Max - We're going to make sure we do the rounds tonight! We've been pre-occupied as male and female human have been really busy at work....
Max - We don't mind the kennels - we get a bit spoilt by the gorgeous kennel girls when we're there as they can't resist our fluffy tails and bushy eyebrows, so we're quite happy about that!

JD - Which is just as well really, as our humans are off to yet another place that we're not allowed to go to next week - it's called 'Egypt'....
Max - we're going to be in the kennels for just over a week. We're not sure where this 'Egypt' place is or why we're not allowed to go with the humans, but we hope they bring us some good presents back!
JD - Whilst we're in the kennels our humans are going to be looked after by Bertie, the tiny plush schnauzer they got to replace us when they visit places that we can't go to.
Bertie looks out over the O2 Dome - shame that at this angle it also has a huge pylon in the middle of it....!
Max - So, although we're obviously not going to be able to blog for a while watch this space for pictures of Bertie in Egypt, he he he!!
JD - Now, since we're having some 'down-time' we thought it would be the ideal point to have a competition!
Max - This is the very first competition that we've hosted - we're pretty excited!
JD - We recently posted a 'wordless Wednesday' in homage of our handsome bloggie pal Groucho - and as a result of the fun comments that were left for us we have decided to launch our very own 'bootie-licious' competition!
Max - We have drafted in the help of our great pals Nellie & Calvert from NY and the 'ear-resistible' Santa & Minnie from KL - as well as the 'splorin' wolfies, Guinness and Saige and Groucho!!
JD - So - this is what you need to do! To enter our 'bootie-licious' competition please send us your favourite 'tooshie' shot! You can post it on your blog and leave a comment for us to direct us to it, or send it directly to us via e-mail by using the 'contact us' button on the top navigation bar of our blog.
Max - There are three categories for you to enter - you can enter one category, two categories or all three! First off is the 'Fluffy-butt!' category to show off all those gloriously fluffy posteriors out there!
JD - Next we have the 'Tail-Placement' category to show off how we all use our tails for different purposes - show us how you flirt with your tail, how you play with your tail - or even how you spell out your name with your tail like Groucho here - he he he!

Max - And finally we have the 'Bottoms Up!' category - please send us your funniest butt-shot! We all know how carried away the humans can get with those flashy boxes so we're sure there are a lot of very funny bottom shots out there for us to all have a giggle at!
JD - Those are the categories - we DO hope you enter! Max - Our human has even made us a competition link button - you see, humans CAN be quite useful at times, he he he! JD - Here it is....

JD - Which is just as well really, as our humans are off to yet another place that we're not allowed to go to next week - it's called 'Egypt'....
Max - we're going to be in the kennels for just over a week. We're not sure where this 'Egypt' place is or why we're not allowed to go with the humans, but we hope they bring us some good presents back!
JD - Whilst we're in the kennels our humans are going to be looked after by Bertie, the tiny plush schnauzer they got to replace us when they visit places that we can't go to.
JD - Now, since we're having some 'down-time' we thought it would be the ideal point to have a competition!
Max - This is the very first competition that we've hosted - we're pretty excited!
JD - We recently posted a 'wordless Wednesday' in homage of our handsome bloggie pal Groucho - and as a result of the fun comments that were left for us we have decided to launch our very own 'bootie-licious' competition!
Max - We have drafted in the help of our great pals Nellie & Calvert from NY and the 'ear-resistible' Santa & Minnie from KL - as well as the 'splorin' wolfies, Guinness and Saige and Groucho!!
JD - So - this is what you need to do! To enter our 'bootie-licious' competition please send us your favourite 'tooshie' shot! You can post it on your blog and leave a comment for us to direct us to it, or send it directly to us via e-mail by using the 'contact us' button on the top navigation bar of our blog.
Max - There are three categories for you to enter - you can enter one category, two categories or all three! First off is the 'Fluffy-butt!' category to show off all those gloriously fluffy posteriors out there!
JD - Next we have the 'Tail-Placement' category to show off how we all use our tails for different purposes - show us how you flirt with your tail, how you play with your tail - or even how you spell out your name with your tail like Groucho here - he he he!
Max - And finally we have the 'Bottoms Up!' category - please send us your funniest butt-shot! We all know how carried away the humans can get with those flashy boxes so we're sure there are a lot of very funny bottom shots out there for us to all have a giggle at!
JD - Those are the categories - we DO hope you enter! Max - Our human has even made us a competition link button - you see, humans CAN be quite useful at times, he he he! JD - Here it is....

JD - ....please copy the html code onto your blog page for a direct link to this competition!
Max - The closing date for this competition is Monday, 23rd November, after which we will then open the competition up to a public vote! This will be when Santa & Minnie and Nellie & Calvert will be stepping in! They have agreed to help everyone with their voting by writing a short commentary on each photo - this is going to be so much fun!
JD - Obviously, to give our friends a chance to pen some witty and insightful comments the voting won't until one week after the closing date - 30th November - and voting will be open for one week.
Max - When the competition is over we will announce the winners - and to make it really exciting Guinness, Saige and Groucho will say a few words about each of the winners!! We'd like to thank our pals SO much for agreeing to help with this competition - because of their help we think this will be a truly 'international event' - he he he!!
Saige, Guinness and Groucho - who inspired this competition - will be commentating on the three winners - it's very exciting!
JD - So - without further ado - let the competition commence!
Max - Good luck! Don't forget - we're on our holidays now for a couple of weeks, so please enter whilst we're away as it'll give us something really fun to look forward to upon our return! We'll see you all in a couple of weeks time.....!
Max - The closing date for this competition is Monday, 23rd November, after which we will then open the competition up to a public vote! This will be when Santa & Minnie and Nellie & Calvert will be stepping in! They have agreed to help everyone with their voting by writing a short commentary on each photo - this is going to be so much fun!
JD - Obviously, to give our friends a chance to pen some witty and insightful comments the voting won't until one week after the closing date - 30th November - and voting will be open for one week.
Max - When the competition is over we will announce the winners - and to make it really exciting Guinness, Saige and Groucho will say a few words about each of the winners!! We'd like to thank our pals SO much for agreeing to help with this competition - because of their help we think this will be a truly 'international event' - he he he!!

JD - So - without further ado - let the competition commence!
Max - Good luck! Don't forget - we're on our holidays now for a couple of weeks, so please enter whilst we're away as it'll give us something really fun to look forward to upon our return! We'll see you all in a couple of weeks time.....!
Who wouldn't like to spoil you two hunks - lucky kennel girls!
Our mother is tearing her hair out with envy at the thought of your humans having a wonderful time in Egypt, haha. Never mind mum, you get to spend 24 hours a day with us instead - how great is that!
We are looking forward to entering your contest and feel certain our bottoms will be tops, hee hee.
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
My people are also very jealous of the Egypt trip. We can't wait to hear all about it.
Alas, I don't think I can enter your contest because of my tragic lack of tail. It's very hard to get a picture of, but if my mom person can get one, she'll submit it.
We'll miss you, but look forward to Bertie's posts.
Hey, thanks for visiting today! Miss you guys even though I know how busy you are!! Not sure we'll be able to enter the competition because Mom is going to be really busy with company for a couple of weeks, but we'll try!! Mom is all envious of the Egypt trip, too! Guess there are lots of Moms that feel that way!
Have a great week!
Sam Schnauzer and Mojo the Most, plus visitor, Max
Wow, you two have been very busy blog visiting today - we were so thrilled with all the stops you made at ours today - so kind of you and so much appreciated.
Mom says her hairstylist just went to Egypt and had a wonderful time. Hope your humans do too!!! We will miss you but we know you will be having fun at your home away from home.
It sounds like a very fun contest. We will have to see what we can do.
woos, the OP Pack
Wow, your parents are way cool to be able to travel to so many wonderful places! My Mom wishes she could do that someday too...heh!
Love the competition concept! I'm not sure which category I might fit into because I don't have a fluffy behind, and my tail is so short it's not remotely funny at all...haha! But I think I'll see what I can do =P
Will miss you when your parents are in Egypt!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Two studs and the kennel girls!
What a khontest!
I better get fluffing my tail!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a wonderful competition! You certainly set yourself up for a healthy return.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a wonderful competition! You certainly set yourself up for a healthy return.
Wow, your parents sure do get around. I hope the time goes fast for you and you get lots of treats. I have some pretty good butt shots to show you(giggle).
licks and sniffs Sasha
Going to miss you guys :(
Hope i'm not too shy to let mummy take my butt shot so that I can take part in the competition too :P
Good contest boys. Will try to rummage through my files to get a good booty shot.
OMG!!!! we Can't WaIT.!!!! we might just have to enter as a non-competitor just to remind people who the king and queen of bootilicious really are--hehehehe!!! what a great idea for a competition and we can't wait to see all the funny entries--it is going to be crazy!!!!
We shall submit our entries very soon... and ggggrrrr.... WE SHALL WIN! hehehe...
Hi JD & Max
We're glad you like to go to the kennels. We have to go visit our kennel over Xmas. Tell your parents to have a safe, fabulous holiday.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - this contest sounds like fun. We can't wait to show off our booties.
Hello my beloved friends JD & Max
wow I'm dizzy now...I think I need to read everything again, so many and COOL information!
Okay, it's a great idea! mommy is so jealous here because your beans visited O2.Mommy and my sister Marina ( since they were living in Brazil) have a dream to know this place.Mommy has also a dream to attend some concert there ( maybe Keane ! wowwwww ).
Love you guys!
Have a wonderful vacation :))))
We will missing you all ...
Enjoy your holiday guys... try not to get into any trouble with the Kennel girrrrrls. hehehe
Hope your mummy enjoys Egypt... Mummy... har har har... get it? What? Oh... :0(
This is Nellie, Calverts blogging rights have been revoked for today. ahem...
Ok to continue.. May your pawrents have a wonderful time and a safe journey. We will begin to spread the word on your wonderful 'Bottie-licious contest.
OH boys - what a great contest idea! I must start looking through my photos to see if I have any suitable shots, although I have to say, my humans tend to usually photograph my FRONT end so I may have to do a special photoshoot for this! :-)
And Egypt!! How cool! Paul has been to Egypt with his brother on holiday and he had a wonderful time - Hsin-Yi has never been so she is very envious! We can't wait to see your human's photos!
Honey the Great Dane
Hi, You have a nice blog! Benny & Lilly mentioned you that is how I found you. I'm looking foward to being friends! Deborah and all my pets!!
Hi new friends..we entered your bootie contest. Check us out
Benny & Lily
WOW...Egypt, how exciting for your parents!! I hope you boys get lots of spoiling at the kennel while they are away. :) That Groucho tail shot is priceless!
JD and Max, I wish your humans all the best for a lovely time in Egypt. Egypt... wow!!! To an Aussie that seems such an exotic destination.
And I'm sure you two will have a lovely holiday at the kennels.
Hi JD and Max!! We hope your pawrents are having a last in Egypt and you are getting spoiled rotten!!!
We have put up a post for your contest!! You can view it here:
Mama has been enjoying all the cutesy tushies!!
Beaglebratz here - FINALLY! Mom found a butt shot of Shasta - u kin see it at
Mom iz still lookin' fer a butt pikchure for me, Shiloh.
R mom wood luv a vacashunz like your mom & dad go on.
Beaglebratz here agin already - r mom found an entry fer Shiloh an'a different category tu put hiz in. Sorry it iz kinda not nice but it iz a good one fer the 'tail placement' category.
My mom person painstakingly combed through all of my photo's and came up with some nubbin' shots. We did out Bootie-licious post here.
Hi guys!!
We're new here, having followed Oskar over to check out your contest. Looks like we have a lot of the same furiends!! We'll be back to learn more about you, but wanted to let you know we emailed our entry in just now. We'll do our post soon, but wanted to make sure we got our entry in one time :)
Brutus the Frenchie
Hello boys!
I've just posted my bootie-licious entry on my blog: Bootie call!
Puppy kisses
Hey boys...
this is our entry for the 'tail placement' category.
...and this is my entry.
back to me again... for the BOTTOMS UP category...
Ohh... I have one more.
here's our last and final entry.
Fatty & Ally
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