Sweet, sweet Izzy!
Max - "Oh, he does Miss Izzy, he DOES!!"
JD - "Max - please! I'm nervous enough without you interrupting me!"
Max - "Sorry bro'!"
JD - "Izzy - as you know The Crossed Paws 'All In The Name of Love' auction goes live tomorrow - we are SO excited about it! There is so much love in the air - lots of auction items are coming in and everyone is showing just how much they care - which is a LOT! It is wonderful!"

Max - "Sure is!"
JD - "MAX!"
Max - "Well, will you PLEASE get to the point JD as you're, like, taking FUR-EVER.....!"
JD - "Okay, okay - but I'm nervous, this isn't easy you know......"
Max - "You're doing great JD! Come on - keep going, just like we practised, you're nearly there...."
JD - "Right! *Cough!* Izzy Miyake - you mean the World to me. So on the eve of The Crossed Paws auction, where we show ALL of Blogville just what love is all about, I would like to say to you....

I want to lie with you in green pastures,
Swim with you in fresh, blue water.
I want to hold you until all times end,
I want to know you forever and be your friend.
Kiss me, love me, my love for you never dies
Like a candle that never goes out,
My love for you burns on and on.
Please say yes as I ask you this,
Sweet Izzy, my soulmate, pure precious dove,
Will you MARRY ME my love?

Swim with you in fresh, blue water.
I want to hold you until all times end,
I want to know you forever and be your friend.
Kiss me, love me, my love for you never dies
Like a candle that never goes out,
My love for you burns on and on.
Please say yes as I ask you this,
Sweet Izzy, my soulmate, pure precious dove,
Will you MARRY ME my love?

JD - that was sooooo romantic......I'm holding my breath to see what happens next!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Hey JD yoo best checks out our blog, Izzy has been bouncin off da walls hers is so happisome. Now she has jus swooned on da sofa wivs a majoosive smile on her face n hummin a song by da Dixiecups.
Yoo sure abouts dis mi furiend? Her can be quite grumpisome sometimes yoo knows, her is a bit bossy too n is nots day good at sharin fings.
Yoo is so romantickal tho dude mee finks mee shood takes lessons off yoo.
Well done JD! I can't wait to read what her reply was!
Nubbin wiggles,
Perfect Perfect, JD. We can't wait to see what she says. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Oh we do so enjoy a bit of romance. Can't wait to find out the answer.
Molly, Taffy,, Monty and Winnie
Great job JD! Way to support him, Max!
Wesa will goes over to Miss Izzy's bloggy and see what she says.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
That is so perfect! How romantic!
It's about time you Popped the QUESTION. Whew... I know from pawsonal experience how scary THAT was to do.. right out here fur all of Blogville to see... Glad she said YES.
I think that we are all way over due fur another Wedding!!! THIS will be a HOOOOOGE event..
Congratulations Buddy!!!
How exciting. Look forward to hearing the reply :)
She MUST say yes. We're waiting on the edge of our seats.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Aaaaaaaack...OMD...Oh nows dat was specials...and nows I thinks my eyes are wellin' up! Oh dis be so exciting and thrilling and...Oh my!
Remembers, I can be da preisat since I married Frankie and his girls.
Oh my heavens you certainly know how to sweep a girl off her paws. I can't wait to find out the reply. Good luck.
licks and sniffs Sasha
Oskar sent me over to read this most exciting Post!!
I'm your newest follower!
Ohhhh, that is so romantic!
Miss Izzy is a beauty, we don't blame you for falling tail over paws in love.
Good luck to the 2 of you!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
JD, that was so romantic! We can't wait to read the reply!
take care
Clive & Murray
Sniff, sniff ...oh my, what a special day! Congratulations!
Your pal, Pip
P.S.: Remember I threw a great bachelor party for Frankie! Only three of us ended up in jail.
oh, JD! What a romantic you are. She just has to say yes!
We will be watching for her answer.
Oh goodness me!!
What a romantic proposal!!
Love and licks, Winnie
That's really sweet and so romantic!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Dear S & S...we did not know you before today, but we saw that you donated some items to Coco's Auction and we had to come and meet you and say Thank You with mega purrs! We see that 'Love is in the Air' and we will stick around and wander around your bloggie...it sure looks like you help a lot of critters and you have big hearts and lotsa love to share!
A very well-written post. I read and liked the post.All the best for future endeavors.
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Very fantastic post. I really appreciate you for sharing this great post. It is extremely good and very helpful for me.
Watching Netflix Overseas
Well done JD!!!
Waiting for her reply?
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