Max - We've got some great stuff coming in for it - we're very excited! We're also going to have a raffle - prize to be announced! - which will be picked out of a hat. Everyone who becomes a follower of Shelby's Auction Page will be entered into the raffle so make sure you become a follower!
JD - It's taking us a bit longer than we thought it would (like most things!) to get the page set up, what with having to link e-mails and add PayPal buttons and that sort of thing but we think we've got a layout that works now! We just need to drop in all auction items now, so please keep your generous contributions coming in!
Max - Also, we've been a bit pre-occupied because JD had his stitches out and his cone off on Friday - we had the GREATEST walk ever straight afterwards, but sadly JD started limping again on Saturday. FH and MH took him straight back to the Vets who couldn't find anything wrong with him. They were told that we might have overdone it with playing like maniacs straight after the removal of the cone and the stitches!
JD - I still can't walk very well - my paw is very sore but I'm not sure why. I just hope I don't have another seed in it that's going to fester and flare up. The humans can't see anything wrong on any part of my leg or paw and neither can I...
Max - ....I can't either and I've checked your paw a few times!
JD - I just know it hurts and I wish it would stop 'cos I wanna play zoomies and bitey face again. It was SO much fun playing with you again on Friday! Here is a photo of us playing 'mad bitey-face' around FH's legs, he he he! We often play around her feet as it's our way of inviting her to join in, although strangely she never takes us up on the offer.
Max - It was wonderful! We were so fast we were a BLUR! I miss bitey face - sigh....!
JD - Me too Max. The humans know I'm not faking the limp as they've seen me do it on puppycam (the indoor security camera they use to tune in on us whenever they have to abandon us to do un-puppy-related activity!)
Max - Before we leave we wanted to show you a photo of the type of horrible grass seeds that we get here that cause huge problems for us puppies.
These particular grass seeds are like darts and they're barbed too so once they've pierced the skin they can burry deep -ouch!
JD - Apparently, removing grass seeds is what pays the Vets mortgages during the summer in the UK, it's SUCH a common problem! They get in paws, noses, ears, armpits - it's horrible!
These seeds can be very large, as FH demonstrates here! They're particularly dangerous when they've become crispy in the sun as they are so dry they become as sharp as needles.
Max - Finally, here is a photo of a jellyfish we found on the beach on Friday, before JD started limping again.
JD - FH kept shouting as us to stay away from it. Well, considering it looked like something she' just sneezed up we were VERY happy to oblige!
Max - Yeah - as if I was going to put my nose into THAT! Sheesh - humans!!
JD - It's taking us a bit longer than we thought it would (like most things!) to get the page set up, what with having to link e-mails and add PayPal buttons and that sort of thing but we think we've got a layout that works now! We just need to drop in all auction items now, so please keep your generous contributions coming in!
Max - Also, we've been a bit pre-occupied because JD had his stitches out and his cone off on Friday - we had the GREATEST walk ever straight afterwards, but sadly JD started limping again on Saturday. FH and MH took him straight back to the Vets who couldn't find anything wrong with him. They were told that we might have overdone it with playing like maniacs straight after the removal of the cone and the stitches!
JD - I still can't walk very well - my paw is very sore but I'm not sure why. I just hope I don't have another seed in it that's going to fester and flare up. The humans can't see anything wrong on any part of my leg or paw and neither can I...
Max - ....I can't either and I've checked your paw a few times!
JD - I just know it hurts and I wish it would stop 'cos I wanna play zoomies and bitey face again. It was SO much fun playing with you again on Friday! Here is a photo of us playing 'mad bitey-face' around FH's legs, he he he! We often play around her feet as it's our way of inviting her to join in, although strangely she never takes us up on the offer.
Max - It was wonderful! We were so fast we were a BLUR! I miss bitey face - sigh....!
JD - Me too Max. The humans know I'm not faking the limp as they've seen me do it on puppycam (the indoor security camera they use to tune in on us whenever they have to abandon us to do un-puppy-related activity!)
Max - Before we leave we wanted to show you a photo of the type of horrible grass seeds that we get here that cause huge problems for us puppies.

JD - FH kept shouting as us to stay away from it. Well, considering it looked like something she' just sneezed up we were VERY happy to oblige!
Max - Yeah - as if I was going to put my nose into THAT! Sheesh - humans!!
Those grass seeds look ferocious! You guys take care.
We always play bitey face around her legs. Then she can only get those blurred action shots like your FH got. Hehehe
We're heading over to the Shelby site.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PeeS What KIND of jelly was that named after.
Hi Boys,
Sorry to hear the JD is still limping, perhaps he's just tender? Was a final x-ray done to make sure everything else was ok? I'm sure your FH has thought of it all... I'm just double checking.
Nellie & Calvert would like for your FH to try steak; apparently it has some special healing powers on pups!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
Nellie & Calvert
JD and max,
those grass seeds are scary HOOGE! please keep being really careful like. JD, i hope you just over did the zoomies and bitey face a little and that you will be right as rain ASAP!
me and asa and mama love miss shelby's auction page! it's looking grrreat! mama is going to try to make somethingie to auction, but she's not sure if she'll have time since we have 2 vacas and some company coming up. we will at least bid on stuff of course!! :)
the booker man
Oh my Dog - that seed looks like a monster - kinda like that jellyfish!
The auction page is looking t-riffic!
Hi boys - am so sorry to hear that JD's paw is sore again! I do hope it is just because you have overdone it - I think that's very likely coz I would think the area around the wound is still tender and healing and so any rough impact might tear the healing tissues and cause inflammation again...maybe try to take things slower, JD, and ease back into it! :-)
That jellyfish looks so cool! I see a few on the beaches here sometimes but mostly little ones - but Hsin-Yi says Australia has some of the most poisonous jellyfishes in the world so she always makes me stay well away! :-)
Am off to check out Shelby's auction page now! I've worked out what my donation is going to be but I think I might not be able to put together a photo & description until next weekend coz my humans have to go and buy it first and they need to go into the shops downtown to find the things. But will try and get it all sorted as soon as possible!
Honey the Great Dane
Yikes, those seeds are humongous! Be very careful!! I hope you just overdid the zoomies - you are SOOO fast! Please let us know how you're doing. In the meantime, I'm off to the auction site and to think up something good to put in as my item!
Oh, JD! I'm Most Sorry your paw is still hurting. You poor thing! I hope, hope, hope you just overdid the playing. I know it's hard but you just gotta take it easy for a little while longer.
We DO have those grass things here, too. We call 'em foxtails and I've heard stories abouts dogs getting them in their ears and nose and stuff. I'm gonna try to stay far, far away from them from now on!
Thank you again for all your hard work on Shelby's auction. We're putting some stuffs together and we'll let you know what it is soon!
Wiggles & Wags,
Yikes! I hope it's just a bit of overdoing things! Those seeds look vicious! I'd be pretty worried about getting too close to those, too!
Oh dear, Max and JD, we are so sorry to hear this. JD, we sure hope this is just a temporary setback and that all will be well tomorrow.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Merdie and I have our paws khrossed woo are already feeling better!
I read FH's note to Mom earlier this evening - she said that is fine and pawesome with us!
Once again, thanks so much fur all woo are doing!
Oh JD we so very sorry that you foot still hurts! I send sweet Maltie kisses to your owie spot. Do it feel better now?
You need to get lots of rest! Max you should be looking out for your brother, not playing so hard with him. But boys will be boy won't they..BOL
woo woos, Tessa
Oh JD we so very sorry that you foot still hurts! I send sweet Maltie kisses to your owie spot. Do it feel better now?
You need to get lots of rest! Max you should be looking out for your brother, not playing so hard with him. But boys will be boy won't they..BOL
woo woos, Tessa
Oh JD we so very sorry that you foot still hurts! I send sweet Maltie kisses to your owie spot. Do it feel better now?
You need to get lots of rest! Max you should be looking out for your brother, not playing so hard with him. But boys will be boy won't they..BOL
woo woos, Tessa
Did I hear cone free?? Right on! :)
You will have to start going out in your wellies to protect you from all those grass seeds.
Congrats on losing the cone.
Blagh, those jellyfish look horrid!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Oh dis auction is an incrediblely smart thing of you guys and FH! Ya'll haves been so busy to construct all dat stuffs. Ya'll is awesome!!!!!
Mum was thinking bouts you da other day cuz Brudder Albert was limping (and he ain't a faker neither)but it wasn't his leg, it was his paw and he was hurtin sumptin awfuls. Mum took him to da vet and they THINK he may haves stepped on a wasp. Don't really care what they think...mum wants to know what they KNOW fur sures and not a guess.
Anyways, dude, you so gots to take it easy fur awhile so your FH don't go crazy again.
Like that bitey-face blurr!!
Wow does that thing look ouchie! Yea and gotta watch out for those jellyfish..they are'nt for you!
My folks know about the VET too...like my dad person says..I just made HER NICE FANCY CAR PAYMENT!
We have a good vet so that's okay...maybe it gets her "racer" to the office quicker if I need her!
Pkg come yet?? Wish my MP knew about the auction she could have added another...
Paws UP!
Gosh! I sure hope I don't get bitten by one of those nasty grass seeds. Those look like they really hurt! I'm gonna make my way over to Shelby's page and take a look around.
Hello sweet friends!
oh JD , poor JD, glad to know you are feeling better now.I'm sure you have received lots of treats and love from mommy and Max.Please take care!
Hey guys, what is that weird thing in the last picture? Baghssssss
Good lucky to your mommy with the Shelby's auction project.
I've missed you so much, but I'm happy now visiting you!
purrs and love
*** the vacations were great, we had a busy passage in London but I do hope next time to have the opportunity to visit you all!
I'm sorry to hear JD is limping again. I hope it passes quickly and the zoomies and bitey-face can begin!
That grass does look rather foreboding, as does that sea creature! I have coughed up things that look like that & only occasionally do I eat them back up!
I would like to exchange links with your site schnauzerandschnauzer.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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