Max - We sure have! First up is that our humans abandoned us AGAIN, to go to yet ANOTHER concert - sigh.....
JD - Oh, we didn't mind really did we Max? After all, we got to have a night away at the kennels, where we always get fussed loads!
Max - Shhhh - don't let the humans know that! I thought we could sulk for a bit to possibly elect sympathy and foodables.....
JD - Oh, right - good plan bro', he he he!
Max - Anyway, we WERE slightly miffed because our humans got to visit cousin Ronnie and cousin Carol in Manchester. We were due to visit them just after Christmas, but because of the really bad weather in the UK it had to be called off.
JD - We were very sad as we really want to meet them ourselves, knowing how much our humans love them! So because we couldn't go this time either we did the next best thing and sent Bertie, our minniature schnauzer stuffie, to meet them instead!!
Max - Carol is a bit of a celebrity in Manchester! We don't think there's anyone she doesn't know - one of the reasons why Bertie wanted 'in' on the photos with her, he he he!
JD - For instance, here she is with Sir Alex Ferguson!! (We apologise for the picture quality - it's a picture of a picture).....

Max - We could go on listing a whole realm of famous people Carol and Ronnie know, but we don't want to turn this post into a 'who's who' - plus, Carol and Ronnie know these people because they like them, not because they're famous, so we thought we'd respect that by not going starry eyed and ga-ga about it (although we would like to mention that FH does sometimes gets a bit excitedly tongue-tied about it all!)
JD - Carol and Ronnie both do so much good work just to make the world a better place for all of us. They're prolific fund raisers as well as being personally involved with dyslexia awareness and Carol really enjoys her theatre involvement - please do take the time to check out Celebrity Pigs (FH recommends everyone watch the film 'Flesh and Blood').
Max - So we wanted to personally say 'hi cousin Ronnie and hi cousin Carol!' on our blog - we can't wait until we get to meet you in pupson!
JD - Next up on our list of news is our ongoing training with human pups.
Max - Hmmmm, I'm always a bit suspicious of human pups - they usually move really quickly and are incredibly LOUD!
JD - Oooh, no - I simply LOVE human pups!
Max - Sigh - I know bro', I know! But then you are a lot more laid back than me!
JD - As we don't live with human pups FH is very keen that we nevertheless get used to them so that we can be as comfortable as possible in any given human-pup scenario! So, at least once a week FH takes us on a walk to the local supermarket. Not to shop, but to wait outside for about 20 minutes.
Max - At first we thought she was completely mental! Supermarkets are crazy - there are so many people everywhere, cars and motorbikes revving up, shopping trolleys trundling past making strange noises, children running around screaming or whooshing past on roller skates or skateboards, lots of people shouting into their mobile phones - seriously, you humans are so NOISY!
JD - But after a few weeks we got used to it and now we're really relaxed about it.
Max - And the best thing is that whilst we're patiently waiting around FH is usually approached several times by a hassled looking parent with children, asking if they can 'pet the doggies'.
JD - I LOVE this part - my tail nearly wags off! I let the human pups do whatever they want with me - they can pull my ears and tug my tail and shriek as loud as they want, I remain gentle and happy.
Max - I'm not quite so keen - I usually hang back whilst JD gets the initial attention. But then I get a bit jealous so I move in for some fussing myself!
JD - FH will always tell the human pups how to interact with us and how NOT to approach a doggie, so even if they started by pulling my ears they soon stop. But I don't mind at all - those human pups can do anything they want to me without me getting grumpy....
Max - ....unlike me! But this is why these sessions are so good, as the human pups learn and I'm get more confident each time.
JD - Mind you, there is one human pup who we both adore - meet N, the granddaughter of one of our puppy sitters....
Max - Now, we know Easter is over but we want to quickly show you the yummies that our humans let us have!

JD - One other photo we wanted to quickly share with you is one of us having a good old chomp on some cardboard!
Max - When Honey mentioned recently that Hsin-Yi used to save up cardboard tubes for her to have a chew on we had to laugh because that's exactly what FH does for us!
Max - "Hey JD, you look like you're chomping on a cigar, he he he!"
JD - Now, before we go we just want to show off our latest award! We have to apologise as FH has been dreadful at posting our awards over the past few months - sob!
Max - But we were SO proud of this award that we had very stern words with FH to ensure she posted it for us!
JD - Not only is Tessa a real cutie she's also a really amazing and inspirational doggie. At a tiny 5lbs she nevertheless appears huge in our eyes, as she's a medical assistance doggie for her mom.
Max - Thank you so much for this award Tessa - we are delighted to accept it and we're displaying it with immense pride! There is nothing to "do" for this lovely award - Tessa passed it onto us for being 'kind and wonderful' - *blush!*
JD - Thank you SO much Tessa and your mom - you rock!
Firstly, I likes to chew on those cardboard thingies, too!
Nextly, I luvs human pups but Brudder Ranger isn't so wild abouts them. But he also gets all jealous-like if I'm getting all the attention so he usually comes up and joins the fun, too! Isn't that funny that we're so much alike in that way?
And next to lastly, that's SO neat that you almost know Carol and she is practically famous! Which I think makes you practically famous, too! Right?
And lastly, congratulations on your awardie. I haven't met Miss Tessa. She looks Most Adorable!
Wiggles & Wags,
Those easter treats looked so yummy...I am sure they are long gone by now. ;) And Little Miss N is so nice of her to look after you so. Funny, I saw Honey destroying the mom and dad give me paper towel rolls too...they are so fun to chew up!
It's a pleasure to meet you guys!
Thank you for visiting our blog! We hope you come back lots!
WOW those looked like yummy treats!
Looks like your humans had a great adventure!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Ooh boys - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! So packed full of fantastic things!!
I think you are SO lucky to have such a great, wise human who is making time to do important socialisation things with you - so many humans don't and it's such a shame because it's SUCH an easy way to prevent and sort out doggie behavioural problems! It was great after doing my post on socialising with human pups to read all about how you guys do it! Yup - I used to get taken to the supermarket too! :-) What a wonderful place for socialisation as it is so noisy - as you say - and pretty much guaranteed to be FULL of different kinds of people, all carrying/wearing weird things and pushing noisy trolleys or baby strollers or rustling bags!
Oh - and that picture of you boys chewing the cardboard...!!! *(Sigh) - just wonderful!! That could almost be a poster-pin-up for me!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Ooh - forgot to mention that Easter bunny chewable - my God! SOOOO cute!!!!
They were in Manchester and didn't stop by?
Oh wait, difFURent Manchester - it akhtually is the next town ovFUR on the way to Merdie's house in Mt Wolf!
How khool Bertie got to visit such a pawesome celebrity! I bet she's tikhkled!
Thanks fur sharing your EB pressies!
Khongrats on your pawesome award too!
So many thing s to comment on from this post - we loved meeting Carol and Ronnie - we bet Bertie had a blast with them. And your Easter treats look very tasty.
As for human pups, we have lots of the grandbipeds here all week so we are pretty comfortable with them. But when we are out walking and the kids want to meet us, we have to sit before the little ones can come to us, and Mam makes them walk to us, no running, no bikes, no skateboards, and not too many at one time. It all works really well for them and for us. Your Mom is very smart having you meet the little ones too. Your furiend N looks lovely.
Congrats on your award, it is very nice and one we haven't seen yet.
Have a great weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow, you two have been busy. I like N too...she's a cutie! Congratulations on your award!
your cat pal,
Your mom is very good to let you meet the human pups. We don't do that and subsequently are not happy when we see them. We both get scared. I tend to do my big dog keep away routine and PeeWee hides behind momma. Not good.
Hi guys - wow, you kinda almost sorta know Sir Alex? Can I have your pawtographs please?! Loved the look on Max's face as he's leaning over for a nibble of bunny treat. And your friend N looks super-cute! BFN, Nemo. )
ohmygoodness! so much grrreat stuff you posted!
(1) carol and ronnie are totally awesome!
(2) i loooove paper towel tubes, too!
(3) i am totally jelly over your easter egg and bunny chewies. yummers!
(4) miss n is beyond cute, and how cool is it that she gives you all those back rubs and ear scratches!
(5) congrats on your shiny award!!
okay, i think that's everythingie i wanted to say. heehee!
the booker man
Whew, I am all worn out from just reading all the things you two have been up to!!
Lots of words!!
Congrats on the award!
Sounds like you guys are busy :)
All's well that ends with noms and an award!
Be careful, guys! If you let the humans know you like cardboard, they might stop buying you such yummy treats!
I forgot to say thanks to you for posting about the socialisation activities. (You and Honey both have posted about it recently.) I've been concerned that Penny is getting a bit tense around crowds.
I now realise I have to make the effort to deliberately expose her to crowds, children, etc, and give rewards for good behaviour.
It's all too easy to think that because we did training when our dogs were pups, now we don't have to keep it up.
What an exciting week! So much going on. Great job on winning Tessa's award!
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