Max - Thank you FH! We thought we'd start with how we look. Now, let's face it, as Schnauzers we're obviously excessively handsome, but nevertheless we each have our own very distinctive style! Take me for example - I am the epitome of suaveness!

Max - I stand at the maximum acceptable height for a Miniature Schnauzer and I have pleasingly stocky build! I'm particularly proud of my tail, which curls high right over my back. My nose is small and cute making my woozle look like a white explosion around it - I find this effect very acceptable! My ears are small and set low on my head and as a result they flap most adoringly when I run!
Max - I look good and I KNOW I look good! Our vet and our groomer have both told me that I could be a show dog because I am perfect in every way! In short, I am breed perfection! I am the brother with the classic good looks.
JD - I know that both myself and my brother look good! Well, let's face it, when you're a Schnauzer you can't help but look great! However, I have a very different style to my brother and I refuse to follow the herd as far as fashion is concerned!
JD - I am far too large for a Miniature Schnauzer as I am an extremely leggy boy - FH says I have the physique of a long distance runner, a comment that I always love to hear! Even though I am leggy I am nevertheless perfectly proportioned and often get mistaken for a Standard Schnauzer.

JD - I have rather large ears which are placed high on my head and my nose is long and distinguished - I am very proud of my nose as I can pick up the scent of our pals from across at least 4 fields! I wear my tail high and proud, but I choose not to curl it over my back like Max as I like to be slightly maverick! I would never make a show dog because my style is too unique as I refuse to 'conform'. I am the brother with the rugged good looks!
JD - I am far too large for a Miniature Schnauzer as I am an extremely leggy boy - FH says I have the physique of a long distance runner, a comment that I always love to hear! Even though I am leggy I am nevertheless perfectly proportioned and often get mistaken for a Standard Schnauzer.

JD - I have rather large ears which are placed high on my head and my nose is long and distinguished - I am very proud of my nose as I can pick up the scent of our pals from across at least 4 fields! I wear my tail high and proud, but I choose not to curl it over my back like Max as I like to be slightly maverick! I would never make a show dog because my style is too unique as I refuse to 'conform'. I am the brother with the rugged good looks!
Hi Boys - great to hear from you - I was getting worried as you hadn't visited in a while. This is a cool post! I loved seeing all the differences pointed out - and my human loved seeing the comparisons with the handsome male humans - ha! ha! (She says she has to admit - it would be George Clooney over Josh Holloway every time!! Nothing like a sexy older man!) But I think you boys are BOTH gorgeous!!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Well, first of all, I immediately had to read this postie as it had the word "cheese" in the title. I luvs cheese. I asked mom what "chalk" was. She said I wouldn't like it but hey, I'm willing to gives it a try. As citizens of the US, we think chalk and cheese must be a saying in your native UK language. So we don't know what it means, but we like it!
Secondly of all, I luved hearing all abouts how you are so different even though you're brudders. You are both Most Wonderful and Handsome in your own individuals ways. We very much liked learning all abouts your tails since most schnauzers here don't have long tails - just short ones. Isn't that the saddest? Your long tails are pawsitively splendid!
I can't wait to read more chalk and cheese posties. Mmmmm...cheese!
Wiggles & Wags,
Great post! We three are all different as well, but humans keep asking if we are triplets!!! We don't even have a common ancestor in the last 3 generations and are aged 10, 7 and 1!
Look forward to hearing about your other differences. We may do an expose like you mind?
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We don't know what chalk and cheese means either but we loved your post. You two ARE very different but both in great ways. Both handsome, both intelligent, and both so very likable. Now as for George or Josh - hmmmm, that's a really tough call. Mom says one of each would be just fine:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Ha - we had to learn something so we googled "chalk and cheese " - very good choice of words for this post.
"As different as chalk and cheese is an old proverbial phrase to suggest that two things, superficially alike, are totally different in their qualities."
Thanks for the fun post and the lesson learned:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I am with The OP KS Pakhk on that!
I'd nevFUR heard of that saying!
I will admit woo are both handsome and dashing and suave and FUN in difFURent ways!
BUT what we do do do love love love are your tails!
Mom's sekhond dog in her life was Fluffy The Schnauzer - she had already had her tail done when her furamily chose her BUT she hadn't had her ears done yet - and they nevFUR got done!
We love breed as they were intended to be!
Thanks fur sharing this one!
dear JD and max,
i find that both of you are quite distinctive and ravishingly handsome in your own individual respects. i dare not even consider choosing betwixt the two of you.
good day!
^^^teehee, i think my big sis asa likes both of yooooou!!!
the booker man two though different as "chalk and cheese" but you are both handsome in your own ways.
We think you are indeed both devastatingly handsome, each in his own way!
Faaaaantastic - and long live the differences. After all, you wouldn't want to join the beauty pageant . . . would you??
Hi Remington here! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is really cool! You both are a couple of righteous dudes. I hope we can be great friends. Later.
You boys always bring a smile to my face! :) I must say that I think you are RIGHT ON with your ideas on your looks. :) Max, my Mom always tells my dad that he looks like George Clooney because of his salt and pepper hair...does that mean he looks like a Schnauzer? hehehe! If so, he is even more handsome than I thought. ;) Guess what? I met a Giant Schnauzer today on my hike...he was a BIG boy and very cute indeed!
oh fr sure!
you are real good lookers!
Pet Pride
That is a most helpful post because sometimes the Mango has a hard time telling you two apart. Now I know Max looks like George Clooney only with a beard and a tail and JD looks like Josh Holloway only not so blond.
Got it.
Hi my woof woof friends
(sorry we are late ,we had connections problems :(
Loved your -chalk and cheese- post
different but very COOL :))
Love it to see you yoga ...... LOL
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Very interesting JD & Max. Life would be so boring if every doggie & kitty was the same. Vive la différence!
your cat pal,
Hy guys!
wow what a cool, funny, adorable,interesting, modern, DIFFERENT, post! :)
I'm enchanted by your creative ideas!
But you must agree with me that both of you have a beautiful sweet heart, you are great friends and I love you so much!
Luna :)
Hey!U too are two REEELLY KOOL Dudes!that was a very interesting read.
Mum has a thing for this clooney guy, but she says(and we Concur**paws thumping**)we dawgs can outdo any human in handsomeness.
because we Dawgs are so beautiful inside n out.
thanx for comin by our blog n also fr d encouraging comments.
Mom rather likes this meme thing and has promised to help us with Pet Pride.
And tell FH mom really wishes she could send her some bangles. but u live so so far away n these are made of thin glass and might just break.Would be such a shame.
Buddy n Ginger
You're looking good there boys - I admit I've always admired JD's woozle, it seems longer than than Max's, must be the rugged look you mentioned! :) Nemo.
What a great way to show how different you 2 are!!
What a fun idea for posts, we love how different you two are. Different but both of you are equally adorable in a very handsome way.
We love the human comparison piccies.
We look forward to seeing your next post! :)
You guys both look great!
Guys, you are both super handsome and that's all that matters.
whatever the differences, you both are still gorgeous to me. i choose you over that Clooney hooman ( mumster chooses Clooney over the other hooman; why am i Not surprised??????)
What can I say...
I'm a SCHNAUZER!! Rooo Rooo!!!
My MP must do a descrip of me too!
we must be bros..cause I have a little of both of you...Great ears..and my height too bordelines Standard...
But you two with your Salt and Pepper color...HANDSOME!
Great two are your OWN right!!
Paws UP!
So different, yet both so handsome!!
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