JD - As FH takes us on quite a few walks we're fortunate enough to have quite a wide circle of doggie friends.
Max - Every evening a great group of doggies bring their humans to the nature reserve to take them on a fabulous walk - us doggies are kind like that!
JD - Because FH is never sure what time she's going to finish work each day (because she's lucky enough to love her job which means she'll often stay a bit later) we don't often get to join them for the whole walk which is a shame. BUT we do frequently meet up with them at some point during the walk which is always GREAT fun!
Max - Here are some photos of our pals....
This is Frodo - he's a super-fun spaniel, we enjoy playing bitey-face with him!
The beautiful Lily - she is such a gorgeous GSD girl!

feisty pal Scampi - he's a Jack Russell/
Westie mix and is into EVERYTHING!

Max politely asks Scampi if he'd care to play chase!

Lily and Scampi check out an interesting sniff!
JD - On Tuesday evening we were very excited because we got to the nature reserve in time to meet up with our pals, so we knew we would be joining everyone for the whole walk - woop woop!Max - It started very well - we all played chase and the humans fed us some treats and then Lily, Frodo and Scampi had a swim in the sea whilst we watched encouragingly from the shore!JD - We walked further into the reserve, along the river and round the fields. We LOVE the nature reserve, it's an amazing place, we're very lucky to have such a great place to walk that's close to us and is open to dogs!
We check out the river - no fish here, boo!
We LOVE to play zoomies in the long grass!
We also love playing zoomies in the not-so-long-grass too, he he he! Max - Scampi was bounding around the long grass - he knows how to have fun! But suddenly he started to scream - we were very concerned.JD - FH admits she turned to jelly, but luckily Lily's MH and Scampi's FH got to him within seconds. Poor, brave little Scampi had been impaled on a piece of railing that had been thrown into a ditch.Max - Lily's MH picked him up - he was in shock. There are no roads in the nature reserve so we had to get back to the car park as soon as we could with him, which was several miles away. JD - We felt quite helpless as he was whisked away to the vet and anxiously waited for news. We heard the wound was flushed out and he was sent home, but he had to go back for an op in the morning as the wound had swollen and got a bit weepy overnight - he sent us this photo of himself looking EXTREMELY brave, along with the message that we've included below....
Scampi - "Look at my 3 stitches and bruise, I'm not allowed walkies for 2 weeks. This is my miserable face."
Max - Get well soon buddy! We're gonna miss seeing you bounding around but you'll be back in no time!
JD - We've put together a little 'care package' for you and we'll drop round to visit you on the weekend with it. We asked FH to get a few things to help keep you occupied whilst you're banned from walkies!!
Max - We also think it would be good for FH to learn some basic canine first aid so that she will cope a bit better in the future!
JD - Lily's MH went back the next day and found and removed the railing - Scampi was actually fairly lucky as it could have been much worse.
Max - We'd love it if you could leave our little buddy a get well wish here (as he doesn't have a blog) as we know it would help him feel loads better!