Max - It's because we have a lot of news!
JD - It's been a really busy week for us, what with us helping our humans with the sheds and the building works! And you know what - today we're having a tremendously exciting day!
Max - We sure are - and it's not even lunchtime yet!
JD - It all started off with our usual morning walk....
Max - ....we met up with a lot of our friends - Ty the husky puppy (hasn't he grown?!) and Dylan the Tibetan Terrier with his little sister Flossie (who got a bit jealous of Max and Ty touching noses!)
JD - Dylan asked female human if he could have a close-up photo - she was happy to oblige as he's super cute. Do you know, at a local country show Dylan won first prize in the 'puppy the judges would most like to take home with them' section?!
Max - Our chum Neo was there - you might remember him as the doggie who is a little obsessed with his tennis balls. He was very happy this morning as he had TWO!
JD - And I made the wonderful find of a discarded sock! Oooh, it was smashing to play with!!
Max - So, after all this fun we eventually decided that we had better take our female human back home as we know she can start to get a bit grumpy if she doesn't get her morning cuppa by a certain time....
JD - ....indeed! We find that humans are usually happier if we train them around a set routine you see, he he he!
Max - And do you know what we discovered when we got home? Do you?
JD - Erm, they probably don't Max! I think you'll probably have to actually tell everyone or we might be here for a while....
Max - Oh, okay then JD! Well, we got home to find not just one, but TWO parcels waiting for us!
JD - We were SO excited! One of the parcels was from a far away place called Singapore....
Max - ....and the other parcel was from another far away place called Australia!!
JD - On this second parcel was a small address label, which also had the picture of the most beautiful Schnauzer nose in the World, so we knew immediately that this parcel was from the wonderful, the intelligent, the beautiful and amazing Sasha - sigh!!
Max - We know that the parcel from Sasha is for our birthday next week so we are not allowed to open it until then! We're so excited - we're going to take loads of photographs of us opening it and we'll be blogging about it next Sunday when we're all mature and grown-up as we'll both be one year old!
JD - We have to say though, we're a bit grumpy with our human because not one of the parcels that we sent out over 4 weeks ago (to Sasha, Oskar and Ruby and Penny) to celebrate our 100th post has turned up yet!
Female Human - Well lads - I can't do much about the speed of the postal service you know!
Max - Humph! Anyway, we knew that the parcel from Singapore was from our lovely pal Cobi - and it was a wonderful spa treatment for the two of us, some dead sea mud!
JD - We're booked in to have a grooming session on Friday and our human has already told the groomers that we'll be turning up with this treatment applied! They'll wash it off and then give us a lovely haircut.
Max - We can't wait to be pampered with it! We're going to look so handsome - almost as handsome as Cobi!
JD - Is that possible Max?
Max - Well, I did say ALMOST JD! I don't think that we could ever look as stylish as Cobi.
JD - Very true! Anyway - female human told us that she's never had a parcel from Singapore or Australia - ha!
Max - We truly are international Schnauzers, he he he!
JD - Stylish Cobi and sweet Sasha - thank you both so much! We're so excited and we can't wait for 'part 2' of our blog about each of your parcels!
Max - Also, something else very exciting happened about a week ago and female human has been very tardy in getting this news onto our blog!
JD - Yes - we might have to have stern words with her about it!
Max - You see, we got an award from Dennis the Vizla dog! It's the CLASS ACT AWARD and he presented it to us in recognition of the charitable donations we will be making at the end of September in honour of our 100th post!

Max - The only requirement of this award is that we pass it onto 6 other class acts!
JD - Gosh! We think ALL our buddies are class acts, so we thought what we'd do was to pass this award onto our 6 newest blogging buddies. So, please accept this award Mr Darcy - hearing about how you help your daddy with his push-ups by sitting on him and falling over him is clear evidence of how helpful and classy you truly are!; Clive - we aspire to become PAT doggies and we view actual service doggies as super-class-act doggies!; El'bow and Hauwii who are the classiest 'little and large' double act we've ever seen; and Nellie and Calvert, whom we feel like we've known for years which is surely a sign of true friendship and makes them a star class act in our eyes!
Max - So please accept this award - we think you all ooze class!
JD - Whilst we're on the subject of our wonderful blog friends, can we please ask you all to pop over to Munchkin Memoirs and vote for our Schnauzer pal Santa in the 'Most Ear-resistible Contest'!
Max - Please DO take the time to vote! We would like to uphold the honour of the Schnauzer and Santa has the prettiest, most amazing pair of ears that we have ever seen on a doggie - he he he!
JD - Finally, we have what we think is really thrilling news to share!
Max - Yes! Recently we have been showing our humans what good puppies we are by no longer chewing or scratching the furniture or trying to eat the newspapers and the CDs, so they have decided to award us the ultimate privilege...
JD - ....oooh, I can hardly say the words I'm so thrilled about it....
Max - ....our humans have FINALLY allowed us to join them on one of their sofas!
JD - Isn't it exciting? Female human really enjoyed how much we cuddled up to her when we visited Pippa at home recently and were allowed on the furniture there, so she really wanted those schnauzer snuggles to continue back home! BUT she also didn't want us climbing up onto ALL of the furniture, so she had a plan!
Max - She sure did! She bought several blankets and introduced them to us as something we were allowed to snuggle on - ooh, they were comfy!
JD - After about a week our blankets were moved to cover the sofa - and since we knew that these were OUR blankets we knew that it could only mean one thing!
Max - We were finally allowed on the sofa!
JD - We were, we were! We were finally being promoted from the floor....
Max - ....up onto the furniture!
JD - Female human says this has been a good move - we know we're only allowed on the sofa where the blanket is and it means that whenever they have to go out we're a lot less stressed! In fact, we don't even give them a backwards glance when they leave now, he he he!
Max - To show you what we mean here are a few still shots that have been taken from this week's puppy-cam....
JD - Female human has realised just HOW much I love to snuggle. As you saw from the photo above I DO like to be 'king of the castle' - he he he! But there is a practical side to me sitting on the sofa like this - it's because when I'm perched a bit higher I REALLY can snuggle up very close to female human....bliss!
Max - So, as you can see, we've had rather a nice week this week! Busy, but very nice!
JD - We sure have - and next week is our first birthday so it's just going to get better and better!
Max - Thanks again to Cobi and Sasha - we can't wait to blog about your parcels next week!
JD - We know this has been a long post so we hope you stayed with us to the end, he he he! Have a nice weekend everyone!
What a wonderful week and what a lovely blog post, with so many photos to make readers feel good.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nothing sweeter. I do love, especially, the two in their doggie bed!!
My C C is posted. She's cute as a 'bug'!!!! Come on over. As always, you'll need to scroll down below my Saturday Photo Hunt photo to find Camera Critters entry.
Hope your weekend is most enjoyable!!
Oh how wonderful that you two pups have matured into such mature young dogs. Those couches have been waiting for you. Now you need to work on some nesting pillows! Nesting pillows would be the cherry on top of your couch sundae!
And I can't imagine how you boys will swoon when you open your presents. One of them will smell of Sasha!!!
WOW. JD and Max, you two have been really busy. Loved seeing you with your friends and your human Mom has spoiled you on the sofa!!!! But then, I guess you spoil her with your cuddles!
Your dogs are just beautiful.
There journey from puppies to grown up dogs is wonderful.
Meowee! So much exciting news. Sheds and walkies, awards and snuggles. Does it get any better than that?? Congratulations on your upcoming 100th post.
Ooh...that was indeed a long post and a wonderful one too! I must tell you, the sofa is indeed a good place to snuggle in. We love the sofa too! *whisper* Tell you guys something, Minnie loves to chew her chicken bone on the sofa.
Oh yes, thanks guys for the support in my "ear"resistible contest.
- Santa
Hello guys! wow so many news and surprises today! First of all, I must say that you guys are so lucky, your mommy is sooo adorable and she has a fabulous heart and take good care of you, those pictures are perfect and wow the idea about the sofa is awesome.I need to ask my mommy here about it, to ask her doing the same about the sofa!
Wonderful pictures friends today! Glad to see them!
Also congrats, you deserve a lot of treats!
Love you guys!
What an exciting time you all have had these last few days! Great photos. So many handsome dogs in one post!
Hi JD and Max, you have certainly been busy lately. But please don't eat the wooly bears. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. Come back soon.
Mammoth post loaded with wonderful material!
I love how they "reflect" each other in sleeping mode - so cute!
JD and Mx
2 parcels and mud treatments? How fabby is that ? I get mud treatments but I don't think it's the same thing. And congrats on the award.. well deserved. But I must say the snugglie foto with mom is the best
JD and Max, you are adorable! And I believe I'd like to take Dylan home with me, too. so cute!
Oh, that was a lovely post, Max & JD! You boys are always just so cheeky and adorable! :-) Congrats on the new sofa privilegs - that looks so comfy and I'm sure your female human is enjoying the new snuggles! Your comments about the sock you found really had me giggling. And that is a gorgeous shot of Dylan - am not surprised he won that prize!
Oh - I didn't realise it was your birthday next week! Gosh - I can't believe you're going to be all grown up and 1yr old!!!! Can't wait to see what's in your parcels!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. Boys - sorry to be a pain but when your human has some time, could you please ask her to get a nice, close-up shot of you both snuggling together on the sofa? A nice picture showing your faces looking at the camera, if possible! (maybe if your male human could stand behind her with a squeaky toy or something yummy, to get your attention) - it's just that my human has a little project she really wants to get on with but she needs a good clear photo of you boys to do it! And I'm sure all your blogging pals would love to see some photos from a "photoshoot"!! Thanks!
Honey the Great Dane
Dear JD and Max,
O! I am feeling so emotional - my first award! Thank you very much for thinking of me!
I am so so so glad you are allowed on the sofa now! Your hooman thought of a very clever way of commoonicating that to you! I bet she is one of the happiest hoomans every with all the snuggles she's getting!
Gosh I can't believe you're nearly 1! I always make the mistake of thinking you chaps are older than myself as you are both so wise! I am very immature, I am sure. teehehe!
BTW I loved your dawgy park pictures!
Mr Darcy
how sweet and playful they are. i was fascinated looking at them in different poses.
my entry:
hey you guys are a terrific duo!
Pet Pride
I love the photos of JD and Max. They are such cute dogs and it sounds like they have been spoiled big time. I know they are hpapy dogs. Thanks for sharing your critters.
Thanks for visiting our camera critter post. That fly landed on the printer when Aunty Diana was at the computer. It was just a great opportunity for Aunty Diana to snap away but it was the fly that did a great job by keeping still!
Hello boys! What a week you had! You know I'm crazy about you and your friends! I'm so happy you can make friend in your neighborhood because around here, dogs are always locked in their houses. We only have human friends.
YOu are so cute, schnauzers! We love your pictures and intelligent posts. It's an honour for us having you guys as friends.
Much love from Brazil.
Khwite the post!
I must say: That Ty is khwite the looker!
You guys are too cute for words! :) I especially love the sleeping and snuggling pictures. They are priceless!
Hi JD and Max
What a great post - loved all the info and pics! Thank you so much for the award - we are very honoured to be among such a great group of dogs!
Glad you're both allowed onto the settee now - nothing like sitting up off the ground!
Can't wait to hear about the birthday celebrations.
Take care and thanks again for the award - we'll post about it real soon!
- Clive and gang
Great stuff JD and Max. Frodo the Faller snuggles like JD. What an exciting week you've had and I liked your post about the doggy bowl and the pump - there are some nice humans around, aren't there?
Happy Birthday - bet you can't wait to open your parcels.
Wow you sure did have a busy week. Glad to see you are now allowed on the sofa! That snuggle technique is definitely a winner!
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