JD - Back around Christmas time our good pal Clive from Ireland sent us a fabulous goodie bag and in it he put a copy of 'Guidelines' which is the Irish Guide Dog publication.
Max - Clive is the cover model - how cool is that?!
JD - Well, another great bloggie-doggie - Max from South Africa - had the great idea to have his photo taken with the magazine as you can see if you click here.
Max - We thought this was a GREAT idea so we thought we'd do the same (we hope you don't mind us stealing your idea Max - our female human can't think up things all by herself, she's not the brightest you see....he he he!)
JD - So, here is a photo of us with the amazing Clive!

Max - We're not as photogenic as either Clive OR Max, but nevertheless we felt really cool having our photo taken with one of the most amazing doggies we've ever had the pleasure to 'meet'!
JD - And so it got us to thinking - if WE were this excited to be photographed with Clive we bet a lot of our pals would also love to have the opportunity to be photographed with this handsome cover model too!
Max - And we weren't wrong! Over the past few weeks we have been asking our pals if they wanted to pose with Clive - and they all enthusiastically said YES!
JD - So here are some of our pals - with Clive! We hope you enjoy! (You might want to biggify the piccies so that you can read the comments.)

Max - We hope you enjoyed meeting some of our pals! Everyone LOVED posing with Clive!
JD - And we hope you've all had a fun weekend!
Max - Clive is the cover model - how cool is that?!
JD - Well, another great bloggie-doggie - Max from South Africa - had the great idea to have his photo taken with the magazine as you can see if you click here.
Max - We thought this was a GREAT idea so we thought we'd do the same (we hope you don't mind us stealing your idea Max - our female human can't think up things all by herself, she's not the brightest you see....he he he!)
JD - So, here is a photo of us with the amazing Clive!

Max - We're not as photogenic as either Clive OR Max, but nevertheless we felt really cool having our photo taken with one of the most amazing doggies we've ever had the pleasure to 'meet'!
JD - And so it got us to thinking - if WE were this excited to be photographed with Clive we bet a lot of our pals would also love to have the opportunity to be photographed with this handsome cover model too!
Max - And we weren't wrong! Over the past few weeks we have been asking our pals if they wanted to pose with Clive - and they all enthusiastically said YES!
JD - So here are some of our pals - with Clive! We hope you enjoy! (You might want to biggify the piccies so that you can read the comments.)

Max - We hope you enjoyed meeting some of our pals! Everyone LOVED posing with Clive!
JD - And we hope you've all had a fun weekend!