FH had been trying to cheer us up and had just given us a special treat of a really nommy biccie but our hearts just weren't in it.
"We're sorry FH but we're just not hungry." we told her.
"What are you on about?" she said. "You've just eaten your biscuit!"
"No we have NOT!" we exclaimed indignantly.
"But it's not there any more." she pointed out. And you know what - she was right. We were perplexed. Perhaps FH had dropped it? We knew that WE hadn't nommed it - so we set about looking for it.
Suddenly, we heard a happy crunching sound complete with muffled giggling coming from the garden so we rushed outside to investigate and there, in the silvery light of the moon, we saw Richie and Molly munching our biccie with obvious relish!
"JD! Max!" woofed Richie wagging his tail excitedly. "Boy, are we glad to see you guys!"
"Tasty nommy!" interjected Molly, who looked absolutely beautiful in the pale moonlight, "I've always been partial to a really crunchy nom!"
"But, but, but.....!" we spluttered.
"Hey, I know, I know, it's a bit of a surprise!" said Richie, skipping around joyfully (his legs really were strong and springy!) "But we just HAD to visit you guys to tell you that I'm okay. You see, I did try so hard to hold out for the barkday pawty on the weekend but you know, when the call comes from the Bridge it's just too sweet for any pup to ignore."
"He's right." said Angel Molly. "I've been waiting for some time now for Richie to join me here and today was his time. Oh JD and Max! It's so wonderful here! There's no pain or sickness and LOTS of our pals are here. We run and we play and we never get tired and we all watch over those we love - we're never far from your sides."
Our tails were now wagging furiously.
"But we miss you so much here!" we exclaimed. "Did you really have to leave us?"
Richie and Molly looked at each other when we said this. "Oh boys!" Molly said softly, "You're both so young and we know you find it difficult to understand, but it's the circle of life."
"That's right!" said Richie. "We were lucky enough to share our lives with the most amazing momster and popster when we were down here and they looked after us and showed us what it is to live and to love. But sometimes a pup just has to leave - it's just the way it is."
Our tails had stopped wagging so Angel Molly said, "Please don't be sad boys! Just look at us! Look how healthy and happy we are! We'll always be watching over you. And - um - if you don't mind leaving out one of those delectable biccies from time to time too we'd really appreciate it!"
By now the patch of moonlight on the grass was starting to wane. "That's our ride!" said Richie, "We have to be leaving you now boys, but before we go we have a special message for you."
"That's right!" said beautiful Molly. "We wanted to tell you how amazing Crossed Paws have been. You have done so much for our wonderful momster - she had been so stressed about the vet bills and how she was going to afford them - I could feel her worrying all the way at the Bridge and it was awful just knowing she was so upset!"
"But then Crossed Paws stepped in to paid the vet bills." continued Richie, "which meant that my last few weeks were pain-free because I was able to be treated. And it meant that our Momster didn't have to stress any more about us because our wonderful vet could be paid. After all, what would any of us be without our vets?!"
They were now skipping up the stream of moonlight as they made their way back to the Rainbow Bridge.
"Please continue the good work at Crossed Paws!" they both shouted to us! "It made all the difference to us and we know you can make a huge difference to lots of other pups and kits!"
And with that they were gone!
Well! We looked at each other in disbelief. "That DID just happen, didn't it?" we asked. But the evidence was there in front of us - the biccie crumbs!
As we made our way into the house we started discussing what we could do next for the Crossed Paws organisation.
"Hi boys!" said FH suddenly appearing in front of us. "Hey, do you want to put this photo on your blog?" We looked at what she was waving in front of our faces - a photo of two extremely British cushions and a very British doggie toy!

"Well, it's the Royal Wedding next week!" she exclaimed. "I thought you could run a competition on your blog with these as the prize!"
"Ooooh!" we said excitedly! "What's the competition?"
"Well," said FH, "it's simple really. All anyone has to do is leave a comment on this post and if they do they'll be entered into a prize draw for these items. And for every comment left I'll donate £1 to the Crossed Paws fund - up to a total of £200! What do you say?"
We looked at each other and our tails started wagging furiously. We knew that Richie and Molly would approve! "We like, we like!" we said!
So everyone - that is what we are doing! Please help us to raise £200.00 for the Crossed Paws organisation. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and you COULD even end up with a prize by doing so! We'd love it if you could also spread the word - we're not sure if we can get 200 comments on one of our posts but we're gonna give it a go - we have until 29th April to achieve this as we'll draw the winner on the actual day of the Royal Wedding. So please help us help carry on some good works at Crossed Paws by dropping us a comment - easy-peasy!
JD & MAX... I can't believe that Angel Molly and Richie came to visit you!! I hope they come to see ME.. I won't even be upset if they help themselves to some of my treats!!!
If you see them again... please tell them that I miss them and would like fur them to visit me.
We are typing through tears - what a beautiful tribute to Richie and Molly you have given!!! It is nice to try to see the pawsitive in the sadness of the loss.
It was so good to hear from Molly and Richie and to know that all is well.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm still in a kindasorta shokhk about it all -
BUT I'm think maybe it was extra special Richie got to see The Full Moon from the pawty at The Rainbow Bridge -
We were akhtually going to pay Richie a wee bit of a tribute on my Thursday post - this will tie in furry furry furry well!
Not furever....just fur now!
We saw that magical moon, too. But we saw it in the morning when it forgot to go down!
We're glad that Richie could live pain-free for the end of his life AND that he's pain-free now.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
JD and MAx
I was teawy wif happiness that you got a visit fwom sweet Wichie and Molly and they told you about how wondewful they feel and how happy they awe now and no mowe pain and they still get tosee and love evewyone.WOW. I'm wagging happy.
It's what I love mostest about ouw blogging fwiends..how we all come togethew and help each othew. Thank you fow youw contest. I will tell my fwiends fow suwe!!!1
smoochie kisses
I have to wait for momma to wipe her leaking eyes from reading your post....
OK, she is better. I didn't cry. I was happy to know that Richie is running free and out of pain and I know I will actually meet him someday when I join my Beautiful Raja and Grandpa Angus. Your words were so wonderful.
Uh oh, momma is leaking again (pause).
oh we are all leaking ofur here too. your guys must be full of the specialness to have angel richie and angel molly come visit wiff ya'll. let them know we shall leave some nommies for them in case they wanna stop by anytime.we send you extra slobbery pibble sugars for your great huge generous heart you have and your continued support for all woggies and their humans. we love you guys
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack and wee ones
Oh - what a wonderful, wonderful story...and a wonderful idea too! You boys are always so fantastic!
Honey the Great Dane
We came by from Asta's blog. Crossed Paws sounds like a good thing so we want to leave a comment too.
What a lovely reminder to us all! Like Khyra says, "It isn't for always, it is just for now." Your kind generous comment-a-thon is a wonderful tribute to Richie and his sister...thank you for all you have done for Crossed Paws.
It isn't so hard to believe that Richie and Molly came to visit you guys. Rainbow Bridge is a place that is pain free...a place where dreams come true...and a place we believe in. They will always be in our hearts and we will always feel that they are nearby.
Pawesome post!
I really love it!
Kisses and hugs
Oh was this ever beautiful!!! It comforts us to read this...the moon is magic, but all the love in Blogland even more so...
Thank you for posting this...
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan
What a wunderful tribute to Richie and Molly. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
What a beautiful post and we is so glad to hear they are doing good at the bridge. We thinks what you are doing with your comments is so totally awesome. Thanks for all you are doing with Crossed Paws. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
You boys are special!! We are so glad to be your friends.
We didn't get to know Richie but we were heartbroken to read his passing. He is such a brave boy, asking us not to be sad of his leaving. Hope one day we'll get to meet him at the Rainbow Bridge and be friends and we can run and play together.
For such wonderful boys like you, it's no wonder you have such a wonderful FH. She is an angel that we all love. Please give her a hug from us. We really admire what she has been doing for all those in need and Crossed Paws for one.
Hugs and kisses
We will miss Richie so much.
As the OP pack would say "soft sad woos"
The Katastrophies
How many times can we be entered into the contest?
Pee.s. Momma says Kate Middleton is beautiful!
OH what beautiful tribute this is! I'm so happy to know Richie (and Molly) are doing good at the Rainbow Bridge. I'm also so happy to know that the Crossed Paws auction has really helped to pay his vet bills. How lucky you two got to meet him. I'm sure the rest of us will be able to meet him someday too.
Asta send us over, and we know as soon as we got here that it was meant to be. You see, we were just commenting on her blog about the magical moon. As soon as we started reading, and and soon as we witnessed Richie and Molly in the moonlight, we knew we were supposed to be here. Right now. What a beautiful tribute. And what a wonderful cause.
We hope you reach your 200 comments, We really do.
Believing that someday we will meet Richie and Molly, and, yes, you two, we are your friends,
Jake and Fergi
Hurrah for crossed paws and for wonderful YOU!
This is a bootifully written tribute for Richie. And what a wonderful surprise visit you 2 got from Richie and Molly!
Hey JD and Max!
Wow, what a super experience. We are all sad and happy at the same time. We miss Richie, but know he is enjoying his angel status and watching over us. Very sweet post.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We iz so furry much x-sited fer u that Richie'n Molly were able tu vizit u guyz. That wuz kinda speshal. Like Khyra, we iz still kinda shocked that Richie had tu leave fer the Rainbow Bridge. Butt we iz so glad that he feelz better now an'gitz tu b with hiz Angel sissie Molly.
~Shiloh'n Shasta~
We didn't get to know Richie and Molly but they sound like wonderful friends! Your post today was most beautiful! With 26 commenters already you won't have any trouble getting 200, I am sure of that!
Of course Richie and Molly picked you to visit -- you're both so eloquent. A wonderful way to honor their crossing the Bridge.
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
This is lovely. I am so happy to hear that Richie and my sweet Molly are well! I will put something up about this tomorrow.
Your pal, Pip
I loved Molly and Richie! Great post for them.
That was a great posting. Very sweet. I hope you gets lots and lots of comments today. I'll do my part.
Your Pal, Opie.
Feel free to drop by and see me too.
THAT is a pawsome post! I am so sad that Richie left us but at the same time, I am so glad that my human and I have involved ourselves with Crossed Paws from the beginning. It is the small steps added together that end up being a really BIG thing.
Love Noodles
I just followed your blog - come by and visit mine sometime. I love seeing my furiends.
This is amazing!! The words you wrote brought a tear to my eye. What a great memorial to Mr. Richie!
Woofs and Hugs
Milo and Dixie
(as typed by their personal assistant)
You're so lucky to know that they are ok & to share their message with all of us.
My mom person is all a flutter about this royal wedding, so we will keep our paws and fingers crossed that maybe we wil win, but we will also spread the word so that more doggies can be helped.
Loving nubbin wiggles,
Stopping over from Frankie's blog. I sure do hope you guys meet your goal. What a great thing you're doing. :)
We're new followers sent by our friend Asta. Thanks so much for doing this! A great idea and a lovely way to celebrate precious lives.
Soft husky woooos,
What a very special tribute to Richie and Molly! We really hope you get all the comments you need - it is such a wonderful idea and a wonderful way to remember your friends.
take care
Clive and Murray
Is a good thing yer doin there!!!
Bobo and Meja
What a beautifully written post this is. So sorry you had to lose such a sweetie, but I'm sure he is happy OTRB. I hear they have a great time up there. Oh, you do not have to enter me in the contest. It's a lovely prize, but we are having to move soon (downsizing) M calls it, so we has to get rid of a lot of stuff. I just wanted to leave a comment for you because I knew you were trying to get to the magic number of 200. Good luck on the contest.
Hi boys! You both tell the most wonderfull'ums story about Richie and Molly...our angel furiends!! Anywho...we hope your mama liked the Schnauzer bobble head and the book mark. We hopes you enjoy every minute of the festivites at Ronnii's and Mama Tea's!
Much luvums,
The Cinnamon Butts
or The Slimmer Puggums--BOL!!
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
George, Graci
What a wonderful story, and what a wonderful thing you are doing fur Crossed Paws!!
sad woof, so sorry on the loss of Richie...our thoughts and prayers are with u...RIP Richie, run with the wind..
a sad,
rocky and jodee
bear and angel lacylulu
and mama...
Oh, JD and MAx! How very Most Amazing that you gots to see Angel Molly and Angel Richie! My mom was all leaky reading this but I was just waggling all over! You know why? Cuz Molly and Richie are doing so good now and even MORE pups are gonna be helped cuz of what they inspired.
I'll be SURE to lets everybuddy know on my bloggie abouts this Most Wonderful thing you and your FH are doing. I wish I could just gives you all a great big wet sloppy brindle kiss!
Wiggles & Wags,
JD 'n max!
dudes, your visit from angel richie 'n miss angel molly totally made my day! i'm so so so glad to know that they are happy up at the bridge! boy howdy, do me and asa and mama miss them bunches 'n tons, but we'll be reunited some day.
ya'll and your FH totally rock for givin' green papers to crossed paws to help more doggies 'n kitties in honor of angel richie 'n miss angel molly!!
the booker man
Hi JD and Max, mum and I had to go find some tissues readin' this post.... so nice. Sorry to hear that these furry furends have left us - but they sound real happy over the bridge! Chin up..... Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
Hi Mr. JD and Mr. Max! How exciting that you got to see Mr. Richie and Miss Molly, and it's so good to hear that they are having lots of fun! It's really pawesome that your mom is going to give so much to Crossed Paws to help. (And the prize looks super neat too!)
Luvs and Wiggles,
What a nice tribute for two wonderful dog pals. Thanks :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
You've got me smiling through the tears! Thank you.
Such a beautiful tribute to Richie.. you guys are most awesome and the best doggie friends ever!
woofs n licks,
Dommy & Piper
What a wonderful tribute! We wish we could have gotten to know Molly and Richie.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We came over from Khyra's bloggie.
What a beautiful post ~ it made our eyes leak. Thank you so much for sharing.
Blessings to Mollie and Ritchie ... and Crossed Paws.
We are all tears here too, how moving - what a fantastic tribute, big licks and hugs to you - Dexter & Louis xxx
Such a beautiful tribute and a wonderful commentathon!!!
I am Ali Zophia and Stella is my dog. I am writing to let you know you are doing a most wonderful thing with your commentathon and donation.
You should be furry proud.
Meow, meow,
Ali Zophia
HI JD and Max!,
We are new to your blog and we just had to come and write a comment to help with the donation towards Crossed Paws! :)
That was a beautiful story that you wrote as well :)
Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
Oh JD and Max and your Mom too, what a Pawsome tribute that you all posted!
Mom has tears.
We sure is sad to hear of Richie passing.
Sharing your nommies with Angel Molly and Richie sure was special! I just know that they will both be back again and again for a special nommie!
Mom says that you are all doing a wonderful thing with Crossed Paws!
Way to go!
woo woos, Tessa
What a lovely tribute, getting teary over here. Best of luck with your awesome fundraiser!
I reckon you'll get 200 comments easily. Mayzie sent me over to become your newest follower.
What you are doing for Crossed Paws is a great idea and I will spread the word too.
Thank you for sharing your special story which I am sure will have comforted everyone who is missing Richie and all the other pets they have loved - and then had to say goodbye.
Wonderful post!
We have just posted about the pawty and your special donation, as requested by Miss Asta, Miss Mayzie and their mommi's
Gussie n Teka
Hello what a lovely idea. I read about it on Asta's bloggie so thought I would come and try to help. I do hope you get there. Hmm seven days - maybe I should add a ps to my blog post today to remind pups :)
Our friend Mayzie sent us over here since you are having this wonderful commentathon. It is so great of you two to do this.Such a worthy cause. We also think you are two mighty cute Schnauzers. Glad to meet you. Take care.
Have a Happy Happy Birthday Birthday!! Have some Bangers and Mash for Me.
Oh what a sweet, sweet post! Thanks so much for sharing your visit with Richie and Molly. Even if it did makes the tears pour. We hope you'll reach 200 comments to help Crossed Paws! You guys are awesome!
BTW, did you get our email about another small donation? If you didn't, let us know and we'll resend it.
The Road Dogs
Oh Max and JD an FH what a wonderful wonderful story and what a great way to help out! The people in Blogville and just the most fabulous there ever was!
Mr. Nubbin'
What a wonderful post, boys! Give Ronnii and Momma Tea a snuggle from me and my sisters, okay?
You two and your FH are so very generous and kind. You are always there to lend a paw and also green papers (or are your papers a different color?) when there's need. No wonder Molly and Richie visited you! You are all just wonderful.
You two told a great story that I'm sure will help a lot of humans and pups missing friends over the Bridge! It's good to know that Richie and Molly are up to their good natured pranks still.
Are you two going to the Royal Wedding? I never got my invitation, and I know I should have! I mean, I'm a Greyhound princess. How could they have forgotten to invite me?
P.S. Morgan says you two are as handsome as ever!
Hi JD & Max, Mayzie sent us over and we just wanted to say you are doing such a great thing raising monies! We hope we helped you reach your goal!
Licks & Puppy Kisses,
Kylie & Jimmy
hey JD and Max,
Nice to meet you both, but sorry it is on such a sad occasion. Your tribute to Richie was beautiful, and very heartwarming. I sadly did not know Richie, but he sounds like he was an amazing pup, and I am so furry happy to read he was greeted by his lovely sisfur Molly when he crossed. And it was furry special of Richie and Molly to let us know how wonderful and peaceful and fun it is over the Rainbow Bridge!
The Crossed Paws organization sounds amazing, and you pups are truly special to help them out. Good luck! And I will do my best to woof the word!
What a beautiful n poignant story....Richie n Mollie Would be so proud.
Best of luck...we hope u achieve your target n enjoy a fabulous wedding too:0)
Bud, gin n shadow
What a lovely post.
Hope you reach your target.
What a great idea! I love comment-a-thons.
It was really great to hear of your wonderful experiance, I guess there is hope for us to see our dear ones who have gone on. Thank you so much.
Good Luck!
Aw! So sweet! We cam over b/c our friend Winnie the Greyhound mentioned your fundraiser. So glad to find you!
xoxo Winnie Cooper and her mom
My parents have had a few schnauzers cross over the rainbow bridge and there is no denying their loyalty. While we always mourned their loss we were so glad to know their pain was done. You obviously understand that message, too.
May you move forward with that peace.
Mee has smelt Mr Angel Richie hims toots are most flavorsome mee must say.
Mee lookin forward to meetin yoo both one day too. Fank Yoo fur bein so nice to Miss Grrr Butt Ronnii n mi Moms n Pops
Hello my Sweet Furiends!
I sure do miss you both and your Mom too!
Mom and I hope that you are ALL doing well.
We miss you LOTS and hope that you post real soon!
woos, Tessa
I glad that you have a great family!!I really like your blogs and photos..thanks for sharing. ^_^
Dog Fence
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