JD - Hi everyone! We know we're on a blogging break....
Thinking about our blogging buddies! Max - ....but we insisted that FH post some photos TODAY because it's our 2nd birthday!JD - And we wanted to share with you some of the great pressies we got!!Max - Because our wonderful, beautiful, generous blog sweetheart Sasha and her dapper, dashing and kind brother Rupert sent us some really fun gifts!JD - They did, they did! And we LOVE what they sent - check it out...
JD - "OOOH - for ME??!! Really??!!"
JD - "Why, I don't mind if I do!!"

JD - "Now THIS is what I call a cool starfish
Max - "Oh, oh - I wanna play too - gimme, gimme!!"JD - "Oi,
Max - "I think you'll find Sasha and Rupert sent this stuffie for BOTH of us JD....!"
Max - "Humph - well, if you're not going to share the starfish stuffie then I'M going to claim this cool moo-ing cow stuffie - so THERE!"
Max - "Um - MH - you can let go of the cow stuffie now, there's a good human.....!"
JD - "Ooh, THAT looks fun too -
oooh, let me have a go on it too!"
Max - "Hey, not FAIR JD! You wouldn't share the starfish - gerroff my cow!"
Max - "S'mine!"JD - "No - S'MINE!!" Max - Sasha and Rupert - we can't thank you enough for these amazingly cool toys - they are SO much fun!JD - You are the best-est pals a couple of schnauzers could have. And the prettiest (with gorgeous eyes!) and most dynamic (and licky!) pals too!Max - Yup - you two ROCK! JD - We also got a new toy from FH and MH - it's real fun to play tug and chase with - check it out here....
Max - "Um - what exactly IS it JD?"JD - "I'm not really sure Max, but there's lots of ends for us to grab hold of which should make it fun to run around with!" Max - Also, even though it's not HER birthday FH got a really special parcel a few weeks ago from The Slimmer Pugs! We helped her to open it - we're good like that, he he he! They had sent her some really wonderful pressies. We're going to do a proper post on them when we're back to blogging, but in the meantime here is a picture of us helping her to open the parcel!
"Oh wow - there is SO much great stuff in here FH.....!"
JD - FH got a bit leaky when she opened the parcel as she was so blown away by how kind and sweet The Slimmer Pugs are. Thanks guys - you are so wonderful it makes FH all smiley and us all waggy just thinking about you being our pals!Max - We were hoping that FH would help us to visit your blogs over the weekend, but we're afraid she had what she called 'the mother of all migraines' and couldn't even get out of bed yesterday.JD - She was rather ill - couldn't eat or walk or anything. But we rather enjoyed it because after each walk that MH took us on yesterday we were allowed to join FH on the bed to keep her company and look after her - that's a rare treat for us, we're not usually allowed on the humans' bed.Max - MH thought it would be an early treat for us for our birthday, as well as helping FH to feel better, so we were more than happy to oblige, he he he!JD - So we're sorry we haven't visited yet since our break - we hope to next weekend!Max - In the meantime we'd like to say we miss you all very much - thanks for all the kind comments you left on our last post, the house renovations are going slowly (and noisily and messily!) but the humans seem to be happy with the progress....JD - ....and FH's work is still crazy, but she says she can see 'light at the end of the tunnel' and hopes to be managing a much less crazy schedule by November.Max - Which - all in all - means we hope to be back to the blogging World by then.JD - Paws crossed and all that! In the meantime thank you again Sasha and Rupert!Max - And thank you The Slimmer Pugs!