Max - If you haven't entered yet you should do so - it's gonna be great fun! Click the piccie below to find out more - closing date is 9th May.

JD - But in the meantime FH is suddenly pointing this new, non-flashy box at s and demanding we perform for her - well, the NERVE of the woman!!
Max - So, whilst she frets over being completely useless with the software we chose a very short clip to post on our blog as we wanted to show you our favourite beach! This was filmed at 6.30 am on Saturday morning, it starts with JD, pans out to show you our super cool wind-farm and then - saving the best for last - finishes with yours truly!
JD - *Rolls eyes!* Ahem - please excuse my little brother - ever since he started comparing himself to George Clooney he's been almost impossible to live with.....!
Max - We hope you liked our film debut! Okay, we don't actually DO much, but we hope you like our favourite beach as much as we do!
JD - You see, we're saving our action-shots and amazing acting performances for Norwood's competition!
Max - ARE we JD?
JD - *Rolls eyes again!* YES Max - sheesh!!
Loved the video! There sure are a lot of big windy things! I would love to go and jump in that water!
JD and max! dudes!! i totally thought i was at the beach with you! this was a grrreat video! i can't wait to see what ya'll do with those action-shots that you are saving up. :)
the booker man
Oh my!
The talent!
Thanks fur sharing!
You guys just love the beach don't you? You're so lucky!
We can't wait to see what you are saving for Norwood's competition. We are not entering as Aunty Diana said she has ran out of ideas and she doesn't know how to make movie on youtube. We think those are just excuses.
That looks a lot like our beach except it doesn't have all the windmills in the sea!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
hehehe! can't wait to see you on the big screen george clooney--er--i mean Max--hehehe! we loved the video--it was great to see you in "live" action. we love the bewildered look at 47 seconds. you've got that one down pat! we were shocked at the windmills!!! we never saw anything like that before!
hello schnauzers its dennis the vizsla dog hay i -- aiiieeee jiant alien fan invayders!!! run away run away run away!!! ok bye
I love the sound of the waves & the windmills are so cool!
Great video!
your cat pal,
How cool to see those fans out in the water like that! Our Mom just loves listening to the crashing of the waves. She grew up on the East coast and now that we are in the middle of the country she doesn't get to the ocean very much.
Great video - and good luck with your movie.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sigh. I luved watching you in real live motion! You boys are so very much both HANDSOME! It sure looks like you had a good time on your beach. But, um, I hates to admit it but I think that beach might skeer the wee-wee outta me. Firstly, there's LOTS of water at that beach which looks scary. And then there's those big crazy-looking Windfarm birds off in the distance. I've seen some of those here and I don't like 'em at aLL. They're not nearly as cute as ducks.
Buuuuuttttt...I thinks if you boys were there to show me everything was okay, that maybe I would not be afraid. Still...if I was you, I'd keep my eye on those windfarm birds.
Wiggles & Wags,
Such a nice movie!
OOoh! Can't wait for the film debut!!! I just loved that short movie - and Hsin-Yi says that she always loves those sort of beautiful, wild, untamed beaches - much more than the cliched white sand, palm trees, postcard variety!
I've just submitted one entry for the PFF and am working on another...a dancing movie! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Oh I forgot to say - I LOVE your title "A Schnauzer and Schnauzer Production" - ha! ha! ha! So witty!!! :-)
This video is outstanding!I'm here so envious about your place, it's so special, I think no stress there for sure, only love and peace! :)
Congrats mommy, it's adorable!
purrs and love
your FAN
Oh MY!!! this is grrrreat! Sorry I've been away mom/person gets tired a little here and little there...
She played peeks with me last night with my quilt..FUN..and pics to share...
Your blog looks sooo awesome.. your FH is one super nice lady to make your blog sooo the header too!
Always thinking of you two and your fun adventures...
Your pal..
Paws UP!
GUS (my mom/person (MP) says the tote will be made soon) she hasn't forgotten! (I won't let her...)
Hello my sweet gentle friends JD & Max!
I wish you all a happy weekend and I need to say that mommy Léia lent your header picture ( I hope you don't mind, please) because she was preparing a "videoclip"about my friends, to publish today in my blog!
I love you guys!
Thanks for your frienship!
WoWie!u guys are so so lucky to be living near a beach...! Just loved the sound of the sea....we could almost feel the soft sand on our paws....and Cheers for that wind farm.
Best of luck for ur big screen debut.U guys are gonna rock for sure!
wags, ginger n Buddy
Love your video
(It looks like the Dutch sea
with all those windmills :)))
Its here so cold now
9grC not normal for spring
I wish I could swim in the sea !!!
Have a lovely weekend
my woof woof friends
Hugs from Kareltje =^.^=
That wind farm is awesome. What a great way to get power. I thought your acting debut was good too. Understated, left me wanting more.
Oh yeah, momma has been using the Dogs Trust foodables bag. She tries to load up each pocket with yummies in ascending order of goodness, but sometimes she gets confused and accidentally gives me a hot dog for doing nothing. Ha!
Wonderful movie! We are ever so jealous that you have such a magnificent beach so close!
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