Max - ....and as SOON as we saw it we knew we wanted to 'Mirror Image Monday' it! So here is our version of 'Purple Peekers'!!

JD - Don't I look handsome against the purple blooms?! Please pop over to the Wolfies page to see the original if you haven't already seen it!

Max - Psst - wanna know a secret? JD wants everyone to think that he 'takes time out to smell the flowers' but FH got this photo of him by dropping a biscuit into the middle of the flower patch - he he he!
JD - Oi! Max - you're such a tattle-tale! Please IGNORE my little brother everyone, I believe he's a bit miffed that there are no photos of HIM in this post - ha!
Max - Hey!
JD - Anyway, this next photo is NOTHING to do with 'Mirror Image Monday', I just wanted to show it off to everyone! It's a photo of me and H, our FAVOURITE puppysitter! I DO love to snuggle on H's lap! She is so wonderful - she really loves looking after us and spoils us rotten!

Max - I would like to point out that I was on duty whilst my brother was engaged in such frivolous posing. I was patrolling H's house, ensuring the perimeter was secure - I wanted to make sure H was safe 'cos I love her so much!
JD - Hi! Max was feeling a bit down about not appearing in this post so FH agreed to put this photo of both of us being fussed by N, H's grand daughter. We really DO have the BEST time when we go to visit our puppysitter and we spent the afternoon there on Saturday!
Max - Awww - thanks FH! I just worry for my audience is all, I know how my fans will fret if I don't appear in a post....he he he!
JD - Er - ahem! - if you say so Max! Anyway, we also wanted to quickly mention that we're mightily excited to hear that Miss Mayzie mentioned us in her last post AND she called us handsome and clever *blush!*
Max - Gosh, Miss Mayzie thinks we're handsome! We're beside ourselves! You see, we were so impressed at the contest that Miss Mayzie is running that we asked our FH if she could match Miss Mayzie's donation and give to Dog's Trust here in the UK, as we wanted rescue doggies over here to benefit from her contest too.
JD - We did this because Miss Mayzie has made SUCH an impact on us. We see how far she's come since finding her fabulous furever home....
Max - ....and what a sweet, pretty, trusting and loving girl she is....
JD - ....and how awful this BS nonsense is. (We have the same sort of thing over here with the 'dangerous dog' legislation, it's ridiculous, it really should be the 'dangerous owner' legislation - so THERE!)
Max - ANYWAY - Miss Mayzie has made such an impression on us and on our FH that we wanted to help doggies over here the same way that Miss Mayzie and her family are helping doggies over THERE!
JD - So you see - it's simply 'the magic of Miss Mayzie'! It's touched us - and we bet it's touched you all too! Miss Mayzie - we think you're fab!!
Max - Hear hear! Oh - and if you haven't already entered her contest what are you waiting for?! Please click here to enter.....!
Oopss.. you have a sweet puppysitter looks just so nice like mine :-)
Lovely to see you snif..snif on those purple flowers
(Do also eat it hehe....)
I eat sometimes plants
and my Mommy is not happy with that
I send you big hugs
have a wonderful monday ....
Kareltje =^.^=
how wonderful! you did a great job mirror imagining! and who is that most handsome huge dog sitting on the pupsitter's lap? hehehhe?
A puppysitter? How cool is that!
I ran right over here from Miss Mayzie's bloggie. How wonderful of you to make a donation to Dogs Trust with the Dee-en-ay Contest! That is very generous! And I must say, Mayzie is right: you are both so handsome!
Glad to meet you!
Hi JD and MAx
So nice to meet you
I cam ovew fwom Mayzie's bloggie and wanted to tell you how sweet it is of you to help out wif dog's Twust. I know they awe wondewful in helping doggies.
I hope we can be fwiends
smoochie kisses
Hello JD and Max,
I'ves been here befores but I wanted to come back by and Thank you fur joining my BFF Mayzie in her and Zona's quest to change da world. How exciting and rewarding.
I soooo need a puppysitter other than Mr. Dad...he don't let me do nuttin when mum is gone.
If you haven't been to Asta's blog, you must go cuz her is so fuuuunny.
PEES: I'm adding you to my dashboard so I can keep coming back here.
I was wondering if that flower pic was staged. ;) I won't tell!
Off to check out this contest you speak of...
She has such a lovely smile, it's so nice!Wonderful post dear friends.I have a lovely friend here as well , he is also my catsitter, a nice guy that took good care of me during the trip of my beans to Brazil.
You are so adorable in your pictures, love you guys!
Hey!grrrrt post.loved all ur pics.we think it is really to find a puppy-sitter who pampers u.
mummy absolutely adores the 'whatchu talkin bout'look.
buddy n ginger
Whew, we were really worried we weren't going to get through the day without a pic of both of you:) We saw earlier about your wonderful generosity in adding to Mayzie's donation - just pawesome of you to do that.
Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Loved your purple flowers--just like the wolfies. Max, I'm so glad you're there to protect them all. And not just a pretty boy.
We think Mayzie is great, too. Hope she gets lots of money for the homeless pups.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Once again, woo two show just how furry special woo AND FH/MH are!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Of khourse, Mayzie is khwite khorrekht!
Miss Mayzie said you were special friends, and we can see that you are special indeed!!! We are looking forward to following your adventures!!
We loved the mirror imaging and the idea of a puppysitter - very cool!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
The flowers are pretty, that's a good idea about the biscuit...hehe
Your puppysitter looks lovely and it sounds like you both love her very much. :)
Have a great week you two! :)
Oh Max - how could you have spilled JD's secret on the 'Purple Peekers' shot?! Let me tell you a secret - a lot of the photos of my on my blog are staged too! (Sshhhhh!) :-) Sometimes Hsin-Yi even trains me specifically to do a new trick just for a shot!
Honey the Great Dane
You are lucky doggies to have such a good home and a nice puppy sitter! And the added plus is that cute little girl fussing over you too!
Love is all around:)
your pal,
Max and JD - you just make me blush with all the nice things you say and do! What spectacular boys you both are! (And your FH is pretty darn special, too!)
I like your puppy sitter. She has a very kind face. It's nice to be able to go stay with somebuddy you really likes to be around, isn't it?
And yes, I'm most relieved that I gots to see a picture of BOTH of you! Very considerate of you!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi Max and JD,
I would like to introduce myself to you, as I have just made my blogging debut!
I am Mr Darcy's (bless his little/big cotton socks) family's doggie! I am a rescue doggie too.
I think your purple flowers are very nice indeed - and your 'H' looks like such a nice human, I can understand why you like her so much!
your pal,
Hi JD and Max - thanks for visiting my blog - its very nice to meet you! You are doing such a wonderful thing in matching Mayzie's donation - like you said, it must be Mayzie Magic. I am following your blog and look forward to reading much more about you!
Oh it looks like such nice people to cuddle! Mayzie is a great doggie!
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