Max - .....but then we never came back! We're really sorry about this but the reason is you lot out there, he he he! We have been so inundated by items coming in for the auction that we've been totally knocked off our paws!!JD - Yup - we're really sorry for not giving you any links or anything but we've been concentrating on the auction site -
which you can find here!

Please copy this picture to your sidebar and link to the auction - thank you!
Max - Thank you everyone for your kindness in offering such amazing items (and they are all really AMAZING!) and for your generosity in bidding.JD - Please keep those auction items coming in and please keep those bids rolling in - this is so much fun! If we don't get round to sending you a response e-mail for a few days or listing your items for a few days please bear with us!
FH does insist on going out to work - sigh! - and there's so much stuff coming in that we're actually getting a bit behind!
Max - But because of this we advise you to check the auction site daily for exciting new items! Thank you everyone, thank you - we really can't say that enough!JD - We're also going to be running an on-line bake sale - yummy yummy! - and we need your help for this! Please send favourite recipe to '
pawsofpeaceATgooglemailDOTcom' along with a photo of yourself that you don't mind us using on the blog (preferably one of you
nomming the treats!)

Thank you everyone!
Max - We're setting up a special recipe page where we'll post your photo and title of your recipe and from there lucky pups WORLDWIDE can can buy a recipe for the bargain price of $1.00 each. Purchase of these items will be by PayPal.JD - Frankie, Puddles, Minna
Krebbs, The Slimmer Pugs and Mr Pip have also come up with the
PAWSOME idea of a kissing both -
va va voom!!
Max - Please click here for details of how you can take part - please do, we've been dreaming of certain lady doggies and oohhh, what we wouldn't give for a smooch from you!JD - The kissing booth will work the same way as the bake sale - a special page is under construction as we type! - and you simply choose who you want to smooch, pay the BARGAIN price of $1.00 via the
PayPal button thing and '
M'WAH!' - a great big smacker will be coming your way!!
Max - So what are you waiting for! Get those auction items in, get those kissable face photos in and get those recipes in!JD - Thank you ALL. We are SO PROUD to be
joint holders of the 'Help and Humane
Services' with the
pawsome Slimmer Pugs in
Frankie's cabinet!
Max - We sure are bro'. Blogville is making a difference and that fills us with great joy!