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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Visiting the YOU-ESS!!

Hi everyone, sorry we haven't blogged for ages and AGES but we're afraid we've been.....

.......behind bars!!  *GASP!**

Well, actually, no, not really!  These are just some new security railings that our local council have erected along our coastline (and a right eyesore they are too if you ask us!)

The FH has been ridiculously busy at work and has been doing crazy hours - when she's home she spends her time walking us and doesn't have time blog also.  Sigh.....

We're still enjoying our coastal walkies!

But we wanted to do a quick blog update to let everyone know that we're both well and happy - and that plans for JD and Izzy's wedding in October are going well!

We miss our bogging pals - we hope you haven't furgotten us completely!

And we also wanted to let you know that our humans are VERY excited as they're going to be in the YOU-ESS in a few weeks time - they're going to visit a place called NEW YORK to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary.  Wowzers - they're OLD!!

Us with some of our best furiends and one of our favourite human friends!

They are extra excited about this trip as they're going to meet up with our blogging friends from Schnauzer-tude!  Which means they'll get to cuddle - IN-THE-FUR!! - our four great pals!!  So, much as we're going to miss them whilst they're away we're also very excited for them!

We probably won't have time to blog again before they go away but we'll make sure that FH updates our blog after their journey and let you all know how it went!


Clive said...

Lovely to get an update and to hear that you are all well.

Hope the anniversary celebrations go well in NY!

best wishes
Clive & Co

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hooray, you're back...even if it is just for a minute. We miss you! Glad everyone is well....and we KNOW that walks are slightly more important than blogging.

Hope the peeps just have the bestest time in New York.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

We don't like those bars at the beach either.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We would NEVER EVER furget you guys! We saw you behind bars and got worried that you were in jail!

Too bad your pawrents can't come down to Florida too while they're on vacation.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

We've missed you! We'd never forget you! We check all the time to see if you have updated. You are our favorite Schnauzers (well, except for our friend Maggie, but you understand, I get to see her in the fur so to speak).
Thank you so much for updating us!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I KNOW when the Anniversary is.. beclaws it is the SAME DATE as Ruby Penny and Mine.

Can't wait fur the Wedding in October.

Dexter said...

Spending time doing real live doggie activities is so important. If you can't blog, then it is good to know that you are doing fun things instead like taking adventure walkies.


Ziggy Stardust said...

I am glad that you are all doing well. Have a fun trip and it is so nice to see you.

Loveys Sasha

Sketching with Dogs said...

You can always rely on the council to ruin the look of absolutely anywhere!
Glad you 2 are okay and hope your parents enjoy the US - we can guarantee they are not as old as ours, he he.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Oskar said...

I'm so glad to see you boys & hear some updates. I wish I lived in New York! What fun they will have meeting blog friends.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey boys - so nice to see you again, and I'm glad you didn't get thrown in the slammer!! BOL!

So your peeps will be off again.....I don't know know how you allow that to happen, I'd be putting my paws down about it!

Still - we wish them great travels......and safe and "no sickies" this time, OK!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx (and her mum)

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Hey JD and Max! Looks like you boys have been fury busy. Happy Anniv to your peeps!

I wanted to stop by to wish you both and your family a




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