JD - "Er - well, it's a good job that YOU'RE the security doggie out of the two of us then Max!"
Max - Thank doG for that!
JD - We'd like to thank everyone for taking part in our 'Paw It Forward' game - we loved hearing all you pups shouting out that we're cool dudes, he he he!
Max - It seems that quite a few of you are either playing 'Paw It Forward' at the moment or have played in the past so we actually only had 2 pups coming forward to play.
JD - This is fine with us as we don't want to force anyone to play again!! So what we did was go to FH and explain the situation. We told her that we didn't want Dog's Trust to loose out and we gave her our HUGE puppy dog eyes so she said she'd have a think about it.
Max - She visited the Dog's Trust website and had a browse through it.....and she gradually formulated a plan!
JD - And it was a pretty cool plan! She said that as we only had 2 'Paw It Forward' to do she would still send the lucky pawticipants the Dog's Trust portable drinking bowl but she would NO LONGER donate £10 to Dog's Trust on behalf of each of them.
Max - We were horrified - HORRIFIED!! UNTIL she explained that what she would do instead of also providing the noms to each of the pawticipants was to SPONSOR A DOG for them for a year instead!
JD - We were VERY pleased with this and we are sure that Miss Zona and Miss Tessa will understand and be just as excited! After all, as the wise Miss Khyra recently pawed to us, we all have enough treats but some poor doggies are not always sure they're going to live until tomorrow.
Max - So, for the pretty Miss Tessa we have sponsored the pretty Miss Belle! Isn't she sweet? She's too nervous to ever find a furever home so is reliant upon donations to keep her feel safe and secure at a Dog's Trust centre.
JD - And for sweet Miss Zona and her family we have sponsored the handsome Master Jason - like Miss Belle he's too nervous to ever find a furever home.
Max - Miss Tessa and Miss Zona, as soon as we get the details about the sponsorship through we'll post it onto you (along with your portable drinking bowls) so you can read all about your sponsored doggie! So could you please pee-mail FH at 'schnauzerandschnauzer@googlemail.com' with your snail mail addresses?
JD - Now, before we leave today we'd like to explain to you why we haven't got round to visiting your blogs much this week. We're sorry and we miss you BUT we had an idea last weekend on how we might be able to help Shelby and we've been kind of busy setting it all up!
Max - We've been in touch with Mona and her mom and we've been working on another blog page - please click on the picture below to link to it!

JD - We've been inspired by so many other doggies doing so much to help Shelby and we wanted to help too! So we're going to be hosting an auction on 28th and 29th of August.
Max - We have some items to auction and we're hoping you will add to these too. The auction page explains everything (and will continue to be built over the next few weeks as we hopefully get more items to auction being added to it!) but we've copied the overview for you here - we DO hope you pawticipate so that together we can help sweet Shelby.....
Sweet Shelby has been the victim of cruelty by the hand of man. Abandoned, left to die in a parking lot, dear Shelby was touched by an Angel. She is making good progress and amazingly she still has a trusting nature. But she still has a way to go so please find it in your heart to help Shelby with her dog-tor bills by helping us to raise green papers by becoming part of 'Team Shelby's Auction' on 28th and 29th August. This auction has been inspired by the great GABE event hosted by the wonderful Miss Twinkie earlier this year and by the kindness of so many other bloggers who have come together to help Shelby. Become a part of Shelby's auction by bidding on items AND/OR by providing items for others to bid on. Come on - let's join paws and help make the World a kinder place!!
How can you become a part of Shelby's auction?
JD & Max - Any Q&A's you might have about Shelby's auction please ask and we will answer via a 'Q&A' section on the auction site. Also, any suggestions you might have about the auction PLEASE let us know! For example, Mona asked us if we'd informed 'Dogs with Blogs' about it - *smacks heads with paws!* - we hadn't even THOUGHT about that! So please help us to make this event GREAT - we'd really appreciate it!!