Max - Aren't they great? There was a red one for me and a blue one for JD - they're traditional Malaysian print and we love them.
JD - So we thought we'd do a fashion shoot to show everyone how amazing we look in them!
Max - But be warned - we both look so good you're going to want one of these bandannas for yourself!

JD - "Put it this way Max - I'll be STRUTTING when we go on our next walk - oh yes!"
Max - Thank you so much Scottie - we love our new bandannas. In fact, we felt so good wearing them that we requested FH leave them on for our evening walk...
JD - ....and we also asked for a splash of the manly scent that Santa, Minnie and Christmas sent over to us so we could REALLY pose!
Max - Look out Clacton - the Schnauzer Brothers will be strutting their stuff past your doorways soon, he he he!
JD - Thank you so much Scottie and your mom - we absolutely love our new bandannas, you're the best!
Those bandannas are very classy - you both look great in them. And some manly aroma stuff too? Wow, you two will be all set for a spring fling.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Really fashion :-)
You both looking so lovely :)))
Have a
H_A_P_P_Y_ ~ E_A_S_T_E_R
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
Very stylish, you are lucky boys!
Dip, Bridge and Elliot xx
awesome bandanas! your modeling skills are super crazy good, too. :)
the booker man you drove the girls in the neighborhood wild!
Happy Friday Smileys!
Great bandanas! You both look so cute!
Have a lovely Easter!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
OMD you 2 look so very HOT in your bandanas!!! woo woo woo
Hugs, Tessa
I hope the two of woo got lukhky !
Woo were two furry stylin' pups!
Those were great bandannas!
Oooohhh... you boys look so handsome in your new bandanas, I'm all a-tremble!
I'd love to smell your new manly scent, too. Though I have to say I have a very special fragrance right now - I've been doing some extra rolling practice, and my human gave me the back-of-the-neck stuff the other night, so she can't bathe me for a while!
Puppy kisses
Oh wow, you guys are handsome! We bet everyone is going to look your way...hahaha....
Nice layuout and lovely bandanas
You two look Dashing!
I'm so glad that you liked the bandannas, JD & Max! You two sure looked great with it...*grins* I'll bet all the girls will come a flocking when they see you handsome and great-smelling doggies out! *wink*
Hello boys,
You two look fantastic with those bandanas; but let's face it, everything looks good on you two.
So sorry that I haven't visited lately. Feeling much better, just my energy level isn't what it use to be. I'm hoping it will all go back to normal once I stop taking all my meds... 6 more months to go! Yikes.
Belly rubs to the two of you.
Looking stylish there boys. And I like your new blog layout too - very snazzy. :) Nemo
Hey, you've got a new layout, nice. We like your header too...hehehe...
Happy Easter !!
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Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Lookin' sharp!
Super stylish for sure.
Wow, boys, those bandanas look FABULOUS on you!! Very fashionable indeed!
And talking of which - I love the new look of your blog! Very grown up and stylish, to suit your grown-up selves now! Especially love the scrap-blog header. Hsin-Yi loves scrapping - we must check out that blog later!
Honey the Great Dane
Oh, those ladies of Clacton will be on you like flies on crud!! Er, not to compare you two handsome boys to crud!
Ooooh boys are looking quite handsome in your Malaysian prints. :)
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