The wedding will probably last for three nights - that's traditional for an Egyptian wedding - and the celebrating usually goes on until just before the first call to prayer (which is just before sunrise). So we won't be getting much sleep tonight.... We've been invited so we will wander down a bit later, but only for an hour or so -I have to say that I don't really have the stamina to celebrate they way they do out here!

When we first came to Egypt the very first morning we took a fellucca (Nile sailing boat) down the Nile. We had decided to see how well we could manage 'on our own' as we didn't want to experience this beautiful country through the eyes of a tour-guide so we wandered outside our hotel - and were immediately besieged by locals following us, shouting at us 'Taxi!', 'Kalesh!' (horse drawn carriage), 'Sailing boat!', 'Papyrus!' - and so it went on. We had not experienced anything like this before and were a bit taken aback.

He seemed amazed when we actually did return - we now realise that a lot of tourists are so freaked out by being 'hassled' that they use any excuse to run away back to the 'safety' of their hotel. We followed him to the fellucca and were introduced to his colleague who was softly spoken and wearing the traditional Egyptian clothing of gallebea. He introduced himself, offered us tea and whilst Naggar was making the tea he proudly showed us photos of his family - this is how we met Mahmoud.

And so began a lifelong friendship - Mahmoud and his family are the friends who live on the ground floor below our flat and Naggar (who is now a very successful business man) always runs us around everywhere whenever we're here - he gets quite upset with us if he ever finds out that we have walked anywhere or if we got a taxi.

Friendship here is a serious business and it can take a little while to get your head around it. Most Western friendships require little in the form of responsibilities back to the other person - a friend is simply somebody whose company you enjoy. Being a friend is very different in Egypt and there are very few grey areas - people are either strangers or friends. If you are a stranger you can expect hospitality, but that is all. Once you are a friend you acquire a complicated web of rights and responsibilities. Friendship out here requires a lot of energy and constant nurturing.
For example, us Westerners seem to hate asking others for favours. Out here, Egyptian friends expect to be able to ask favours of you and expect you to ask favours of them in return. Initially, if you are unused to this state of affairs, you can end up feeling a little used or 'put upon'. But you have to realise that this is the intensity of an Egyptian friend and if you were not considered a friend you would not be asked in the first place.

Visiting friends and relatives is the basis of Egyptian life. Rather than 'going somewhere' or 'doing something' as is a Western custom Egyptians relish getting together for the sake of being together. Once you are together then that is it. To a Westerner who is used to 'action-oriented' socialising then being in some one's house for an afternoon or evening to do absolutely nothing other than sit around and talk can seem a little unsettling. Especially when you consider that visits are expected to last several hours - anything under 2 hours is considered rude.

One thing that will always strike you about Egypt is the noise - it is such a LOUD country! The language is loud and people shout and gesticulate wildly - when I first came here I initially thought that everyone was arguing! Privacy is a little known concept - people expect you to share your thoughts with everyone and everyone likes to join in with your conversation. In fact, in most Western societies 'personal space' when speaking with someone means keeping roughly 18-20 inches away from them. In Egypt the norm is a distance of 10 - 12 inches and I admit it does take a bit of getting used to.
The other noises in Egypt are the sounds of the animals - donkeys, geese, sheep, cows - they all mingle with the call to prayer which sounds from the many, many minarets five times a day. In between all this is the music - Egyptians seem to have a need for music at all times, it sounds in all their shops, all their coffee shops and drifts out of almost every home.

And then there's the traffic noise - horns seem to honk incessantly day and night. Horns communicate a drivers intentions to other drivers and pedestrians. One honk means 'I'm here!' or 'thanks!' if passing another vehicle. Two honks mean 'I am passing you!' Three honks means 'I'm driving fast - watch out!' It seems to work - just as well really, as lanes or any rules of the road seem to be pretty non-existent here. In fact, people drive with their lights off at night, seemingly going as fast as they can - yikes! We've asked a few people why they do this. The most common explanation is that they feel that lights would bother the driver in front or that it would run their battery down causing the car to break down. Naggar now puts his lights on if he drives us around at night as he knows how freaked out we get otherwise!!
I love the food in Egypt which is probably just as well as food definitely forms part of the Egyptian expression of hospitality and generosity. Stuffed peppers, stuffed cabbage, fresh Nile perch, sea bass (Bruce would love it here!!) falaffel, sun-ripened fruit, freshly baked bread - I often feel like I'm tasting food for the very first time when I come here it is just SO good I can't stop eating it! (My husband - and our bathroom scales - will testify to that!!) Luckily for me, being a good guest in Egypt requires you to show your appreciate of the food offered to you. How? By eating it!! In fact, if you refuse seconds - or thirds - you can seriously insult your guests. I always like to be as polite as I possibly can so do my very best to eat as much as is humanly possible. JD and Max are gonna have a whole lot more human to snuggle up into when I got back home....sigh!

I'd like to say thanks again to everyone who has entered the 'bootie-licious' competition so far - I can't wait to show the entries, they're great! If you haven't got your entry in yet please do so by 23rd November - it's going to be fun!
What an incredibly different culture and set of values there is in Egypt. I imagine it has taken quite a long time to come to appreciate and get used to everything.
I love the photos, everything looks so big - the river, the buildings, the statues. I have enjoyed your holiday blog, so unusual. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your holiday, it has been very informative. It's nice to get to know the culture of other countries. You'll definitely learn the Malaysian culture when you are here, with our three major races, wouldn't that be interesting?
On a mad, wild, wet, windy night in Dublin it was really lovely to sit down and read about your holiday. Photos and info were brillant - thoroughly enjoyed it all!
Looking forward to hearing how JD & Max welcome you home!
- Murray's Mom!
Oh, this was just so very interesting to read all about another culture. You did such a great job of expressing yourself and making us feel like we were there with you. Have a safe trip home. The pups will be ever so thrilled to have you home.
woos, the OP Pack
What a great post on your vacation!!! Just stopped to peek in at the BOYS!....
Miss seeing their cute cute faces...
Gus sends them a Schnauzer Snuggle..
Paws Up..
GUS and his mom/person HOPE
Awesome post Max and JDs mumma!
I really really enjoyed reading about the different culture; and the fabulous time you're having!
I bet you can't wait to get home to JD and Max though!
Darcy's Mumma
Thanks so furry much fur sharing!
Too many hoomans khan't grasp there are other khultures than the one they know!
That's how it is when we visit our friends around the corner -- we just hang out for hours talking or visiting or playing with the dogs. We go out and do stuff too but we also do a lot of just hanging out. It's a great way to spend an evening.
I think its a huge experience, because it's a different culture for sure.
Glad to know you are enjoying a lot your trip and thanks a lot for sharing those beautiful pictures!
God bless you
mommy Léia
** purrs and love
Wow, that is a great account of Egypt! Mom feels like she wants to go too...all the photos are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing all the cool travel stories in Egypt...*grins*
Love all your accounts of your trip and the photos, sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time.
Interesting that like in India the Egyptians celebrate their weddings for 3 days... that's way too much partying for me ;-)
An acquaintance is traveling around the world and she also noted how friendly and welcoming everyone is with her. I guess living in NY makes one a little leery, sad that we can’t always be that trusting, but wonderful that there are still people out there that welcome you with open arms just because they like you!
If you're interested a link to her blog is on mine, titled "Legal Nomad".
Have a safe trip back.
Oh, I am loving your posts about Egypt! What an awesome place to visit! Happy vacationing!
Thanks for writing such an interesting and enjoyable post! Safe and happy travels!
I'm so envy that you attended an Egyptian wedding. Hope it was a great experience for you :)
Hope I'm able to go to Egypt for my next holiday. I simply love the culture and history of Egypt :)
Cobi Mummy
Thanks for sharing this post, it was very interesting to learn of the different ways in Egypt.
It sounds like you really love it there and have made some fantastic friends.
Thanks for your comments on our blog. :-)
Holly & Zac
It looks all so FANTASTIC :-)
My Mommy's wish is to go to EGYPT
HUGS Kareltje =^.^=
What a wonderful post! While I do (of course!) love the boys and listening to their take on things, it is really lovely to hear from their human once in a while! :-)
And I so enjoyed your "ramblings" about Egypt - especially the bit about different cultural expectations, such as with friendship. I really notice that with Asian cultures too - a lot of what you said applies there too - and sometimes, I've found it a bit hard to assimilate the 2 cultures, given that I'm Asian and have been brought up with some Asian values by my mother but at the same time, am very Westernised!! :-)
It sounds like an amazing place to have a second home. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
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