Max - We're absolutely exhausted now, but we just HAD to show you some snaps of us at Ronnii's barkday pawty!
JD - We could feel Angel Richie and Molly watching over us, there was so much love in the house!
Max - We were really lucky that the roads were so clear as it only took us about 2 hours to get there which was fortunate as today has been SOOOOO hot in the UK!
JD - We've never been on such a long car journey before and it was very exciting - there was so much to see that we refused to sleep!
Max - And then we were there - at Mama Tea's house!
JD - After FH and Mama Tea had hugged and hugged for what seemed like furever (he he he!) we finally got to meet the most gorgeous Miss Ronnii.....
Max - She was most gracious about having a couple of nosey boys in her house!
JD - She followed us around to make sure we knew where everything was - she showed us her garden but it was a bit too hot out there so we all came back inside.
Max - FH was delighted because when she crouched down to get something out of her bag little Miss Ronnii snuggled up against her legs!
JD - We were so hot and I was starting to pant a bit so Mama Tea whipped out some super-delicious frozen yoghurt and peanut butter noms for us - OMD it was so GOOD!
Max - The treats were absolute HEAVEN! We've never had anything like that before so we've told FH in no uncertain terms that this is the type of treat we'll be expecting from now on!
JD - Then it was time for a little posing for photos! We LOVE this photo as we're all in it with the two mamas! Just LOOK how much I'm smiling as I've got the PRIME spot on the sofa and I'm enjoying ear scritches from BOTH the mamas! Am I a smart pup or what?!
Max - As I was in the mood for posing I did a little photo shoot of my own and 'worked it' for the camera....
JD - I was very tired - I'd woken up at 5.00 am because I was SO excited about the visit today and I hadn't slept since I'd got up so I remained curled up looking cute on the sofa....
JD - ....and my cute 'act' sure worked on the popster, who couldn't resist coming over and giving me a bit of a fussing....
JD - ....and even Miss Ronnii wanted in! She hopped up on the couch and gave me a little snuggle!
Max - I was snoopervising the whole time and I'd just like to reassure Mr Pip that this next photo was just a photo opportunity for the blog!
Max - It was too much for me - I wanted in on the photo TOO!!
JD - And then - it was time for CAKE!
Max - And OH!! WHAT a cake!!
JD - We had never seen anything like it before - and when we were offered a slice it didn't take us long to tuck right in....
Max - All too soon we had to leave. The whole visit was wonderful and we had SO much fun!
JD - We simply collapsed into the car and snored the whole way home! What a fabulous day!
Max - We can't thank Moma Tea and the popster and sweet Ronnii enough! They made us all feel so welcome....
JD - ...and FH says thank you VERY much for the yummy human noms. She sure polished off that chili sweetcorn and chocolate eclair very quick, he he he!
Max - We can't wait to visit again, it was great!
JD - Before we leave just a reminder to leave a comment on our 'commentathon' post below if you haven't already - thank you!