Max - Our 100th post!!
JD - Bring out the balloons....the streamers......the bubbly!!!

Max - This will be our camera critters post AS WELL AS our pet pride post!
JD - It's because - as part of our celebrations - our human is going to donate a pound to the Dogs Trust for EVERY comment that is left against this post so we want as big an audience as possible, he he he....

JD - .... so please leave a comment, sign our guest book and get your friends, family and neighbours (he he he!) to pop along and do the same. Let's get that money rolling in for Dogs Trust - they do such good work helping to re-house doggies as well as identifying doggies to train as service and assistance doggies!
Max - We can hardly believe that we're publishing our 100th post! We could not have done it without all our wonderful friends out there in the blogosphere!
JD - So, to mark one hundred we are going to write about three 'firsts'. Here we go....
Max - The first 'first' we want to celebrate is the very first dog blog our female human ever stumbled across. It was back before she had even decided which doggie to get!
JD - That's right! Our female human had decided she would like either a Daschund or a Schnauzer - so was browsing the Internet one day ....
Max - .... and discovered the beautiful and wonderful Ruby and Penny!
JD - Our female human was enchanted - she still is! She (and us) ADORES Ruby and Penny's blog! She fell in love with the two of them.
Max - In fact - did you know if it wasn't for Ruby and Penny there would probably only be ONE of us - how awful would that be? We can't even begin to think about it!
JD - Female human loved how well Ruby and Penny got on and decided to get two dogs. She didn't actually mean to get two dogs at the same time though, that was our choice, he he he!
Max - And hey, do you do know what? It was only because the schnauzer breeder had a litter before the daschund breeder that we're here now!
JD - Yeah - we were nearly daschunds! We're glad our real mum and dad couldn't keep their paws off each other and got 'down to it', otherwise you might have been reading about two other hounds right now!!
Max - Thank you Ruby and Penny! Your blog is great - the excitement when you left us your first message was wonderful!
JD - That's right! But the very first comment EVER left on our blog was .... 'Tally-ho! My mom type person told me to say that!"
Max - Can you guess who that was?! It was the incredibly handsome Oskar!
JD - We LOVE Oskar's blog - it's funny and stylish and he is a great pal. His mom type person is fab too - she's helped our female human with schnauzer-type questions and we've all become great friends. It's just a shame there's a big pond keeping us apart - the fun we could have if we all met up would be phenomenal!
Max - Oskar - you rock! So much so that we've chosen today - our 100th post - to proudly display the Oskar award that you passed onto your pals!
JD - This award was especially designed just for Oskar - THAT'S how cool he is! Thanks Oskar - we are proud to display this award!

Max - And now our last 'first' - our first love. *Sigh!*
JD - We think that you all guessed who this is - we've made no secret of our puppy love for her *Sigh!*
Max - It is the delightful, the beautiful, the witty, the brave, the strong, the charming and the intelligent Sasha. *Sigh!*
JD - Sasha is our first love and will always continue to be so. We realise we will never get to meet so we will have to be content to just gaze at her photos, read all about her adventures - and play with her in our dreams. *Sigh!*
Max - We feel a bond with Sasha! She's only four days younger than us and she joined her new family at roughly the same time that we joined ours so she's been going through the pain of training her human at the same time as us. Her blog is wonderful and her tweets (twoofs!) always make us giggle. She's simply wonderful .... *Sigh!*
JD - Yes - wonderful! *Sigh!*
Max - We have sent each of these three 'fists' a little goodie bag as a thank you - we had hoped they would get it around the same time as this post, but we have a feeling it hasn't arrived with anyone yet!
JD - Sasha explained to us that parcels delivered via surface mail are carried on the back of fishes - she is everso clever, she knows everything!
Max - So we're afraid you might have a bit of a wait - but we really hope your goodies turn up soon!
JD - Before we leave - as female human has some celebrating of her own to do, what with this being the exact date one year ago that she left London and the rat race behind and changed her life for the better by working locally and getting us - can we just say THANKS EVERYONE!
Max - Yup - we love blogging! We've made some great friends and we've enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for continuing to visit our blog and for continuing to humour us our thoughts and ideas.
JD - Please leave a comment here - and sign our guest book, even if you already have signed it before now, he he he! We want to be able to send oodles of money to Dogs Trust!
Max - Have a nice weekend everyone....
JD - .... and thank you for stopping by!!
Join in the fun at Pet Pride....

Find out what all the critters are up to at....

Oh boys, congratulations on your 100th post!
I'm blushing about all the things you said about me... I think you boys are wonderful, too!
I love reading your blog, I can't wait for the next hundred posts!
Extra-special puppy kisses
Hi JD & Max
Congrats on your 100th post & to mom for leaving the big city behind for a gentler life.
We think you two and your blog are awesone and what an awesone thing you are doing for those pups who are less fortunate.
Thanks for making us part of your 100th post and saying such great thinks about us. We feel special & honoured.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh JD & Max...I LOVE the two of you...and your Mom did a FABULOUS job on this special 100th post! Congratulations & I'm so glad that in today's world cats can be good friends with dogs!
your friend,
p.s. now I've got to go over & visit Sasha & Ruby & Penny..I haven't met them yet.
Congratulations on your 100th Post. May there be many, many more and may you make lots and lots of doggie friends.It's been nice being your friend too.
Congratulations on your 100th post!! We wanted to be the first to arrive but looks like we didn't make it...hmph...
- Santa and Minnie
Loved your post, both for the conversation and for the brilliant photographs. Congratulations on your 100th post.
Hi! We found your blog through Ruby and Penny's blog - aren't they great?
Congratulations on your 100th post! How exciting!
:) Frankie
What happy dogs! And Congrats on 100!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, Love 'em all. Excellent. And I'm glad you allowed me to join in on the festivities!!!
Mine is posted's a 'MAN OF WAR'. Creepy, slimy, icky.
Have a fabulous Saturday.
I'm proud to leave my comment on your 100th post! Congrats!
You guys are so excited. I know you'll do good for Dogs Trust!!!
Carletta’s Captures.
Congrats Max & JD! Read about your 100th post celebration on Ruby & Penny's blog. Hope you have
to send lots of money to Dogs Trust! That's a great way to celebrate!!!
Great fun post... Congratulations, boys!
How cute! Congrats on your 100th post! I love your dogs and enjoyed the dogs side of the story and the pictures.
This is the 100th time that you guys make me happy! Not to count when you post your kind comments on my blog... :)
purrs and love
I love that you are saluting other GREATS on your 100th ..By the way you don't look a day over 5 ...Happy weekend sandy Zvi Zarah, Pharoah, Vivvi , Chiara.
JD and Max, congratulations on your 100th post (a wonderful one it is, too). Your person has a great idea about the donation. Well done all!
hey boys,
congrats on your 100th post. WE LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! Our Daddy and Mummy reads your blog for updates and stories daily and we're proud to say - your blog is probably the best furkid blog we've read!!!
what a great moment!!!
Fatty & Ally
wow! how cute they are, congratulations to your 100th post, happy weekend..
congrats on your 100th post!!
still a long way to go for me ...
have been away for a while and I miss you guys alooootttt!!!
Hi my doggie friends
Congratulations on your 100th Post.
Go go go ........ to the next 100,
Fantastic post today,
your blog is always FUN FUN FUN,
I love that :)
Kareltje =^.^=
Khongrats on your pawesome work AND pawesome khause!
Those khuties from Thunder Bay sent me to paw a howloh!
I hope woo have many many more postings!
Happy 100 blogs! Keep on going for the next 100!
Hello boys! Congratulations on your 100th post! We came for the free food mainly, but as there doesn't seem to be any, we'll stay for the cause. =)))
Now, seriously, great post, great gesture, we're happy to help and we're really interested in discovering we count as 1 pound or 4, since we're 16 paws...
Well, we'd also like to thank your for your friendly comments in our blog. You're so nice! We're happy to be friends with you boys!!!
Much love from Brazil!
Many congratulations boys - here's to the next 100. Dogs Trust is a great charity to support - thumbs and paws up from all of us!
Silly Pups!
Woo are furry welkhome to khome by my khorner and khomment anytime!
My mom had one of woo as she was growing up! Maybe woo even got to see pikhs of Fluffy on my blog!
Congratulations on your 100th post!! We so you mentioned over at Ruby and Penny's and thought we would stop by!
Kali and Rumer
Oh hooray for you boys. I'm so proud to be picked to be in your special post! My schnauzer chest is puffed out with pride.
I know in my fuzzy heart that we would be the best of friends if not for that silly pond.
You can count on me to be here as long as you keep blogging. If you stop, I'll just bug you by e-mail!
Hug for your mom person too. We have enjoyed getting to know her as well!
Manly schnauzer hugs,
hello schnauzer and schnauzer its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am heer!!! i am heer!!! did i mayk it in time for the hundredth post party??? luk i brawt ham!!! and i brawt tucker!!! hoo is currently a chikkin!!! ok bye
Oh, boys - what a wonderful, wonderful post! I so loved reading about all your "firsts" - especially as I wasn't lucky enough to know you "right from the beginning" but I'm SO glad that I did find you soon after! :-) You are always one of my favourite blogs and I always look forward eagerly to my next visit to see what your adventures have been. My human says that you boys are always guaranteed to bring a smile to her face - every time we visit! - so I can imagine how much your own humans must treasure and adore you.
Congrats on your 100th post and also to your human for the 1yr anniversary of her new life!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. did you see in my video of my 1st Agility class that my human was carrying the yellow "Slop Happens" bag you sent me? It's wonderful! I never go anywhere without it now - it is great for holding all my stuff: slobber towel, treats, clickers, CD's for dancing music, toys, other bits & pieces - it even has space for my humans mobile and keys and other junk! And everywhere we go, people have been admiring it and been so envious when I tell them that my special blog friends sent it to me all the way from England!! So thank you SO much again for a wonderful gift!
Your puppies are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.
A mammoth post for a very important milestone... congrats on the 100th post!!
I enjoyed every second while on this post :)
Congratulations on your 100th post, what a very nice way to celebrate it. I am a different Sasha, isn't Sasha a great name for a doggy?? Oskar is my pal also. I hope you have a great time celebrating.
licks and sniffs, Sasha(Michigan)
Dear JD and Max,
How fabulous! Congratulations on reaching 100 posts!
You are such wonderful chaps and we (my hoomans and I) love reading about your adventures. Gosh to think that you two might have been dachshunds - incredible! I love dachshunds but I'm glad you are who you are - which is my favourite schnauzers!
celebratory smooches,
Mr Darcy
Wow guys... congratulations on your 100th post! And I had to laugh when you said you were very nearly daschunds... Lucky for us and that you were you though! (If you see what I mean.)
And thank your female human for donating to such a good cause!
jd and max are so active and cute. congratulations on your 100th posts.
my entry
Congratulations on your 100th post! What an achievement!
hi Jd and Max
100 posts-congrats! I love hearing about your first post and how you found mom and dad. Silly..
I'll tweet your post so hopefully you get more comments. Great way to celebrate!
I had to swing on my today boys! Congratulations - here's to many more! I hope you get to send loads of money to Dogs Trust - good for you! :) Nemo
Lovely photos. Congrats on 100 posts. I love the photo from last to of the blanket.
Well done on 100! And a very worthy cause - good stuff.
CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post! It was fun to read about some of your friends today. Here's to MANY more ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Hey! Congratulations on your 100th post! Always fun to come here and read about all the things you guys get into -- and your friends!
Lots of good wishes from Sam Schnauzer and Mojo the Most
Congrats JD & Max,
What a wonderful celebration of all your firsts and your 100th post, looking forward to many more.
Blessings and purrs
IJD & Max
awesome post maties. Congrats on your 100th post. The dog trust is going to be a happy place this month. Great idea of yours and well done. We hope you get even more comments.
Noah xx
We are a little late getting here, but Ruby and Penny told us about your great 100th post celebration - congratulations. You have a very nice blog.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
here is our belated comment! sorry we missed the main event!
Guys, we're so sorry we missed your 100th post! Congratulations on achieving it and with such style!
We loved your celebration of firsts and the great way in which you remembered your friends!
We love reading through your posts - always makes us smile!
Congrats again and looking forward to the next 100!
lots of appreciative woofs from
Clive and gang!
PS-think the donation idea is brillant!
Congrats on the 100th post. You really do a nice job and I enjoy coming to your blog!
hey congratulations on your 100th post! hope you have many more! you guys rock!
Pet Pride
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