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Sunday, 27 September 2009

Pet Pride - It's the Little Things That Count

JD - Hi everyone - happy Pet Pride!

Max - If you haven't joined in the fun of Pet Pride yet please DO swing on by and check it all out. Bozo is a wonderful host and we've made a lot of great pals because of him - thanks Bozo!

JD - For today's Pet Pride we want to show you a photo of a water pump....

Exhibit A - a water pump!

Max - ....here it is! This water pump is on the sea-front and is positioned by some beach huts enabling families to fill up their kettles and allowing anglers the opportunities to fill up their buckets and wash off their catches.

JD - Now, you might be thinking 'big deal!' - he he he! - but take a closer look at the photo....

Max - ....and you will see that some wonderfully kind person at our local council office made the decision to chain a water bowl onto this pump for all of us doggies to use when we're out for our daily constitutional! Isn't that great?

JD - Although female human always takes a portable drinking bowl and bottle of water with her whenever we're out, we nevertheless know about this pump and always like to stop off for a slurp....

Max - "Slurp, slurp, slurp.....!"

Max - ....you can't beat freshly pumped water! Ahh, refreshing!

Max - "Mmmm - delicious! I'd say that the 2009 freshly pumped autumnal water is definitely one of my favourite vintages....he he he!"

JD - We'd like to say 'thank you' to whoever it was at our local council who decided to make this small but meaningful gesture!

Max - We sure would! We reckon it was someone who has a doggie of their own and that they are very proud of their doggie! And that, dear blog readers, is what the spirit of Pet Pride is all about!!

Join in the fun at Pet Pride....


Diana Chiew said...

Oh yes, whoever decided to have that water pump and a water bowl for doggies like us deserves a pat on the back!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes, what a great idea! We have our traveling bowls, too, but sure is nice to find someone thinking of us!! And that's my favorite vintage, too!!! Guess I'm not surprised though, we are so much alike!

Sam Schnauzer and Mojo the Most

We love Luna said...

What a cool idea, nice to know the council there take good care of the animals!
Adorable slurp picture! :)
purrs and love and of course a great week for you guys!

LadyFi said...

What a simple yet caring idea! I love it.

Dianne said...

lovely idea!
sweet thirsty pups :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

Very nice! It reminds me a bit of when we went on a hike up in the mountains here, and found that someone had stocked the trail with steel bowls and water for the dogs.

Carolina said...

Great post! Big smile ;-)

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello schnauzers its dennis the vizsla dog hay thanks for stopping by yes it wuz a fun hike!!! eksept wen dada had to kerry tucker bak up the mowntin i dont think that wuz fun for dada but it wuz fun to watch ha ha!!! ennyway if yoo want to reed abowt it we did a post on it heer!!! ok bye

The Island Cats said...

Well, that's a great idea that somebody had! And we bet all you woofies really appreciate a fresh drink of water!

Frodo said...

yes, there are geniuses lost around the world! Great thing some of them still work for dogs!!! =)))))

I'll be out for the week, but I let my siblings taking care of the hoouse. You come and visit them, if it pleases you boys.

Much love!

Deborah Godin said...

That looks like a wonderful "watering hole"! And I agree, very thoughtful.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

What a MARVELOUS idea! Molly and I both wish they'd put running water or something like this at Dog Beach so I wouldn't have to CARRY it along with everything else (toys, camera, etc)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Dear JD and Max,
Well that is so nice and thoughtful!
It reminds me of the horse water troughs around australia. Ages, and ages ago, before hoomans used cars, a man traveled around remote parts of New South Wales putting in public water troughs. This meant that tired and thirsty horses could always have a drink.

Mr Darcy

Unknown said...

Hi JD and Max
That was a brilliant and thoughtful idea. Wow.. someone was thinking. Slurp.. I'm trying to get a taste.

Ingrid said...

Drinking water out of insolite places tastes much better then out of a normal bowl or mom's bottle ! My cats think that too !

Anya said...

Hi Max & JD
You have everyday freshly pumped water thats delicious :)))
And very healthy !!!!!
Kareltje =^.^=

Ziggy Stardust said...

That is a very nice thing for someone to do for us doggies. I bet it tastes yummy.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Clive said...

A very nice idea indeed!

Unknown said...

Oh, what a kind person! I like to get fresh water on my walks too - I usually just walk right up to the human water fountains coz they are just perfect for my head height - hee! hee! And then Hsin-Yi presses the button for cool water to spurt out for me to drink! :-) (But she only does it when no other humans are around and she always rinses it carefully afterwards coz she thinks other humans wouldn't appreciate all my slobber on the water fountain! Hey - it's outdoors! Birds could poo on it and everything!)

Honey the Great Dane

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh the doggie bowl is a great idea.

Noah x

parlance said...

I always feel welcome when I come across one of those water bowls for dogs. I know I"m not in one of those places that make dog owners feel unwelcome.

Ruby and Penny said...

Whoever was the giver of the water bowl is very special.
Love Ruby & Penny

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That is a good idea, us doggies do like some fresh water on our outings. We usually make the humans carry ours in their rucksacks...hehe

Holly & Zac...XX

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That was a very cool idea indeed to have a water bowl handy when you're thirsty! Kudos to your local council! *grins*


Amber and Nala said...

What a nice person to leave that drinking bowl! Hope the water is extra cold and refreshing! :)


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

We have showers with a tap beside for surfers to rinse off sand.. now Im thinking it wouldnt be hard to sneaky out one night and do that at a few of the beaches....people often forget or get caught out without a bowl ... and hey what are they going to book me for... Ill wear black and take our Dane Chelsea.. no one will see us in the dark....(grin)

thanks for the brilliant idea, you guys are lucky our council would have to have 3 meetings and 6 votes before they got around to such a fantastic & simple idea

Oskar said...

Very nice. They should include the two of you drinking from it in a brochure!