1 - Browse through available items and bid on the ones you like by leaving a comment. If another pup has already bid you will need to outbid them to secure the item. Please don't feel bad about outbidding your pals - it's all for Shelby and that's the important thing!
2 - The auction will close at 5.00 am on Monday, 30th August, GMT. At that time the 'comments' section will be deactivated and no more bids can be made!
3 - By noon on Monday, GMT, we will publish who has secured the winning bid for each item. We will ask the lucky bidders to pay via the paypal 'donate' button already published on the auction site, with the request that they quote the unique 'TS' number of item(s) they have bid on.
4 - Once payment has been received we will contact the pup who donated the auction item and inform them how they can get in touch with the winning bidder and arrange for the item to be sent off!
5 - There are also a few 'buy it now' items which will be available to buy from midnight on Friday, GMT - if you wish to purchase one of these items just hit the 'paypal' button on the item in question!
6 - Please DO remind your blog pals about this auction! And if anyone has any questions at any point just let us know!
We want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to EVERYPUP who has generously donated items to this auction as well as a huge thank you to EVERYPUP who has already placed a bid. And finally a big thanks to EVERYPUP who has helped us to spread the word about this auction - we couldn't have done any of this without you all!
We love the auction & a couple of hours ago we posted to remind people about the auction.
Great schnauzer minds think alike!!!
Love and wiggles,
You guyz ROCK! I am reminding everybodys tomorrow 'bouts the auction. :)
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We can see you guys must be busy organising this auction. You are the greatest!!
PAWSOME!!!! Can't wait for the auction to heat up! You guys are so thoughtful and kind to help sweet Shelby.
I spread my phloof in your direkhtion fur this pawesome event!
YAY! i have a reminder post about miss shelby's auction for tomorrow morning.
the booker man
Well done on organising the auction Max and JD. Since we're so far away, we donated to Shelby...it was soooooo easy. We thought we'd rather see all the money go to shelby rather than the post office.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Hi JD and Max,
Finally u guys have done it..and what a success. we are so proud of all your efforts.
we have posted a reminder on our blog and hope it will help direct some new traffic your way.
Please do let our Mummy know the deatails about the payment.you got her mail Id,we guess?
Buddy n Ginger
Paws up!
And good luck in this wonderful event!
purrs and love
That is really pawsome of you guys, we will have a look at the auction page. :)
hihi! i'm back cuz i just want to woof thankies bunches and tons for all the hard work that ya'll have done to put this awesome auction together to help out miss shelby! ya'll are so kind and thoughtful!!!
now i couldn't help being kinda snoopy when i was over on my girlfriend miss mayzie's bloggie, and i saw what you wrote about your new puppy friend. that gave me such the warm fuzzies inside!! pretty please do have a post about your sweet new friend. i am so proud of you dudes for helpin' pittie/staffie puppy learn how to play! :)))
the booker man
You guys are so handsome!
Brodie The Yellow Lab
You two Handsome fellows and your Mum are just WONDERFUL!!!
We let everypup know too!
woo woos, Tessa
Just wanted to pat you both on the head for helping to raise funds for Shelby's care:)
You just rock. Great deed pooches. :)
What a wonderful thing to do for Shelby, good luck.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
I've not been in the blogging loop for a while. I've not heard about this!
Sounds like fun - hope you guys earn a whole lot!
I've not been in the blogging loop for a while. I've not heard about this!
Sounds like fun - hope you guys earn a whole lot!
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