JD - Hi everyone - oooh, we are SO behind with our blogging! There is loads that we want to tell everyone about, but our administration staff - erm, we mean FH - has been falling WAY behind - sigh....!Max - Yes, we're sorry that we've been tardy with keeping up with your blogs recently, we're going to try to visit everyone to catch up again this weekend!JD - The heat isn't helping either! Oooh, it's SO hot here right now, all a pup wants to do is sleep!Max - FH has been good with this point we suppose. She's been taking us out for our morning walk extra early so that we miss the real heat of the day and we've been getting ice cubes, cold carrots, cold cucumber and cooling watermelon to eat to cool down!
Nom, nom, NOM! Ooooh - chilled watermelon is SO refreshing!
JD - Anyway, the most exciting bit of news is that we got a parcel the other day from Norwood! It was our prize for coming first in the Action Fick section of his pawsome Pawdance Film Festival. We've been nagging FH to take photos of it ever since it arrived - gosh, we were everso excited when it turned up!
JD - "Ooh, Max! There's a froggie sticker on this parcel!"Max - "Well, that can only mean one thing bro' - it must be from the super-cool Norwood!"
JD - "Sigh! We're posing like 'nice boys'
FH - can we open our parcel now??!"

JD - "Oh WOW Max - we got a trophy, with our names on and everything!"
Max - "It's got two stars on the trophy, obviously! 'Cos of course WE'RE two stars!"
JD - "Hey Max - MY name is on the trophy FIRST - ha!"
Max - "Sure, JD, but the SECOND star on the trophy is the BIGGEST star - so THERE!"
JD - "This is the coolest trophy in the World!"
Max - "It sure is JD! But I feel tired just remembering all the running about we did for our 'Chariots of Fire' flick - I just need a little lie down for a sec.....!"
JD - "And here's the certificate we got!"
Max - "Oooh, we get to have our photo taken with Norwood - neat!"
JD - "We also got a
doggie calendar...."
Max - "....yeah, for about two minutes! FH has taken it into work - humph!"
JD - "Um, you can't see our goodies very well in this photo - we also got a really fun bubble set - very green and frog-like...."
Max - "....and there was a cool 'magic towel' - it was very tasty, you can see me chewing it here, before FH took it off me. She's SUCH a kill-joy!"
Max - "And finally, our favourite bit - nommy paw-baked biscuits. These are SO yummy - but our mean FH is rationing them -humph!"
Max - "NOM!!!"

JD - "Gimme the biscuit, gimme the biscuit, gimme the biscuit....!"
JD - "NOM!!" JD - Thank you SO much Norwood - this was such a surprise, we LOVE all the goodies and the trophy is simply pawsome!Max - Oh yeah! FH has taken the trophy with her everywhere and has been showing it off to everyone. We don't think there's anyone left in Clacton who hasn't seen it, he he he!JD - We had SO much fun with the Pawdance Film Festival - we certainly didn't expect prizes! Max - In other exciting news Miss Mayzie's exciting Dee-En-Ay contest reached its conclusion earlier this week, with pups from all over the blogsphere joining paws to help those less fortunate than themselves. JD - We were proud to make a donation to Dog's Trust on behalf of Miss Mayzie and this morning FH made a transfer of £123.50, which was 50 pennies per Dee-En-Ay guess that came in !Max - Mariah's Promise and All Paws Rescue also benefited from Miss Mayzie's contest - isn't Miss Mayzie just the most lovely doggie ever?
We were proud to have been involved in Miss Mazyie's Dee-En-Ay contest! JD - We have some very exciting news that we're going to tell you about in our next post....Max - ....it's to do with a 'third doggie'! Can you guess?!!JD - Anyhoo - before we leave we just wanted to post this photo of us that MH took yesterday after our morning walk with FH.Max - It's us trying to persuade FH not to go to work! We thought that if we weighed her down she couldn't abandon us......
Max - "Okay JD - I'll lie across her lap and pin her down, if you could just position yourself across her shoulders and hold her down that way....!"JD - "....I'm on it bro', I'm on it! She can't possibly leave us now, surely??!!" JD - .....but sadly it didn't work. She still left, muttering some excuse about having to earn money to buy doggie biscuits and cheese - sigh!!!!Max - It's so sad how FH keeps on abandoning us! Do you do anything to try to keep your humans at home too?