Max - Sheesh - she took ages to sort out our photos! We might have to sack her, he he he!
JD - So here it is - there are a lot of photos so it's kinda long, but we hope you enjoy seeing all the things that we've been up to over the past couple of weeks.
Max - And hey, who wouldn't want to look at loads of photos of us?! *snigger!*
JD - About a month ago our female human found out about a beach that dogs are allowed on year round. It's only a 5 minute drive from our front door - how lucky is that?!
JD - We feel lucky to have found such a great place to walk.
That big thing we're walking towards is the radar tower that is used by those out at sea.
Max - One thing I really like about this park is the rabbit poo - ooh, it's everywhere! Mmm - it's yummy! I always pretend I can't hear when my humans shout at me to 'leave it'.....
JD - As you can see from most of the photos we've been having great weather in the UK recently so our female human takes us down to this park most evenings as we like to have a dip in the sea to cool off.
" I said to her, I said 'I don't care if you're coming too - I'm only getting in the car if you're taking us to the beach'....!"
The start of the park - behind the fence that runs along the back of this picture is the beach that dogs are allowed onto all year round - this is now JD and Max's favourite place!
"The sea, the sea - we can see the sea!" And if you look very closely you can just about make out the wind turbines that make up Gunfleet Wind Farm that is being built just off our coastline - you can see them better if you 'biggify' the picture!
Here's a close-up of the wind-turbines - our female human got this photo from the Internet, she didn't swim out to take it!!
JD - As you can see from most of the photos we've been having great weather in the UK recently so our female human takes us down to this park most evenings as we like to have a dip in the sea to cool off.

Max - So our time recently has been spent romping with our pals in the field close to our house on our morning walks, sleeping our way through the heat of the day and then going for a cooling splash in the sea in the evenings.
"Yes - um, give me a minute, I'm just - erm - getting my paws used to it....!
JD - So, we've been having a good time recently. Mind you, it has been a disruptive week for us.
Max - Firstly, our humans went away last weekend and left us! It's true - we couldn't believe it either!
JD - We were left at a lovely house with a great chap who took very good care of us - but still! It's simply not on!
Max - Indeed! It's just not cricket!!
JD - Still, that's all behind us now and we're sure our humans will never, ever leave us again....
Female human - Erm, er - how can I put this boys.....?
Max - Yes, they wouldn't ever be that cruel again would they? *glares at female human!* Also, over the past week our humans had some work done in our house.
JD - They had the lounge carpet replaced with a new hardwood floor.
Max - Something to do with a certain puppy chewing the carpet, which meant we couldn't be trusted to be left in the lounge on our own.
JD - As if we would! We kept on telling our humans that it was another, bigger puppy that wandered in, chewed the carpet and then ran away! But they don't believe us.
Max - It's not fair - especially since this rogue puppy looked JUST like me!! Anyway, we're not too sure about the new floor just yet - it's a bit slippery!
JD - We keep on skidding on it. Because of this we're staying on our cushions and doggie sofas and our humans seem to really like us doing this - humph!
Max - It IS nice and cool though which is soothing, especially in this weather.
JD - Yup - it's been incredibly hot here recently. And we hear that next week the temperature is going to hit the 90's - whatever that means.....
Max - ....I just know that it makes me really sleepy! I can't even manage a long walk any more, I have to keep on finding a nice cool hedge or some long grass to go and lie down in to try and keep cool.
JD - So our female human took us to the groomers for our first ever grown up Schnauzer hair cut.
Max - She's wanted us to have this cut for quite a while but our male human wanted us to stay looking fluffy and cute.
JD - But our female human won this time - he he he! - and now we look like big, grown up Schnauzers! This is what we looked like at the begining of the week....
JD - ....and this is us now!
Max - Our female human was so excited by how handsome we looked that she treated us to some lovely new collars.
JD - I got a nice denim-look collar with some cute bones stiched into it!
Max - And our female human knows that red is my colour so I got a new red collar - with that same cute bone design.
JD - Phew - it's been quite a week! I'm really tired....
Max - too! Struggling to stay awa.......zzzzzz!
JD - Zzzzzzzzz!
Find out what all the critters are up to at....

very nice pics................
Oh wow...that's a great park you have there and what's more, it's by the sea! By the way, how does the rabbit poo taste?
- Santa
They look like they were having way too much fun!
I played too :)
Wow, you sure look like you're enjoying yourself! That beach looks fantastic!
Ohmigod what a fabulous post and your mommy prepared everything with great details! Adorable!
I loved your pictures and glad to see you enjoying all those beautiful green grass and the waves at the beach as well!Wonderful time!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
the world is your oyster you lucky guys Sandy wonder you haven't been've been having lots & lots of FUN!! Good for you!
Love the photos!
your pal,
Soooooooooo many shots,
thanks they are all beautiful :)
hug to all
Kareltje =^.^=
Great shots all! And my Sam Schnauzer sends his best! Wishes he could join you!
Jd and Max.
Thanks for wagging over. That's surprising you had the whole park to yourselves. And the beach too! Are you two royalty? what gives? Mom did a great job - your tired.
Hello chaps - you both look very handsome, great haircuts! Love the photo of JD immitating the Loch Ness Monster - priceless!! Nemo.
Hi JD and Max, sorry I haven't visited for a while. I love your grown up Schnauzer look, great beards and eyebrows! That beach and park look like fun too, you're lucky boys.
:) Jimbo.
Wow so much going on! I love the place you get to walk & swim, but even though schnauzers are supposed to be swimmers, I don't like it.
I think it's very unfair of your humans to remove you carpeting without even investigating this rougue dog who was wrecking your house.
Finally, I think you look very grown up and handsome with your big boy cuts & new collars!
Oh Max & JD!!
I just LOVE your new grown-up schnauzer clips! You look SO handsome!!! I mean, I did like your cute, fluffy puppy look but I think I prefer the grown-up look...ahhhhh, just LOVE the eyebrows and beard...(ok, so I might be a bit biased and have a slight weakness for little, hairy dogs with eyebrows and beards! hee! hee!) I can't really see in the pictures but did the groomer leave you with a hairy chest as well? Ombre always had that and - swooon! - I just thought it was so sexy! :-)
Wow - that park really is a "haven" isn't it? You're so lucky to find that it's only 5mins away from you! I just loved the photos of you guys playing in the water - made me want to come and jump in with you!
Thank you so much, by the way, for the lovely, long comment on my blog and my goodness, my human's head is spinning from all the compliments! It was blowing up so big as she was reading your comment, I thought it was going to explode!
We are really glad you like the posts - when we started out blogging, we wanted the blog to be more than just a diary but also an informative and educational site for other dogs owners, so they don't make the same mistakes that my humans did with me! So sometimes my human worries that she might be making things too "serious & boring" by writing about all those dog training tips and stuff...but then she feels that it's really important to share those things! So anyway, am glad you're not bored and find them interesting and useful!
About Max's little issue on the lead, that is quite a common one! Did you see one of my posts a while back which was all about safe doggie greetings and why dogs get grumpy when they're on the lead? (it's called "Playdate with Cookie & Cinnamon - and Tips for Safe Doggie Meetings) - if your human has the time, she might like to check that out.
Also, Hsin-Yi said she will email your human separately about Max coz it's hard to explain training things without going into detail and she doesn't want to hog your comments with a logn essay!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Great shots and what a just really fun post!
hey jd and max thank you so much for featuring your wonderful outing that you had. all of us at Pet Pride enjoyed going through the beautiful post!
Oh, I forgot to say - thank you for asking after Ombre. Yes, he has arrived in Toronto and is settling into his new home! He has sent some photos of himself exploring his new I will post an update on him soon!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I love eating rabbit poo too - what's worse, I love rolling in them even more!!
Oh, boys, my knees are all weak at the sight of your gorgeous new haircuts - you are so handsome!
Your beach looks like lots of fun, I can't wait until summer so I can go to the beach again. If you find the weather too hot, you could get a cooling mat like mine, it's filled with water crystals, you just soak it and it stays damp and is perfect to lie on and keep cool. Otherwise I reckon you will be nice and cool lying on your new floor.
My human laughed when I told her your humans changed the whole floor just for you - she says that she doesn't think I'm that spoiled any more! I also find rugs very tasty, our ones come from a place called Ikea, so my human says it's not too bad to replace them if we have to.
By the way, I got my stitches out tonight, it's wonderful, I've been crawling around on the floor on my tummy just because I can! We're going to be extra-specially careful for the next couple of weeks, and then I'll be able to go off-leash and frolic in the park, yay!
Extra-special puppy kisses because you look so gorgeous
GACK!!!! how lucky are you??? we love the park! did you just find out about it or something? i would be there everyday if i were you! how cute are you guys rolling aorund in the water! i bet your humans got big kicks!!!
could you find out if your people would adopt me?
I need a vacation
loved all your photos
Hey boys
My human tried giving me my dinner in a plastic container tonight. I ate almost everything out of it (then barked at the last few bits), but my human accidentally dropped my food on the floor first, so she's not sure if I ate it because it was floor-flavoured (I'm quite happy to eat off the floor, by the way, but my human doesn't like it for some strange reason).
She's not sure if it's something to do with my name tag clunking against the bowl, but she tried feeding me from a flat bread-and-butter bowl last night and I wouldn't go near it.
I don't have any problem with breakfast, because my human gives it to me in a Kong and two different treat dispensers, so that I have something to keep me busy during the day - ha ha! I'm an expert at treat dispenser food extraction, so it only takes me a couple of minutes!
JD, can you let me know if you decide to tell your humans why you are afraid of your bowl, then I might tell my human...
Puppy kisses
Ohhh, that nature reserve looks fabulous! And I love the picture of the two of you snoozing on the polished floor!
That last pic is adorable! Looks like you two have been having great fun! My Mom almost has a panic attack when I go too close to edges too so she likes to keep me away from them. ;) Glad you only peed over!
We think you guys look super handsome with your new grownup cuts.
Your beach is awesome.
Keep cool.
Love Ruby & Penny
The beach looks great. You guys are lucky to stay so near the beach and you both looks so handsome in your new cut :)
Hey guys! What a pawesome bloggie! So jam packed!
The beach looks super duper, although you wouldn't catch me swimming, we alls hate the water.
Your new hair cuts look great, your getting big boys now! But not as big as me!
Luv Scotty xx
WOW ..this was great guys! You two are the best...wish I'd been there for all the fun..
Great impersonation of Lock Ness!!!
and...well, my mom/person says she can't decide how she likes us Schnauzer's best...groomed or ungroomed as ungroomed we look sooo very cuddly! But, GROOMED we look so HANDSOME..
You two look really great with your groomed look!
Thanks for sharing another adventure!
Paws Up!
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