Hello everypawdy! We are very sorry that we haven't posted for ages and AGES but 2012 hasn't so much started with a bang for us but with a whimper!
Hello everyone!
Linked to this we also had a virus wreck our Crossed Paws e-mail (AND our personal 'justdogandmax@gmail.com' e-mail) so we've lost all the mails we got after the auction - plus all our contacts! It's been a nightmare (and we feel so rude as we got some lovely pressies from pals overseas for Christmas but we don't know their e-mail to let them know just HOW much we loved them!) So if anyone has mailed us and was wondering why we haven't responded this is the reason. Our mail accounts are now secure so if you DO need to get in touch with us please do so via 'crossed-paws@gmx.com'.

We've also had a bit of palaver at home!! Some bad storms took out some trees and fencing in our garden and we're sure you realise how long these things take to clear up.
Also, poor Max has been very ill - it involved a mad dash to the emergency vet and him being kept in on a drip, having tests and generally being a very unwell boy. He's fine now thankfully but it was all very scary at the time. And then just after that JD needed some dental surgery - he's okay and did very well, but it's been a worrying time all round!
Max being brave with a drip in his leg!
And - probably as a result of the stress of all this - last week our FH came down with shingles - on her FACE (ouch!) She's feeling much better now but still looks a bit hideous, he he he! We're sorry FH, but you DO!!
So, all in all the start of 2012 has been a bit of a faff and this is the reason why we haven't had a chance to post until now. Anyway, things are getting back to normal so - even though it's about a month later than we intended - we want to announce a new auction!

Now, most of you know about the heartbreaking tragedy that our friends The Houston Pittie Pack endured just before Christmas. We were SO proud to be a part of Blogville as we witnessed how everyone came together to help.
So we want to run a new auction with 2 aims which means that the money that we raise will be split in two as follows - firstly, we want to raise some money to add to the donations that have already been pouring in for The Houston Pittie Pack.
And secondly, to honour the memory of sweet Shelby, who sadly lost her life in the tragic fire, we wanted to raise money for another bait dog who so desperately needs help, just as Shelby needed help all those months ago.
So we would like to introduce you to Ava - she was rescued in Chester, SC. This precious little girl, only about 18 months old, was rescued by the wonderful people at Noah's Arks Rescue.
Sweet Ava - victim of cruelty by the hand of man
Poor Ava's face has been shredded to the point that a large part of is completely missing. Her sinus cavities have punctures and her throat is torn. Her entire little body show the ravages of the attacks from the fighting dogs who were being trained to kill another dog. She is emaciated from starvation. Yet through it all, Ava only wants to be loved. She never stops wagging her tail and wanting to show that love, even in the face of the excruciating pain that she is in. This beautiful spirit reminds us so much of our beautiful Shelby. We could not think of a better way to honour her memory than to raise money for Ava. After all, if it wasn't for sweet Shelby, Crossed Paws would not even exist!
So, down to business! We would like to run an 'All In The Name Of Love' auction - because we love The Houston Pittie Pack, we've totally fallen for Ava and we love Blogville! The auction will open on 30th January and will close one week later on 6th February - that way we can also put some romantic items into the auction so that everyone can hopefully get their items in time for Valentines Day!
'All In The Name Of Love' Auction!
Let's show The Houston Pittie Pack. how much they mean to us, let's give Ava a chance to live the life she deserves and let's all have some Blogville fun with an auction that is all about love!
If you have any items to donate please e-mail a short description plus a photo to 'crossed-paws@gmx.com' (we promise it is all secure now!) Please also let us know if you're able to design a badge - and can we please ask you to promote this auction as much as you can!
Many thanks everyone - with much love from JD and Max!
OMD OMD POOR JD AND MAX.. AND YOUR MOM.. what an awful start to 2012. I'm thinkin that the REST of the year will be WONDERFUL and Smooth Sailin after the Rocky Beginning.
Happy New Year to YOU.
Dear oh dear, we don't know where to start.
Firstly we are so sorry you have been through such a rough time yourselves, how awful to have your account hacked, it is the nightmare of us all.
We are dreadfully sorry to hear Max was so ill and we are very glad he is recovered now and hope your mum is feeling lots better!
We haven't got the words to describe how terrible we feel for poor precious little Ava. We hope the inhuman scum that is responisble for this is punished.
We have also been following the terrible tragedy of the Houston Pitty Pack, so unbelievably sad.
What a wonderful thing you are doing having this auction, we will see if we can find anything.
Lastly, a belated Happy New Year to you all.
Love Dip Bridge Elliot and Lynne x
Wow...you have had a terrible time. I'm just so sorry to hear about all of this. I'm glad that Max is better and I hope you are too.
I had a wrist injury right after Christmas and haven't crocheted anything since the last hot pad set I made. Since the auction is right around the corner, I don't know how fast I can get something done but I'll look through my patterns and see if there is something I can do quickly with a Valentine theme. If I can't finish something in time, I'll still be in on the bidding. I know there will be plenty of nice things.
So glad to see you back again.
Sure it was not the best way to start a year but I am happy to know you all are now much better!
We love you a lot too!
Take care
Lorenza and mom
OMD!! You've all been through a lot!! Nice to see you.
-Bart and Ruby
We are so sorry to read about all the troubles you have had - just awful. We hope that things do a full turnaround for you now. Our Mom has shingles on her face right now too:(
Good to hear from you - good thoughts coming your way.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
JD and Max!! I've been hoping to see you back! Sorry for all the troubles you had, and hope you are both feeling better! Well, all feeling better.
I missed your cute schnauzer faces (since my real life in person bestest friend of another species is Maggie the Schnauzer, I have come to love you guys, too). You are back for real, aren't you????
I'm sorry that 2012 has had such a rough start for you! 2011 was tough for us, but 2012 has been pretty good so far!
We're glad you're back!!! You guys have been through the wars recently. Glad you could get back the money. There are some low types in this world.
Hope everyone recovers soon and you are all out running on the beach!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
So glad to see you back we are just sorry about all the problems you have had. We hope 2012 will get better for you. We will see what we can find to donate for the auction. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Hoping for a much better rest of the year guys! Maybe all the bad stuff that is going to happen for you in 2012 is done!
Licks and Love,
Boy, oh boy, it does sound like a rough start to the year. We hope that all of your bad luck is already spent for 2012 so that the rest of the year can just be pawsome.
Nubbin wiggles,
Hi friends, I am Pixel Blue Eyes, a blogging mini schnauzer.
My Dog, what an awful series of events that you have dealt with and experienced! My family and I have had quite a bit of trying times ourselves in the last year, so I certainly understand. My doggie heart goes out to you all!
I am following your blog now and am in the process of creating a blog roll that you will be part of. I love your blog! I hope you will follow or at least visit mine whenever you get a chance. Let's talk about how I might help in your efforts to help the Houston Pittie Pack and sweet Ava, who deserves SO much more. I pray they can help her fully recover. I could at least help by twittering about it.
Your new friend, Pixel
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