Max - This auction is going to be GREAT! And a huge success! And it's all going to be because of you wonderful blogville pups and kits out there!
JD - Also - don't furget the great raffle - just LOOK at what you could win!

Max - We bought some tickets for some of our pals! I bought a ticket for the most beautiful security gal in the World, my gorgeous Maisie!
JD - And I bought a ticket for my sweet and beautiful and lovely Izzy!
Max - And we bought a ticket for our US little sisfur Tessa!
JD - And we bought a ticket for our US big schnauzer bro' Oskar!
Max - And finally we just HAD to buy a ticket for our BFF Syd - he'd love to win it for his human!
JD - Please DO go and check out the Auction - it opens for bidding on 19th November so go and have a browse!
Max - And if anyone has any items they'd like to donate just e-mail The Crossed Paws organisation at '' with a photo, a brief description and the starting price you'd like the bidding to start at!
JD - Thanks everyone - woof soon!!
Max - And if anyone has any items they'd like to donate just e-mail The Crossed Paws organisation at '' with a photo, a brief description and the starting price you'd like the bidding to start at!
JD - Thanks everyone - woof soon!!
Wesa headed over right now to take a look. Wesa can't wait'ums for the biddings to begin'ums!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Pee-s: Glad you reminded us'uns about the raffle tickets. Wesa have a furiend in mind that if wesa one we would like to give it to her!!
This auction is going to be so exciting!!
Da Momma is workin' day and night tryin' to get some stuffs finished for da Christmas auction. Hope to have everyting done by next weekend and will send photos den.
I'm puttin in a Size Small THUNDER Shirt. I LOVE mine...
I'm on my way to go and look right now! That pendant is beautiful!
JD and Max,
We is on our way over to check out da auction too! I am sure it will be a great success. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS You guys ROCK! Thanks fur stoppin' by today and welcoming Max to Blogville!
OOOOOh JD yoo is so so sweet to buy mee a tiket . Mee wood lovs to wins dis fur Moomi, Fank yoo soooooo much mi loverly boyfuriend yoo is da bestest !!!!
All mi lovs always
Yor own
Thanks fur letting us know, how furry exciting!
aw Max, you are always so thoughtful when it come to your girl!
Wow, You guys looks have fun!
Dog Fence | It's all About Pet Fences
Hey BIG Bros!
I hope you boys and your Mum have a Pawsome weekend!
I just wanted you to know that I was thinkin of you both!
woos, Tessa
My sisters and i would like to send you my sincere gratitude for helping support the HPP.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Your new Friends - Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle too
Hey JD and Max!
Hope that you and yours have a
I gots to tell you that Blogville is really Missing you both LOTS!
woos, Tessa
Dear friends, sweet Princes!
Mammy Léia and I wish you and your family a fabulous 2012!
Thanks for your friendship!
hugs and purrs
to you and yours JD and Max!
woos, Tessa
Mommy and I miss you. But we hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and wish you nothting but good luck, good health, and happy dreams all the new year.
Hey JD and Max,
wanted to pop in and say Hi!
You two are looking as dapper as ever! We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!
Digby and Delta
Dear Clare and Boys!
Mom saw on FB that you were missing Max. Mom and I sure hope that Max is OK. If he is sick or hurt please know that we are BOTH worried and have our hands, paws crossed!
woos, Tessa
Stopping by to leave some healing huggies for Max! Hope he gets all better with da quickness!!!
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