Max - Yes, we've been having great fun! We really like having the humans around all the time to cater to our every whim, he he he!
JD - They've finally got round to updating our blog - at last! We've been on at them for AGES to do this!
Max - Too right - we've had problems for MONTHS with our followers tag, our tweet links and our woof-box. FH finally got off her backside and sorted it out for us - about time FH! After all - as every dog knows - why have a human and walk yourself?!
JD - However, FH did drop a clanger we're afraid. She lost all the blogs we had listed on our blog-roll - noooooo!
Max - We THINK we've remembered and re-listed all our pals, but please DO let us know if we've accidentally missed you off so that we can add you again - we'd hate to miss out on your adventures simply because FH had a useless moment, sigh....!
JD - And now that our 'followers tag' is working again please do add yourself if you haven't already done so! Plus, FH has set up a Facebook page for us so we'd be really delighted if you become a fan - the link is on the right hand side of our page!
Max - Anyway, enough about our new layout, what we would like to share with you today is some photos of us snuggling up together.
JD - We admit we got the 'Sunday Snuggles' idea from The Poupounette gang - their 'Snuggles on a Sunday' are always one of our favourite posts of the week!
Max - We wanted to show these photos because we want to show what good friends we are. So many time FH has been told 'oooh, you've made a mistake getting two males from the same litter' - well, you know what we say to these people? We say 'phooey!'
JD - Admittedly, FH really didn't know anything about doggies when she chose us and she's not sure she'd recommend anyone else getting two males from the same litter herself - but she says that's because she couldn't 'do' having two puppies at the same time again (apparently it was very hard work, he he he) and nothing to do with worrying about us not getting on.
Max - You see, FH and MH deliberately chose us two because we had (and still have!) completely different personalities!
JD - I'm very laid back - one of the main reasons for my full name, 'Just Dog'! I like nothing better than kicking back and I tend to go with the flow. If my bro' wants the toy I'm playing with that's fine by me! If my bro' wants the treat I'm eating I don't have a problem with it! I like to groom Max's ears as I know it relaxes him and I'm happiest when we're snuggling together!
Max - I'm the alpha dog who's always on the go - one the main reasons I'm called Max as I like to push everything 'to the max!' My favourite food is whatever JD is eating and my favourite toy usually happens to be the one he's just picked out! When JD grooms my ears I can fall asleep immediately and I'm also happiest when we're snuggling together!
JD - So without any further ado, here are some photos that prove just that....
Max - So, as you can see, we are the best of buddies!
JD - Our humans know they're fortunate that we get on so well - apart from just before our 'big boy op' last year we've always got on. We never fall out and we can't imagine that we ever will!
Max - Mind you, we like to snuggle with our humans too! So we'll leave you with a photo of us doing just that....

JD - Our humans know they're fortunate that we get on so well - apart from just before our 'big boy op' last year we've always got on. We never fall out and we can't imagine that we ever will!
Max - Mind you, we like to snuggle with our humans too! So we'll leave you with a photo of us doing just that....

Nothing wrong with two guys snuggling (oh, unless one is a stinky labradork). You look like great pals. Wonderful post.
awwww thats so sweet... we like that... hehehe..
Fatty & Ally
Sorry to hear about your technical glitches. :(
Now I'm off to join your fan page! ♥
I want in on the snuggle pawty. Plus you have the best beds too! Hey- how's your mom's training going?
Happy easter.
No matter how you pose, you are two cute schnauzers!!
Happy Easter Smileys!
Hoppy Easter to ALL of Woo!
PeeEssWoo: GREAT new look!
You 2 are just 2 cute!
Hugs, Tessa
We just love to see the two of you snuggling with each sweet! We can never get to sleep so close to each other and we have our own special corner.
Oh, I wish I could snuggle like that!
That's why I'm making my human drive me to visit my grand(hu)ma and her schnauzer girls (it will only be three or four days' driving each way, I don't know why she's making such a fuss about it) - if I get on well with them, then I might make her get me a friend.
Then I'll be able to post my own Sunday snuggles!
Puppy kisses
(PS, we just spent a beautiful autumn day at the beach, it was just as warm as summer. Naturally, my human forgot to bring her camera, so she totally failed to capture the fabulous poses I was doing, rolling nekkid in the sand!)
You two are so lucky to have each other & to belong to such a loving family...ahhhhh:)
your cat pal,
Happy belated Easter!
Happy Easter, boyz! We think your new blog decor looks spiffy!
Woo woo!
Maggie and Lulu
happy easter to you guys :D
oh sorry that we didnt vistit you because Sanne had some problems with your blog, she got a just a white screen but where back :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Just as cute as always! There is nothing like a snuggle party!
We love seeing all your snuggle piccies, you really are adorable together. You can tell how much you love each other.
Your blog looks really good, our human really needs to sort ours out. She also needs to keep up with our blog friends more, sorry we have not visited for a bit.
We hope you had a happy easter weekend.
Have a good week, we will check out your fan page! :)
The new layout looks good, nice job!
you two are soooo cute and i will be showing these pics to my big sister Coco as it's mummy's DREAM that we bond and snuggle like you two!
pee ess: is that synchronised snoozing or what!looove it and i'm trying very hard to KISS Coco All the time
You two are great snugglers, we really do LOVE that header photo. Much to Mom's chagrin, none of us are snugglers with each other but we all love to snuggle with Mom. We hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Awww...I luvs that you two are bestest buds! Thanks so much for coming by my bloggie and saying hi! And yes, I'd luvs to be furends with you two. I'm gonna put your bloggie on my list, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
your bloggie is lookin' good! i give it an A+!
ya'll make snoozin' and snugglin' a true art. teehee.
the booker man
Oh boys - you know, I always use you as an example when people start going on about siblings never getting on! Yes, that may be true in general but there are always exceptions! I think if people chose personalities carefully - like your humans did - AND made sure they did training so that they are the pack leaders (not one of the dogs) then things can turn out very well! You only have to look at the pictures of you boys snuggling to see just how wonderfully it can turn out! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Snuggling champs you two are! You're so lucky to get to live with your best friend, each other!
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