Max - Yup - they're brilliant! Firstly, our humans stick around and fuss us for most of the day.
JD - And secondly we always get to meet up with our 'gang' over at the park!
Max - During the week we go out for our morning walks about an hour earlier you see, so we often miss seeing some of our pals - sigh!
JD - Here's a photo of our most favourite human EVER!
Female Human - Hey!
JD - Oh! Um, sorry! Obviously, we mean our favourite after you and- erm - male human of course!
Max - Can you see us in the group? See how all the doggies gather round 'M', like the birds around St Francis? She's great - I've even tried to follow her home once too......!

Max - '"M' obviously likes ME the best! I got the first treat - ha!"

Max - Here's a photo of Pippa - she's three years old and always invites us to join her in a game of zoomies. She's great fun, and certainly holds her own against the two of us!
JD - And here's a photo of her big brother Harry! He's eleven but still has moments of 'pure puppiness', like when he's chasing squirrels!
Max - It's been so warm recently though, even when we set off on our morning walks really early. But the humans always bring a drink along for us doggies - having a human CAN sometimes be beneficial I suppose!
JD - Thanks to everyone for all your keep cool tips - we've tried out a few. Our personal favourite is the ice-cube tip from the lovely Sasha.
Max - Oooh, ice-cubes are fun, we like to throw them around the room, he he he!
JD - Thanks everyone, we appreciate all your comments, it really is brilliant to have made such good blog pals - you're the best!
Glad you like the ice cubes, boys, they're lots of fun, and cooling, too.
Your treat lady looks awesome! Sometimes we have treat ladies in the park, too - you can always tell when treats are about, because all the dogs sit... it looks like you have the same system we have here in Australia!
Puppy kisses
Wow, you two really have fun on your walks with all those other doggies & especially the treat lady! Stay cool!
your cat pal,
Oh, 'M' is such a sweet lady...I love her too as she has treats for everyone. Oh yes, ice cubes are fun. I love them too. I always get a piece whenever the human makes a cold drink for herself.
Lots of licks,
lots of pals
You have lots of friends! The best thing about you guys is that you look like me!!!Any time you'd like to come to Seattle, I'll be happy to show you my neighborhood!
Sam Schnauzer
We have that same portable dog water bottle -- two of them, in fact!
You had really fun,
we can see that !!!!
Enjoy .....
You guys sure have a lot of buddies!
that treat lady needs to make home vists! I'm an indoor cat
glad you had so much fun
of course we can pick you out in the group because you are the cutest ones!!! weekends are fun huh! sounds like you guys have your humans figured out to a T!!!! hehehe.
hey you guys sure are having a fun weekend!!
thank you for sharing the fun with all of us at Pet Pride
What a lovely time you've had. I'm glad it's cooler in the UK now - but very windy.
Hello boys!
It does so happen that I have cultivated a very specific bark when I need to bring to my human's attention the fact that she is neglecting me for some spurious reason - often something as selfish as eating her dinner! (Difficult to believe, isn't it, that my human could actually put her own eating needs ahead of my playing needs...)
I also talk a lot - to the untrained ear it may sound like I'm growling, but I'm actually talking. I often talk to my human's socks, giving them the chance to leave her feet of their own accord. They don't usually answer me, though - quite rude, her socks.
Anyway, I must be off now - my human has given me an *enormous* chewbone - she thinks she's keeping me quiet, but it's what I wanted in the first place...
Puppy kisses
Thanks for visiting again & again & again JD & Max! I love you guys!
your cat friend,
Hi lads, your treat lady looks lovely, does she do requests? Wish I had a treat lady - you're lucky things! BFN - Jimbo.
What fun at the park! I want to play too!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle all them pals with you...what a great group..and NICE lady!!
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment for my mom/ made her day!! She says I'm her best photo subject! hee hee...
I think you have great pics on your blog!! of course you can't mess up a good subject like you two! Lookin good with that new groom cut!
Thanks again for being my Paw Pals..
Paws Up!
It looks like you have wonderful friends.
I like ice cubes too, but when I don't finish them all the way they make puddles & my mom person slips sometimes.
Hi Max & JD -
What a great weekend! And that lady sure looked like a "Pied Piper" of doggies, the way all of you were clustered around her...what on earth was she feeding you all that was so yummy? :-) It's so nice to see you all queuing so nicely, with no fighting, to get the treats!
Is it really hot where you are? My humans told me that the faraway place where you live - called England - is usually never very hot but I guess strange weather has been happening in recent years! That's a neat idea with an ice cube...I must try that next summer!
Honey the Great Dane
Great pics from your weekend. Kaiser loves ice cubes too! He runs to our feet everytime we open the freezer door!
Anne from
we think you live in a most fantastic place too!!!!thank you so much for the nice comment!
At the sound of my mom getting ice cubes from the fridge, I run from wherever I am hiding just to beg her for one or two of those cold treats.
There are soo many dogs, looks like a fun weekend boys!
I love the park too and making new friends! I'll be visiting your blog again! Woof, woof!
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