
she did also run marathons !!!
I wish your Mom LUCK LUCK .....
and she will winn that race yeahh..
And you both have each other
play and enjoy :-)
See you both tomorrow ;)
hugs cuddles Kareltje =^.^=
Marathons...half marathons...crikey we're worn out just reading about them hehe. Good luck JD & Max's pinkie.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Dear friends JD & Max,
Wow you are sooo cute with your mommy in these pictures.Your mommy is beautiful and she gave so much love for you both, it's wonderful.So that, be a good boys and give all support that mommy needs there , she is also very sportiest and talented, so...she needs you !
Good luck!
purrs and love
This is most unacceptable. Maybe you need a stroller so that she can push you lest you tire while she is training.
JD--you are right--you are up there in the big dog category with us. that was an easy game of guess the schnauzer. hehehe. a couple more pounds and your "drape" manouver may stop your mom permanantly from training. she would never be able to lift you!
Maybe Mom could get a jogging stroller for you two and take you along for the run.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
We like the jogging stroller idea. It would be so much fun.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi JD and Max
Thank you so much for your great pressies which arrived in the post today! We have the photos and happy faces up on our post already! The NSLM loved all the yellow and that black and yellow rope toy is great fun!
We are both so good,
thanks again
Clive and the NSLM
oooh dear..the sad faces can't stay..oh my! Must take up a collection for a Doggy BACKPAC!! hee hee...suppose to make the TRAINING better..she can then take you on all the runs! rooo rooo!
now have to come up with the actual run..mmm? I'm thinkin guys..I'll let you know what I come up with...mmm? do you guys have some running paws? mmm size paws? can you run as fast as her? mmm?...I 'bout some roller skates! Rooo can run right along as she keeps you two on a leash! what too!
rooo rooo!!
Paws Up
Gus (and his great ideas!)
Hi JD and Max,
She who thinks she must be obeyed is full of admiration for FH running marathons, (she can only manage 26 yards).
But being ABANDONED, well.....
I hate that whole going out without the schnauzer bit. I can feel your pain. Have you tried throwing in a whimper?
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