Max - We apologise for not getting round to visit your blogs as much as we would like but we've been really busy supervising our humans....
JD - .... as they're off on holiday AGAIN next week you see - sigh! They're always abandoning us to gad about around the World, we're practically neglected you know!
Max - Mind you, the exciting thing about THIS particular holiday of theirs is that they're going to meet loads of our good blog friends in pupson, namely Fatty and Ally and Santa and Minnie and Christmas and Beckham and Cobi - how thrilling is THAT?!
JD - They're SO excited - they can't wait!
Max - So we have obviously been taking their holiday packing VERY seriously as we want to make sure they don't forget to pack any of the little gifts that we have chosen for our pals!

JD - We're really going to miss our humans whilst they're away, but we do enjoy our stays at the kennels as we get rather spoiled!
Max - And we know that getting to cuddle our pals will help our humans feel better whilst they're away. But we DO wish we could go with them to meet all our blog pals in pupson too.
JD - They fly out on Wednesday so this will be our last post for a couple of weeks. Our humans usually take their netbook with them on holiday but this time they're going to really take 'time out' so will be leaving it at home!
Max - We're going to miss you whilst we're away - we'll try and visit your blogs before we go!
JD - But please visit our pals' blogs if you get a chance - you never know, you might get to hear what our humans have got up to before we find out about it ourselves!!
Max - Other exciting news is that we got a parcel on Friday all the way from Australia!
JD - We were very excited and set about opening it up at once....
Max - I finally manged to break through!
JD - We were very excited to see that there was an item for each of us - we were keen to find out what they were!
Max - Well! Look at this! Spectacular new collars - we could hardly believe our eyes!
JD - A lovely letter inside the parcel explained that our beautiful blog pal Honey had chosen them for us. Thank you so much Honey - we love them!
Max - Each collar is made of leather, each has a personalised engraved name plaque plus manly studs!

JD - Honey explained that she remembered the difficulty that we had experienced trying to find manly collars for the smaller doggie - we find that the smaller collar is usually a bit too girly in design for us.
Max - And as we're such butch doggies we were getting a bit frustrated by this, he he he! Well, the gorgeous Honey remembered this so when she saw these smaller collars in leather with manly studs on she thought of us!
JD - Isn't that just wonderful? Honey, you are so kind and generous! Thank you so much - they fit perfectly and we LOVE them - we've been strutting around in them and expect to get a lot of attention from the ladies as a result, he he he!
Max - As it's still Winter here though FH has told us we must keep our collars 'for best' until it's no longer wet and muddy outside.
JD - We want to keep our collars looking nice so we've happily agreed.

Max - Before we leave we would just like to send love and hugs out to our blog pal Max and his mom who - as we're sure you all know - is going through a tough time at the moment.
JD - Dear Max, we think you're an amazing doggie and we're so pleased we've got to know you through the world of blogging. We just want to send you special schnauzer snuggles and let you know that we're thinking of you.
Max - So, we'll see you all in a couple of weeks. What we're planning on doing whilst our humans are away enjoying themselves is a whole lot of this....

JD - We'll see you all soon!
We hope your humans have a wonderful holiday. It sounds like it is going to a lot of fun meeting up with bloggy pals.
We hope you two have some fun too whilst they are away.
Those collars are lovely, it is very nice of Honey to send them to you. You look really cool in them. :-)
We hope your humans have a great time away and that you both really enjoy your time at the kennel too.
Your collars are very nice. Our Mom has a hard time finding collars she likes for us boys too - she is a lot fussier than we are:)
Poor Max, poor Max's Mom. We wish we could work a miracle.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I miss woo already!
Thank woo fur sharing your preparations!
That sounds like a very exciting holiday your humans are going on, it will be nice to meet all those other bloggie friends. Hope you have a nice time being spoilt in the kennels, we will miss you.
What gorgeous manly collars, why we thought you were film stars!
Have a great time FH with hubby and think of us poor creatures in the rain!
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
Hi boys!
From that enormous pile of stuff your humans are taking, it seems to me they could leave some of it out and take you instead!
Then you could go play with all our friends yourselves!
(And maybe pop over here to see me!)
Puppy kisses
Happy holidays
for your Mommy & Daddy :-)
I will missing you !!!
Have fun in your doghotel
I love my cathotel
there are soooooooo many cats !!
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
the pose of you two modeling your collars is delicious! my how well you too sit! that is REALLY exciting that you will be meeting blogging friends outside of cyber space!!!! we are totally pumped to read all about it and we mean that! will you be coming to Canada at any time to visit us??? that would be wounderful! there is lots of room here in wolfhound land where everything needs to be supersized! where did you get the stationary for hsin and honey?? i want to buy me some of that with Saige and guinn--it is remarkable!!!
Hi JD and Max,
Sorry that you have to be left behind. Maybe you could pretend to be a couple of schnauzer stuffies so that your humans could take you along. We'll love to meet you in pupson.
Those collars look great on the two of you! Honey is such a thoughtful friend, isn't she?
Oh, I'm so pleased that you like the collars and that they fit!! My human was a bit worried about the size as she is not used to measuring up things for little dogs (hee! hee!) - so I'm really relieved that they fit you OK. Yes, I'm sure you will have the girls eating out of your big macho paws now - !! :-)
How exciting about your humans' trip - and to meet blog friends too! I really hope that one day they can come out to Australia and visit us too!
Those pictures of you boys snuggling (or should I say smuggling?) yourselves into the luggage are just too cute! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
You both look great in your new collar. My pawrents and I can't wait to meet your humans :)
Enjoy your time away from the demanding humans. Now it is party central for you two, right?
Honey is so thoughtful to send you handsome manly collars all the way from Oz. Strut your stuff!
Wishing your humans a most WONDERFUL vacation & hope you doggies have fun while they're away. Can't wait to hear all about it.
your cat pal,
Happy Holidays to your beans dear friends!
Ahhh you both look so charming with the new cute collars!I loved the picture of you both using the new collars!
I think you did a great job supervising mommy and those stuffs!Well done!
Enjoy your time and I will be here thinking of you my sweet friends!
Love you guys
OOh! Max & JD! I can't believe that I got ANOTHER special package from you in the post very own Valentine's Card!!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just Love it! Love it! Love it!!
So amazing - how you must have spend the time finding all those pictures from my blog - oh, I'm so touched!! And so honoured to be your valentine!
Hsin-Yi is going away too until next week to attend a conference so I will have to post about it when she gets back and can help me but thank you again! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I think Hsin-Yi is jealous because I got a Valentine's Card and she didn't! Ha! Ha!
Hi JD & Max!
Sorry for not visiting sooner...your parents are so cool to be visiting Malaysia! I hope I'll get to meet them too when they come over *grins*
LOVE the new collars that you got! The studs are awesome!
awww...sure gonna miss you two! and your sweet mom/person.
What an adventure for them...are you sure you can't just kinda snuggle in between the clothes and breathe through a little zipper opening! hee hee Of course when they find you...mmm? you'd have to explain how Scarlet Puppynickle crammed you in there and you couldn't escape!
Nice collars for sure..wowzie..personalized! You two have class!
See you soon...and try to have fun at the kennel (if the above hideout doesn't work)...look very sad so they spoil you all the more!
Paws UP!
What lovely collars,Honey has such good taste,and she judged the size right too!
It sounds a very exciting holiday, shame you can't squeeze in the case aswell and meet all your blogging friends but maybe you can persuade your humans to come to Wales and I can meet you.
Licks and tailwags
What great packing helpers....hope your humans come home soon. :)
Enjoy the time off! I love your new collars. :)
Those new collars are very manly! My people and I will miss you while you are gone, try not to get all of the cute kennel girls wrapped around your paws! Where it is possible to buy the, microscopy ajpl rosenow gilmartin supercities trondheim tenacious fogertown
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