JD - Hello everyone - we hope you're all ready for Christmas!
Max - We were too young to understand what was going on last year, but this year it's different! JD - There are lots of visitors making a fuss of us (naturally!), there are lots of brightly wrapped parcels with our names on them underneath a tree that's INDOORS (what's all THAT about?!), the house is full of amazing smells and we've been having SO much fun playing in the snow.
JD and Max find hide and seek rather easy in the snow!
Max - AND female human has even gone to the trouble of getting a bright red nose to impersonate Rudolph - we're very impressed!JD - It's something to do with her having a cold or some such thing - why she went and got herself a cold whilst she's taking time off work is a mystery to us. You'd have thought she'd have waited until she went back to work - humans are so odd sometimes....!Max - Anyway, the only downside to the season - as far as we can see - is the humans strange compulsion to dress us up in antlers or hats or some such frippery!
Max - "Hey - what's that on your head JD?" JD - "Um, I'm not really sure Max, but every time I wear it female human gives me a biscuit so I thought I'd just go with it....!" JD - Yes - it is somewhat annoying to say the least!Max - ANYWAY - we would like to apologise for not getting our paws out and publishing our 'bootie-licous' winners any earlier. We blame the humans really - gadding off AGAIN to party at the O2 last week without a care for us and OUR needs - humph!
JD - But now, without further ado - we can announce the results! However, before we do we would like to thank our great pals Nellie & Calvert, Santa & Minnie and Guinness, Saige and Groucho who have ALL helped us to host this competition. Max - Because of their generosity of spirit - and wonderful wit! - this competition has been truly international!! As you can see from the four red blobs on the map below, the 'bootie-licious' competition has been brought to you courtesy of England, New York, Novia Scotia and Kuala Lumpur - isn't that wonderful?!
JD and Max - "Wow - we thought the World was bigger somehow.....!" JD - Thank you to Nellie and Calvert....
Some fine hiney action demonstrated by Nellie and Calvert! Max - .... and Santa and Minnie....
Some wonderful bootie-sychronisity from Santa and Minnie! JD - .... and Guinness, Saige and Groucho. You guys are the BEST - we love you!
A perfect three-point bottom figuration from the Wolfies and Groucho! Max - Here is the photo that 'launched a thousand butt photographs'- well, it was the inspiration behind the competition anyway, he he he!
Work it Groucho, work it!! JD - We're just pleased we didn't have to vote - ALL the entries were fantastic and ALL were worthy of winning we don't think we could have made our mind up! Thank you SO much to everyone who entered - it has been so much fun hosting it! Max - So, without further ado, we are proud to hand over to Guinness, Saige and Groucho to announce the winners, as voted for by you, the blogging public....! CATEGORY ONE - TAIL PLACEMENT
Joint 1st Place between - Fatty from "The Schnauzer Blog"....Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Groucho here! Fatty had me at HELLO with this entry! Any dog who can weave a tale with her tail is sure to make all ends meet to secure first prize. Fatty, you have come full circle to win this category! Well done!"
....and - Mango from "Mango's Great Adventures"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Saige here - and tied for first place is my buddy in hugeness... Mango. Looking more like a banana than a Mango The Relentlessly Huge's tail placement is a real wag. He is a 'flat out' winner as he strategically guards future generations. That Mango...discreet, always discreet!"
2nd Place - Lily from "Fold n Unfold"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Groucho again, and it appears little Lily has taken curling lessons from me! Well done, well done...and at a mere 14 weeks old at the time of this photo she is also our youngest contestant. Lily has secured 2nd prize and all 3 of us fell for this little sweetie hook, line and sinker!"
1st Place -Benny from "Doggy Days"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Guinness here and with paws crossed for the win Benny did not come up short! Hehehe!! What is that Saige? You say you have a sudden craving for some Rump Roast??? Hmmmm....well, no wonder, with a LANDSLIDE win for first place Benny has everyone craving for a little piece of that sweet meat....congrats to Benny - and please pass the salt!"
Joint 2nd Place between - Cobi from . A Dash of Salt & Pepper"....Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Groucho again and there is a 3 way split for 2nd place...hey Saige, can I make a butt joke about a split? No? Stop being weird you say? OK, well here we have the adorable Cobi shaking his Salt and Pepper on the boardwalk. This little rascal shakes his derriere for 2nd place...great job Cobi!"
....and - Lily from "Doggy Days"....Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "...and showing off her better half who could resist these drumsticks? Lily has us all craving our holiday turkey dinner and shares the 2nd place win with this delicious picture! Bravo Lily!"
....and - Oskar from "The Daily Oskar"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Oskar is the final winner for 2nd place, but what we really want to know is who noticed the tail? Look at that face! Do we all agree a cuteness overload warning should be in affect here or what?! Great job cute little guy. You win on both fronts...or should we say ends."
1st Place - Elliot from "Dip-Dip & The Bridge"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Saige here - and moving on to my favorite category, we have the Fluffy Butt contest! And look! Is that the end of a Q-tip? No, It is the end of our first place winner, Elliot! Elliot is also the youngest canine entrant of the entire contest. Who can resist this cottony softness of a bottom! Well done little fella!"
2nd Place - Sasha from "Pupalicious!"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "And here we have Sasha with a chimney sweep broom for a tail! Due to the height factor, this is one of my personal favorite entries. And look at that mischievous grin. Sasha is certainly tuned into 2nd place with her built in antenna! "
Joint 1st Place between - Virus from "The WriggleButts"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Groucho at the keyboard because Saige and Guinness are at a loss for words over this brilliant picture. Why is "You're a Strange Animal" playing in the background? This shot says so many things to me. If you turn your head to the left, you can see a goose neck. Look at it front on and it transforms to a howler monkey of the rainforest! No wonder this fascinating and talented kitty has earned 1st place. Well done Virus!"
....and - Sasha from "Pupalicious!"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - "Sasha does it again with her high rise! This little 'yummy bummy' is so cute we give it a standing ovation! First place! Way to go Sasha!"
2nd Place - Fatty from The Schnauzer Blog"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - Guinness: "Peek-a-boo, I see you! No, it is not an elephant trunk...it is Fatty showing off her ASSets! Nothing that cute should ever be hidden...you wag that tail with pride Fatty. Great job on 2nd place!"
1st Place - Ally from "The Schnauzer Blog"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - Saige:"WOOO! Watch out! Here comes a landslide! No, no...it is Ally and she has won by a landslide! " Guinness: " Wow, first place? What a bargain! Half off - no heads, just tails here!"
2nd Place - Brutus from "Brutus The Frenchie"Guinness, Saige and Groucho - Guinness: "Way to cover your butt Brutus! You won second place with this adorable picture. Is that what you were looking for? All 3 of us just love that little wiggle wag of yours. Great job buddy! 
Guinness - Well that was a great contest. We would like to thank JD and Max for letting us comment on the winners!
Saige - And we think ALL the entries were amazing and creative and thoughtful.
Groucho - But MY butt takes top spot, and I am the one who inspired it all. So none of this would even have been possible without my unique nether region...hello... hello? Saige...? Guinness...? Where are you going...what are you doing with the duct tape....??
JD - He he he!! Aww, thanks guys!
Max - Yes, thanks SO much!
JD - So, can all the 1st and 2nd place winners please e-mail us via the 'contact us' button on the top navigation bit of our blog as we have a modest prize to send to all you for being so bootie-licious!
JD and Max - Happy Christmas everyone - we hope you all have a great time over the next few days!!