JD - Back around Christmas time our good pal Clive from Ireland sent us a fabulous goodie bag and in it he put a copy of 'Guidelines' which is the Irish Guide Dog publication.
Max - Clive is the cover model - how cool is that?!
JD - Well, another great bloggie-doggie - Max from South Africa - had the great idea to have his photo taken with the magazine as you can see if you click here.
Max - We thought this was a GREAT idea so we thought we'd do the same (we hope you don't mind us stealing your idea Max - our female human can't think up things all by herself, she's not the brightest you see....he he he!)
JD - So, here is a photo of us with the amazing Clive!

Max - We're not as photogenic as either Clive OR Max, but nevertheless we felt really cool having our photo taken with one of the most amazing doggies we've ever had the pleasure to 'meet'!
JD - And so it got us to thinking - if WE were this excited to be photographed with Clive we bet a lot of our pals would also love to have the opportunity to be photographed with this handsome cover model too!
Max - And we weren't wrong! Over the past few weeks we have been asking our pals if they wanted to pose with Clive - and they all enthusiastically said YES!
JD - So here are some of our pals - with Clive! We hope you enjoy! (You might want to biggify the piccies so that you can read the comments.)

Max - We hope you enjoyed meeting some of our pals! Everyone LOVED posing with Clive!
JD - And we hope you've all had a fun weekend!
Max - Clive is the cover model - how cool is that?!
JD - Well, another great bloggie-doggie - Max from South Africa - had the great idea to have his photo taken with the magazine as you can see if you click here.
Max - We thought this was a GREAT idea so we thought we'd do the same (we hope you don't mind us stealing your idea Max - our female human can't think up things all by herself, she's not the brightest you see....he he he!)
JD - So, here is a photo of us with the amazing Clive!

Max - We're not as photogenic as either Clive OR Max, but nevertheless we felt really cool having our photo taken with one of the most amazing doggies we've ever had the pleasure to 'meet'!
JD - And so it got us to thinking - if WE were this excited to be photographed with Clive we bet a lot of our pals would also love to have the opportunity to be photographed with this handsome cover model too!
Max - And we weren't wrong! Over the past few weeks we have been asking our pals if they wanted to pose with Clive - and they all enthusiastically said YES!
JD - So here are some of our pals - with Clive! We hope you enjoy! (You might want to biggify the piccies so that you can read the comments.)

Max - We hope you enjoyed meeting some of our pals! Everyone LOVED posing with Clive!
JD - And we hope you've all had a fun weekend!
Its so wonderful to receive mail from blogfriends :-)
Enjoy your presents and be happy!!
Amazing post today
so many cartoon shots and so sweet.
Cuddles & noselick
Kareltje =^.^=
What a sweet thing to do to honor Clive and his beautiful covershot!!! Thanks for sharing. Hope you are all having a pawesome weekend too.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
What a great group of friends you have. I'm a bit miffed that I can't pose with the famous & grand Clive!
Oh JD and Max
That is such a great post - we loved meeting all your friends! Only wish we were there in person! You never know we may pop over some day!!
That was an inspired post - thank you so much - we loved it!!
Clive and the NSLM
So many friends you've got there. We do not know Clive. Maybe we should head over there to say "hello".
p.s. Our Aunty Diana has left your FH an email. Could you please tell her? Thanks.
hello schnauzers its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is cool yoo no faymus clive!!! and yoo hav so menny frends!!! i am happy to be wun of them!!! ok bye
Hey JD Max! How's both you? It seems like you have a pretty good time with your friend, yeah I know we dogs are just like that, meeting new friends and all. Just say hi to Clive for us. Take care.
Coffee and Oreo
What a good job you did introducing Clive around guys!!! You are great friends!
Now that was one heck of a post! I want to know the answer to the dames question! :)
How khool!
I'll try to khonvince my assistant to do that with my khopy too!
What a pawesome idea!
Good day, sun shines!
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Aww, Clive is gorgeous, you are both good amassadors. Wow, look at all those friends. We wish we had so many and we probably would have if we weren't so unfriendly!
Those pics were great and we really enjoyed them!
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
Lovely post! Just dropping by say hello. We're new to the world of Blogger and also to owning a miniature schnauzer!
where is that Irish Wolfhound??? hehehe
What a brilliant post!!!
Lol, that was SO entertaining!
Hello sweet friends!
It's wonderful to have friends , special friends like you are to me!
Lovely post!
That was a pretty cool thing you did - having clive meet your friends. Hmm that's got me thinking... think think think. You may be receiving a package with holes in it soon.
Hi guys!! Sorry we haven't been around much - I don't think our follower thingy is working for your blog, so we're missing updates when you post. Anyways, we posted about the wonderful gifts you sent us in our blog today, in case you want to check it out :)
Thanks again for all the cool stuff and doign the Bootlielicious contest!!
Michelle & Brutus
Oh my God, that photo of all your friends looking at the coverof Clive is just hilarious!!!!
Ooh - I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU because my gift from you arrived last weekend!! I LOVE it! Actually, Hsin-Yi loves it even more than me and thinks that she might confiscate the bandana for herself! She says if I wear it, it will just get covered in slobber and it's far too lovely a bandana for that fate! Hee! Hee! Thank you so much again!
I also posted my surprise to you boys last week so I hope you get it soon - and hope you like it!
Honey the Great Dane
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