Hi everyone - JD and Max speaking as one for the moment! Due to some things that are happening here we're going to have to take a little break from blogging for a while - we sure hope you won't forget about us whilst we're away!
We're not taking a break for any horrible reasons - it's just that FH's job has gone CRAZY recently and any spare time she has she's spending on the laptop doing stuff for work instead of helping us with our blog - phooey!
PLUS FH and MH are also doing something called 'working on the house' - it seems like they're just making loads of mess as far as we can see, but again, it's taking them away from helping us with our blog - sigh.....
We won't be away for TOO long - we hope to be back again at some point in November. But we didn't just want to disappear so we thought we'd let you know we're going to be popping off briefly..... And we might have to INSIST that FH does a quick update post at some point next week as we'll be turning a whole TWO years old then and we're sure the flashy box will feature heavily at some point during the celebrations!
We also hope to be able to visit you at some point whilst we're away, although we can't guarantee it - well, you know how unreliable humans can be - sigh! We're gonna miss you all SO much!
We're so worried that you're going to forget all about us - we'll be back soon with lots more history posts (JD was thrilled that you all seemed to like his last post!) and suspense stories (Max guarantees he will have solved many mysteries by the time he's back!) and loads of photos of us just being cute! In the meantime, we hope these photos here will keep you going. So, until we meet again......(sob!).....
A Web of Lies
15 hours ago