Max - ....we've asked our female human to do a post about how tall we are and how heavy we are!
JD - She needs to get a few more measurements and photos together (she's told us we're going to be weighed on something called a 'Wii Fit-Board' - we don't know what it is but we like the sound of the 'wii' part....!)
Max - we'll post something in a few days time.
JD - In the meantime I'd just like to quickly mention that I was measured tonight and I'm 17 and a half inches tall....
Max - I'm sure NO-ONE'S interested JD!
JD - ....and the entry level height for a Standard Schnauzer is 17 inches!
Max - Fascinating JD!
JD - So I'm a very tall Miniature Schnauzer - GET IN!!
Max - Oh - DO stop showing off JD!
JD - Hey - shut it shorty!! *Snigger!*
Max - Humph!
JD - So, in the meantime here are a few photos of me 'coping' with being SUCH a tall doggie....he he he!
He never simply sits on the floor any more, he always acts as if he's SO incredibly
tall he needs something to prop himself up on, it's really cute!
Since reading that both Honey and Saige sit this way they find my 'perching'
technique amusing - double humph! I've decided I want to be a Giant Schnauzer when I grow up - I think I'm heading in the right direction...!
Find out what all the critters are up to at....

I'll love you two doggies no matter what size you are:)
A giant crack me up JD!!! I love your sitting style too. :)
Both of you are giants in my eyes!
not sure how you can cope being so tall! hahaha!!! xoxox
Well I love you guys just the way you are!
By the way, I prepared a post today and left a “surprise”, an award for you !
Don’t forget to passing there to see it okay!
purrs and love
You have some very nice dogs. The one at the bottom seems a little unhappy about something.
I started a new blog just for our flowers
Our Flower Pot
Hi JD & Max
Penny perches the same way and mom also weighs us on the Wii fit board.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh JD - those pictures of you "perching" are just too cute!! I had to laugh coz it's true - I DO sit like that, the few times I managed to get my bum on the sofa without the human's noticing! :-) (I'm not usually allowed on the furniture) I never knew little dogs could do it too! Maybe there really is some Giant Schnauzer in you! Hee! hee!
Honey the Great Dane
Tallest doggie I've ever seen - well, almost....! Cute photos! Nemo.
JD, though you looked grumpy but you are still so cute sitting in that position...
Love ya,
Gosh JD, you must be almost as big as Bertie, he's very tall for a mini, too.
Puppy kisses
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