Max - It's fab to have a full time playmate again - I'm SO happy!
JD - I have quite a nifty scar now - I'm hoping I'll impress the ladies with it!
Max - Er, yes JD, whatever!! Anyway, we wanted to give you all a quick report on Shelby's Auction - we're thrilled with how it's all going!

JD - Firstly, we've been blown away by how generous all you pups and kitties have been with donations of items to auction - thank you all so much, there are some great items up for auction.
Max - Although the auction date is officially set for 28th/29th August bidding HAS now started. We made an official decision to open the items up for bids with immediate effect as we hoped this might help bring in more money for sweet Shelby!
JD - We're also considering changing the 'doggie romance pack' that we've putting forward from fixed price to an auction item as we've had quite a bit of feedback on it! As it's so popular we thought we'd try what we could to bring in more green papers for Shelby!

Max - Also, we are thrilled to announce that one of the items that has been donated by Mona and her mommy has turned out to be a rare collectible - click here to view the details.
JD - An identical item is up for auction on E-Bay for $255.00! Mona's mommy suggested we start the bidding price at $150.00 but we're wondering if anypup has any ideas on how we can promote this item so that other interested parties can become aware of it? Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Max - We'd also like to report that our pals Buddy and Ginger from India wanted to bid on an item but were concerned about us spending money on postage to where they live, so kindly agreed to donate but forfeit their package - isn't that kind?
JD - Buddy and Ginger even offered to give up their doggie noms for a year if they could help Shelby! We were so impressed that we've agreed to send them a special, surprise package for their donation that is extra light so that they don't feel guilty!

Max - "YIKES!! You'r not wrong JD! Blustery weather does not suit her!"
Max - Some of their friends are also going to make donations to Shelby's fund - sweet Shelby has touched so many people, it's simply wonderful!
JD - We're trying our hardest to keep up with the auction site and we think we're just about managing it! But we'd like to aplogise for sometimes not getting in touch immediately when we've been e-mailed with questions or donations. The time-zone difference adds a few complications too!
Max - We'd also like to thank everyone who has helped us with suggestions for auction design and for making grab buttons for us - it's really appreciated!
JD - As we type this message the total money raised so far from Shelby's Acution site from bids and pledged donations is $203.00! We think that's a pretty cool amount at this early stage in the auction!
Max - But we'd still like to urge you all to go and outbid all your pals - he he he!
JD - Oh yes - do it for Shelby!!
Max - Finally, if anypup has an item they'd like to add to Shelby's auction please let us know about it as soon as possible!
JD - Thanks everyone! We're sorry we haven't been leaving comments on your blogs recently as much as we'd like but it is because we've been busy with the auction and we're sure you all understand.
Max - We miss you all but we ARE still reading your blogs! Please bear with us until the end of August - we're trying to leave a few comments and we're still reading your blogs, we just haven't had the time to give you any woof-back.
You guys are just totally fantastic I am in awe of you and your Moms
Ahhhhh, the wind in the woozles!
You're doing a fantastic job helping Shelby. We're not too sure what we'll do, but we'll be in it.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We are so impressed with the wonderful work that your Mom is doing helping Shelby! The very best of luck with everything!
take care
Clive and Murray
Youz guys are just the best! I am so happy that you are my furiends. Yay that JD is all betters now. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PAWesome news all around!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Oooo! A scar makes you sound like a rebel! You know girls love the bad boys!
The auction sounds like it's coming along really well so far!
ConCATulations for all, wonderful news!
purrs and love
We love Luna
You are all the greatest!
Glad you are feeling much better JD - haha, love your windswept look.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Me again!
Come and visit me today and getz the award I gave you guyz!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
lovely wind photo's
did you juse beans fur wind?
El'bow & Hauwii
The auction is coming along great!
Anybody ever tell you guys that you look kind of like rodents in those photos? I barely recognize you.
Hi boys - I'm finally back in blog circulation - hee! hee! Am so pleased to hear that Shelby's Auction is going so well already - and I can't believe the amount that's already been raised! You boys have done such a fantastic job rallying everyone around this cause!
Honey the Great Dane
Bravo for all of your hard work for Shelby!
My mom person squealed when she saw your windy woozle pics!! Excellent ear flappage!
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