Now, I didn't want to take over the boys blog with my holiday witterings so this quick post is to say that if anyone wants to read about my trip to Luxor you can do so by clicking on the photo of me and my boy Ramses below! (I finally got the photo uploads sorted!)

We're having a very relaxing time although I'm missing the boys a bit. They did their usual of running off without a backward glance the second they got to the kennels - in fact, the moment we turned into the road where the kennels are they were trying to get out of the car they were that excited! But I'm pleased they're like this otherwise I'd have a dreadful time every time we went away worrying about them! Mind you, I AM counting down the days to my next schnauzer snuggle, he he he!
Oh I can't wait to sees your fotos!
Yep, da boys is just gonna fine at da kennel. I am sures they miss ya'll but they is havin' a blast too.
Stay safe on your travels.
Hi Miss Clare, It's ME (Frankie Furter)... I didn't know if you could tell since you are sooooo far away.
I am sooooo glad that you are having a good time in Egypt. Butt I am sure that the boys are REALLY missing you something terrible.
Have FUN. Be Safe. Hurry Home.
JD and Max wanted me to say the last thingy.
Woof! Woof! YES it is hard to be away ... I do miss my peeps when they go away for a long time. Have a safe n wonderful trip. When you come back send us an email if you received the tags. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
We have all been missing you! I am headed to check out your pictures now!
Your pal, Pip
Morgan is eagerly awaiting her next JD fix!
Youw twip looks bootiful and I know you will have a gweat time, and I know the kids awe having fun
,but nothing beats those schnauzew kisses, hehehe
smoochie kisses
The boys may really like their camping grounds, and that must be so reassuring for you. But we know they will be racing to the car once you return for them. We are off to check out your photos. Thanks for sharing.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh it's just so internationally cool to have a flat in Luxor. We're heading right on over to read all about it!
Nubbin wiggles,
I just know that the boys miss you but are having a great time too!
Sounds like your holiday is just pawsome!
woo woos, Tessa
First, I wanted to say that I am SO touched you thought of us while you were on holiday and bothered to come visit Honey's blog!!
Secondly, I totally agree with you about the kennel thing - it's great when they love it so much that they can rush off happily inside - no SA or anything!
And lastly - I'm so excited that you've started your own blog!! YOu know how much I love your writing and sense of humour and (without being disloyal to the boys) always looked forward to YOUR posts, especially about your travels - so I'm delighted you'll have your own place now! Am heading over right now!
ps. Honey says to tell the boys that she misses them and SHE definitely doesn't prefer the human ramblings over schnauzer snuggles!
hihi miss clare!
oh wow, this egypt place must be really super far away cuz you are teeny tiny in that pic! i can hardly see you!!
it sure sounds like you are havin' a grrreat time on vaca, and your pics are way beautimous! oh, and aren't vacas for eatin' lots and relaxin'?? so pretty please don't worry about it, okie dokie?
have funsies and safe travels home!
JD 'n max miss you, too, but they want you to have just as much funsies as they are havin'!
the booker man
Egypt! So awesome!! Have a good time!
I bet the boys miss you a lot!
It must be so reassuring to know the dogs are happy at the kennels. Have a great holiday.
Um, Miss Clare? What happened to that guy's body? Is it buried under the sand or what?
I'm awfully glad you're having such a good time. And I bets the boys are having a good time, too, but I know they prolly also miss you to bits and can't wait for their next FH snuggle!
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow how wonderful!
Enjoy your trip!We are anxious to see more pictures!
purrs and love
Luna and mommy Léia
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