JD - Eh? Whassat Max? Zzzzzz........
Max - Sure, the sofa LOOKS comfy - but looking is about as far as I'm getting at the moment as JD IS hogging it somewhat....
JD - Keep it down Max - trying to sleep over here....
Max - So I've been practising my forlorn and dejected stance, as you can see from this puppy-cam still-shot......
Max - ....and I think it's worked! Because I've been told that another sofa has now been ordered and should be here within the next few days....
JD - Zzzzzzz....!
Aw, poor Max...hope your very own sofa arrives soon!
Honey the Great Dane
You boys sure are lucky to have your own couch. I have to share mine with my human. And the bed. The only places I have to myself are my bed in the lounge room, my cushion on the bedroom floor, my sheepskin rug, the turf on the balcony, all the rugs on the floor, and the floor - hardly anything to call my own!
And when I stay over with Bertie and Oliver, I don't even get to share the bed! There's only two humans and two schnauzers on it, plenty of room left for little me!
Excellent forlorn face, Max! You really can't go wrong perfecting that face, it's a skill that will serve you well your whole life.
Thanks Oskar! I practise daily and have studied some of the photos in your blog for guidance. It works excellently well on my male human and now I have biscuits on-tap whenever he's around. Sadly my female human seems harder to crack, but I'm sure I'll train her over time.... Love Max.
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