Max - It all started when our neighbours brought round a parcel they had taken in for us. They were very apologetic as they'd had it for nearly a week!!
JD - But the main thing was that we finally got it! Gosh, we were SO excited when we saw our names on it - who could it be from?!
JD - "Oh wow, oh wow, OH WOW!"
Max - We opened the parcel and immediately pulled out a note! It was from Gus, our great and extremely handsome black schnauzer pal from across that big pond thingy!
JD - He explained that his FH had made some gifts especially for our FH and that he had paw-picked some gifts especially for us. Well, we were beside ourselves!
Max - "He's obviously a pup of many talents JD!"
Max - The first item we pulled out of the parcel was a bag of noms!
JD - Milk bone biccie noms - they smelled GOOD!
Max - FH always rations any new noms - sigh, she's SO militant!
JD - So we turned our attention to the next wonderful item out of the parcel - a new stuffie each!
Max - There was also a new doggie tennis ball in the parcel for us!
JD - We told FH we were more than happy to check out her gifts too - we're kind like that!
Max - Look at this cute bag that Gus's FH made for our FH! FH can't even sew a button on straight so she's so impressed at how talented Gus's human is!

Max - Gus's FH also made a cosmetic bag with some cute doggie material!

JD - There was a also a glasses case made from doggie paw-print material!

Max - And finally Gus's FH had made our FH a really sweet tissue holder out of some really cool 'Java' material.
JD - It has a tie-up front and Gus's FH has suggested that we could also use this to keep our noms safe when we go out - we think this is an EXCELLENT idea!

Max - We were thrilled to receive such wonderful gifts from Gus and his FH. Thank you so, SO much! We've been having so much fun with our new toys and FH has been showing off her new items to everyone!
JD - Yup, she's taken her new bag nearly everywhere with her since she got it, she absolutely loves it! Thank you SO much!
Max - "Gus - thank you so much for ALL our goodies! You ROCK!"
Hi there JD and Max,
So glad to see Shelby's auction plan kicking off so well. we have looked up Dogtrust. looks like we can pay online. so we will arrange something.
we have been thinking.... the cost of shipping out the articles to us here in India will be far more than what we will be paying, which we think will be so unfair!We are trying to convince mummy to forfeit her gift and just pay!but she wants that rock stick exclusive to your town.
well, we will definitely come up with a solution and let you know.
we loved seeing the two of you so happy ...such interesting pressies too! that bag is lovely indeed.and mummy likes the choice of those cute fabrics!
Bud n Gin
Pee ess: As if anyone could forget two cool dudes like you guys!!
The cosmetic bag appeals to us the most....wonder why? Great presents. You are very lucky.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PeeS. Looks like JD's paw has healed.
Oh wow! What great presents! Mom is oooing and aahing over that bag your FH got!
Wow! What great presents!
Oooh what Grrreat pressies Gus sent, how nice! Chews and stuffies and cookies oh my!!! As far as I am concerned the pressies went to the two nicest pups I know!!! Sweet JD and Max!
woo woos, Tessa
What wonderful pressies you and your FH got there! Gus and his FH are such great friends.
The huge bounty of it all! What fantastic loot!
Awww soo HAPPY you ALL enjoyed your goodies! It was FUN for me and my momperson to see all the excitement in you two and FH.
Makes it all the more fun to make and send pressies..seeing all the SMILES it brings...
Snuggles to you all..
your pal
GUS and of course his MOMperson!
Hello boys!
wow so cool gifts, Gus is such an adorable friend.His mommy is so talented, I LOVED the purse!It's wonderful!
Enjoy your Sunday
purrs and love LUNA
We love Luna
Oh..we'll post some pics of your FH..DESIGNER GUS tote...on my blog
Paws UP!
Those are pawsome pressies!!! Gus is a good friend!
Guess what? My mom is "militant" when it comes to treats, too! (That means stingy, right?)
Anyways, your furend Gus is awfully sweet. I just luvs all your pressies and my mom thinks your FH's pressies are just too amazing for words! All of you deserves all of that and so much more!
Wiggles & Wags,
Isn't that Gus the best. He's my schnauzer twin along with Calvert too!
Pure genius I say to keep the treats safely in that pouch, much more important than keeping tissues in there if I do say so myself!
My mom person is very envious of the beautiful original bag, so much talent!
Hi guys!
What awesome pressies you got there! We'll have to go visit Gus, he seems like an interesting guy!
How pawesome!
Great stuff from another khute furiend!
Thanks fur sharing it with us!
hihi dudes!
those are some most totally excellent pressies from gus and his mama!! those bags are so so so cutesies!
the booker man
Wow what uber cool pressies, it's fun getting parcels isn't it?.
Please check out my bloggy tomorrow as I is giving you guys an award.
Wow! Gus and his mom are so talented! What great furiends they are, huh? Don't you hate it when mom's are so strict with the treats. (I go to dad, he isn't like mom in the treat dept....just a hint for you!)
JD and MAX!!!!
I am back and I has missed you guyz! Your pressies from your furiend Gus look pawsome. You is lucky pups!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi, JD and Max!
Gus sent to you pawesome presents!
My mom likes a lot the bag too!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my dogness, what incredible pressies, we love the geese best!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Hi boys...those squeaky ducks sure look cool not to mention all the wonderful noms you got! :) And that adorable handbag with the bone detail....what a talented human Gus has. Hey, I saw the pink bandana you sent Honey...she was wearing it in some pictures and it looked very nice. :) You boys are such sweethearts. Have a super week!
Wow, that looks a wonderful package of goodies. New toys, balls and treats are such fun! :)
The human gifts are lovely too. :)
Have a great week!
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