Max - Every evening a great group of doggies bring their humans to the nature reserve to take them on a fabulous walk - us doggies are kind like that!
JD - Because FH is never sure what time she's going to finish work each day (because she's lucky enough to love her job which means she'll often stay a bit later) we don't often get to join them for the whole walk which is a shame. BUT we do frequently meet up with them at some point during the walk which is always GREAT fun!
Max - Here are some photos of our pals....

JD - On Tuesday evening we were very excited because we got to the nature reserve in time to meet up with our pals, so we knew we would be joining everyone for the whole walk - woop woop!
Max - It started very well - we all played chase and the humans fed us some treats and then Lily, Frodo and Scampi had a swim in the sea whilst we watched encouragingly from the shore!
JD - We walked further into the reserve, along the river and round the fields. We LOVE the nature reserve, it's an amazing place, we're very lucky to have such a great place to walk that's close to us and is open to dogs!
Max - Scampi was bounding around the long grass - he knows how to have fun! But suddenly he started to scream - we were very concerned.
JD - FH admits she turned to jelly, but luckily Lily's MH and Scampi's FH got to him within seconds. Poor, brave little Scampi had been impaled on a piece of railing that had been thrown into a ditch.
Max - Lily's MH picked him up - he was in shock. There are no roads in the nature reserve so we had to get back to the car park as soon as we could with him, which was several miles away.
JD - We felt quite helpless as he was whisked away to the vet and anxiously waited for news. We heard the wound was flushed out and he was sent home, but he had to go back for an op in the morning as the wound had swollen and got a bit weepy overnight - he sent us this photo of himself looking EXTREMELY brave, along with the message that we've included below....

Max - Get well soon buddy! We're gonna miss seeing you bounding around but you'll be back in no time!
JD - We've put together a little 'care package' for you and we'll drop round to visit you on the weekend with it. We asked FH to get a few things to help keep you occupied whilst you're banned from walkies!!
Max - We also think it would be good for FH to learn some basic canine first aid so that she will cope a bit better in the future!
JD - Lily's MH went back the next day and found and removed the railing - Scampi was actually fairly lucky as it could have been much worse.
Max - We'd love it if you could leave our little buddy a get well wish here (as he doesn't have a blog) as we know it would help him feel loads better!
Oh, what fun you have with your furiends. But we are so sorry to hear about Scampi. That must have been very painful. Thank goodness the humans were able to get to him quickly and get him some help. We hope his wound heals well so he can get back to romping with his good pals. We will go to wish him well.
Oh, we thought maybe Scampi had a blog, but we couldn't find a link. Please send him our best wishes for good healing.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh no!
That must have been horrible for all - paws khrossed fur Scampi to get better soon!
It hurts us when our furiends hurt -
Dear JD and Max
Thank you so very much for the wonderful pressies that arrived yesterday as part of Mango Minster 2010! We really didn't expect any more pressies from you and we were totally blown away by all the wonderful presents! Clive loves his yellow snake, Murray, of course, looks his new YELLOW t-shirt but the fans was been a really exciting hit here! Both Sorcha and Murray adore them! Also, Sorcha was so happy with her bracelet and the key-rings and purse!
We can't thank you enough - make sure you pop over to our blog today so see the photos!
A million thanks again to you both and FH, of course!
best wishes
Clive, Murray, Sorcha and all the gang!
ps-we're keeping our paws crossed for Scampi!
So nice that you have so cute friends, I'm happy for you guys!
Those pictures are adorable, have a great weekend,
purrs and love
oh my god how terrible! what if that has been one of you two and you are smaller--i cringe to think of it! your momma would have gone to pieces! hope Scampi will be ok!
So sorry to hear ....
So sweet from you to tell it on your blog !!!!
We will purr & pray for the dogs
Take care .....
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
JD and max,
me and asa and mama were all reading this and we just kept holding our breaths cuz we were so worried for little scampi! how very scary for ya'll!! we are so so so glad that scampi is alright.
please get better really fast like, scampi!!! you are such a brave dude to go to the vet and get 3 stitchies. try to be a good boy and hold still while your booboo heals, okie dokie?
it is super cool that ya'll have fun walkies in the reserve like that. i'm sure it's tons of funsies! hopefully, scampi will be able to join ya'll again soon!
the booker man
Poor Scampi! What an ordeal! #1 is always muttering about dangerous things being left out in the countryside (over here, it's mainly barbed wire bits). Anyway, our fondest get well wishes to the brave Scampi!
You guys sure know how to have fun and what a lovely place your have to do it in.
What a shame about Scampi, humans need to be more careful with what they leave about. We share this earth and need to be considerate of others both on two legs and four paws. Sighs -- some people will just never learn.
Mom always asks the vet for some first aid tips whenever she visits with us. She's also purchased a great first aid book for pets. Her next step is to put together a first aid kit for the house and the car. You never know...
Belly rubs... we've missed you!
Nellie & Calvert
- Dear Scampi -
We hope you are on the road to recovery soon. Be sure to ask for plenty of treats as we hear they really help in the healing proccess... hehehe
Schnauzer licks on your boo boo...
Your new pals from accross the pond, Nellie & Calvert
Oh, Scampi - I am oh-so-much sorry for your ouchie! That looks like it hurts a LOT! But just think of it this you have a SCAR! And girl dogs are just wild about scars. Maybe you could even makes up a story about how you were protecting your family by fending off a cougar or something! And your parents were like, "Oh no, Scampi! Don't risk your life for us!" and you were like, "Fear not, dear ones! I'll save you!" And then you can finish it with saying, "If you think this is bad, you should see the cougar!" Haha!
Um, sorry, I gots a bit carried away there. Anyway, I hope you are back up and around and doing your walkies again in no times!
Wiggles & Wags,
Poor Scampi! You are very brave!
Hey am back guys!
And guess what?? Pet Pride now has a new look! Do drop by and let me know what you feel about it! And do not forget to link in your posts while there!!
Cya soon at Pet Pride
Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride
I'm so thankful that little Scampi is doing well. Walkies should be fun and not scary. We imagine your female human has had enough scares lately!
Scampi, sending healing hugs from Michigan!!!
Oh - sorry I'm so late but I just wanted to leave a message for Scampi - poor thing! What a horrible experience! But I'm glad it wasn't worse and that he is recovering - what a nasty wound that looks!! He really is a lucky boy - and how irresponsible of people to leave dangerous things like that around...
Hsin-Yi thinks FH's idea of learning Canine First Aid is a great one - she should learn it too! Maybe vets should give some workshops - I'm sure there would be lots of takers!
Honey the Great Dane
Get well soon Scampi! Nemo
Oh my gosh, Frodo looks a bit like me and that gives me hope that you might like me too! I am a treeing walker coonhound who moved from North Carolina to live in Vermont for a few months and now I am in New Hampshire furever! I live with 2 purrfessional pet sitters/dog walkers who let me walk with their clients every day but I sure wish we could visit you too BUTT my mom said you live across the ocean and it would be a long time before we got to your house sooooo my mom says I'll have to settle for a pen pal furriendship for now. I love schauzers and I look forward to barking back and forth with you!
-XOXO-Daisy the Coonhound (and April too)
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