Max - Initially he was resting his head on our male human's lap, but our male human eventually had to move, so he kindly moved the pouffe along to prop JD up instead!
Max - If JD still isn't eating by tomorrow our humans have said he'll have to go to the vet - eek!
JD - Zzzzzzzz.....!
Max - PS - please visit Charlie's blog to read shocking news about dog-meat trade and find out how you can help stop this awful thing happening to our brothers and sisters - thank you.
Oh, poor JD, the bee stung must be real painful. Yeah, your humans need to take you to the vet. Get well soon...
Lots of hugs,
Oh it's a pity! Poor JD!!! I bet the lord of the dog meat trade is a big bee.
I hope JD will be fine soon!
purrs, noselicks and love
Aw, poor JD!!!!! Really hope he feels better soon! How on earth did he get stung by a bee? Was he trying to catch it?
My human has written an article about that 'dog meat trade' - it is really horrible.
Honey the Great Dane
Poor JD. We hope the swelling and pain go away soon.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh JD, sorry to hear about your bee sting. My doggie cousin, Oliver, got stung right on the nose by a wasp once & he is rather sensitive to that. Benedryl helped him. Hope you feel better soon!
luv ya,
Thank you for posting this guys. Every little effort to stop dog meat trade would really help.
Hope you feel better soon JD.
Poor JD! Hope you feel better soon! Remember, insects that end (or start) in points should be avoided!
awww poor JD... get well soon ok...
Oh, poor JD!
Big extra puppy kisses from me!
Love, Sasha
OUCH! Dogs and bees definately don't mix! and did you know bees especially don't like black dogs. we have honey hives, and no dogs aloud during hiving season. get better sweetheart!
oh my, i hope JD is feeling better! (:
best regards
Poor Pooch! I hope that by now he's well on his way to full recovery!
Hope JD is feeling better :D
Poor thing. Get well soon !
Max,, I hope you continue to take good care of JD. Hope he's up and feeling better real soon.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
Max, how sweet of you to take care of poor JD. Bees are nothing to bark at. I hope he's feeling lots better soon.
Bees are stupid creatures! They sting me too usually on my belly cause I try to squash them...I don't know if it is worth it though
Paw Paw
love these cute guys always Sandy
Lovely shots,
cute dogs :)
You have a great blogsite,
I love also fun :)
purss Kareltje =^.^=
greetz Anya :)
Aww poor JD...makes me sad to think that o' bee stung my friend!
Nothing better than a good friend like Max to help you get well!!
Take care!
Paws Up!
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