Max - ....but in the meantime look at this great new toy our humans got for us!
JD - We suspect it's a 'guilt offering' for leaving us when they went away last weekend....
Max - ....but even if it is I still love it! It's squishy and fun and it makes a great rustling noise when you chew on it.
JD - It's also makes a really good pillow - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!
Find out what all the critters are up to at....

Ah, that looks like such a comfy toy! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures!! Have a good weekend!
your cat buddy,
Hello guys!
You really deserve to get some treats after being so abandoned by your beans!
This toy is cool!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
Oh yeah, JD is sound asleep with the new "pillow" must be really comfy!!
- Santa
Wow that's a jumbo sized bone all right!
I'll be calling by to hear about the beach! Also, waiting to find out what reserve you've visited. (Is it Yarra Bend?)
The new toy sure looks fun to play. You guys are so lucky that your humans bring back souvenir for going away. Mine never bring back anything for me :(
That is a very versatile toy - good for playing with and sleeping on. Your humans must have felt really guilty about abandoning you so cruelly!
Puppy kisses
I'm not allowed toys like that anymore, I eat the stuffins out & then have to go to the V-E-T for them to get it out of my stomach :o(
oh my--those are pretty bloody cute pictures of you and your new bone stuffy! i can tell you guys love it!!
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