Max - They thought it would be nice for us to have another soft area in the lounge to 'flump' ourselves down on!
JD - That's right - after all, until they bought us this new cushion the only place we had to lay our weary, puppy heads on was our big doggie sofa....
Max - ....our small doggie sofa....
JD - ....our donut doggie bed....
Max - ....our winter doggie bed (that our humans have now put away for the summer!)....
JD - ....our small doggie duvet....
Max - ....our doggie mat....
JD - ....and our fluffy doggie mattress....
Max - really, as you can plainly see, hardly anywhere at all for two handsome Schnauzers to snooze and relax!
JD - But we now have this fabulous new cushion. Oooh, it's really plump and snug!
Max - It's wonderful! A pup can really relax when he sinks into the snug depths....*contented sigh!* Hey JD, you've really got to give this a go - come and join me!
JD - Well - you DO look really comfy, so I don't mind if I do.....
Both - Ahhhh - bliss!
Both - Snuffle, snuffle - mmmm, nice......!
Both - Zzzzzzzzz............!
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Your new cushion looks fits the two of you just nice and snuggly.
- Santa
Hi boys. Well, it's about time you two got yourselves a new cushion, your post clearly pointed out the fact that you hardly have anywhere to sleep, snigger! BFN - Jimbo.
Your new cushion looks great !!! looks very comfy !
They look just too comfy!
I played too :)
What lucky dogs they are to have so many comfy spots!
How funny! I should have so many places to relax. Max and JD, you are very lucky Schnauzers.
The dog sofa is my favorite. It is cute how they snuggle together too.
my camera critters/pet pride is about my cat.
Good thing your people got you another place to sleep. You were obviously in dire need!
Enjoy the snuggling!
Camera Crittersau
Definitely comfy looking. My pups may want to come and try it out too!
Hi my sweeties
Great pictures all ;)
Your new cushions looks very comfy,
I want also sleep on it .....
many hugs
Kareltje =^.^=
Oh two have brought relaxing to an art form!
My goodness, you guys could open your own pet store selling doggie beds!!!! Talk about getting spoilt!!! I don't think I've ever met doggies with SO many beds to choose from - your humans must really love you very much and you are so lucky to have them!
I still think your doggie sofa is the cutest of the lot!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. oooh - am so happy to hear about Max's progress with other dogs! Well done to Max and especially Max's human for continuing to work with him - now that REALLY is a lucky pup because lots of people buy things for their pups but not many people can be bothered to spend the time & effort to help them work out 'issues' human just wanted to tell your human not to be disheartened IF Max does regress slightly again in the next few weeks - just be prepared that that might happen - I was still having occasional "naughty moments" for months afterwards but overall, I was good which is what is important. Even now, if I'm suddenly surprised by a doggie barking at me behind the fence or suddenly lunging at me as we walk past, I might jump and lunge a bit in return but then I quickly calm down and walk on nicely when my human tells me so. I'm good 99% of the time! :-)
Comfy...cozy!!! Wow, you think you have enough beds!!! I'm coming over cuz you need a big cat to share all that sleeping space.
your pal,
Bruce the cat:)
They have a lot of nice beds to choose from. Cute! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, boys, thank goodness your humans gave you another place to sleep - you have almost the right number, now! (Obviously there's always room for improvement, but I can see that your humans are doing their best.)
Puppy kisses
you have wonderful dogs and a beautiful cushion.
They sure aren't lost for places to rest their weary bones ;)
The very last image is priceless!! I adore that image so much!!!!
Really cool to find more Schnauzers like me!! I really like your new beds and pillows! I wish I had some friends like you!
such a wonderful cushion for them, they deserve to have it because they are so lovely and sweet.
They certainly deserve their special care Sandy
The new cushion looks heavenly for snuggles! And so many other laying about choices too! Even winter comfort! Wow!
I have been seriously thinking about getting one of these dogs. Do they shed alot? My Link
Wow - how many sleeping cushions have you got?
Mustn't let my dog see as he only has a lambskin to sleep on.
So cute!!!! I bet they are a handful.
Hello. Nice to meet you. You sure have a lot of nice snuggley places to nap. You are some lucky dogs.
Wow Lex only has one pillow >.< JD and Max are so lucky to have you as their owner. Cheers
Wow - can I come and stay with you guys, you look like you live in the comfiest place ever! BFN - Nemo.
Hey Guys!
First of all... gus does have great eyebrows. I had to tell him so.
You have the best cushion, bed, and mat collection I've ever seen! Do you think I could join in the fun!
Gosh, what a handsome pair you are. Glad to hear you're coping with the wooden floor. We sometimes use Paw Wax coz we still slip around sometimes, especially Jenna-the-Labrador. Even the cats 'click' as they walk.
Wow you lucky Schnauzers!! We don't have anything like that. :o( We once did, but not anymore. My very naighty Sophie Sis has destroyed everything squishy in our life, including our old sofa (and a bit of the shiny new one) so we can't have anything comfy like that.
We hopes one day she will grow out of it!
Luv Scotty
PEEESSS: Did your mummy get our mummy's email - we needs your adress again - stoopid mummy losted it! xx
hey jd and max! you guys sure are living it up! and down! :) what fun!
great to have you at Pet Pride
You have SO many great places to rest!! Love the new cushion! :)
Thanks for the nice comments on our blog...we will be posting more pics later but who knows when?? It's good to visit you again!
Some good 'flumping' going on there.
It's a hard life being a dog isn't it? It's a good job you've got so many beds to sleep on. I'm glad you like the wooden floor, my paws go all over the place and won't do what I tell them at all when I visit anywhere with that sort of floor! Finn
Pets are so like people and need a friend. :) Great photos! :)
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